Women of the Week – How they Balance it All!

StarburstAre you looking for a few words of wisdom on how to balance it all? Join us in looking back at what our past Women of the Week have had to say on the topic…

Jami Herberg
I don’t balance it all every day, but attempt to set a game plan each day about what success will look like at the end of that day.

DeDe Miser
Know what is most important at all times.

Stephanie Hanna
Coming to terms with the fact that there is no such thing! Recognizing there are tons of different ways to make things work and that I can’t be everything to everyone at all times have both been incredibly freeing. I do my best with what I’ve got and let the rest fall where it may.

Marcie Seidel
Some days I don’t – healthy eating, consistent exercise and enough sleep help.

Bethany Donatelli
I don’t…I have learned to let it go. I’m constantly re-prioritizing and shuffling my time to make it all work. I love my busy life and try to schedule down time when I need it…or when my husband tells me it’s too much.

Quotes that Inspire!

StarburstWe love to find and share quotes that inspire. We are fortunate that we often need to look no further than our past Women of the Week for this inspiration!

Jolie Havens
“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” (Anna Quindlen)

Jennifer Scheehle
“Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage”.

Jaclyn Peresetsky
“The first step is the hardest-making a commitment to yourself for yourself.” (Mary Kay Ash)

Patricia Stafford, M.D.
“Put the uncommon effort into the common task . . . make it large by doing it in a great way.” (Orison Swett Marden)

Michelle Bertoia
“The wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber. Their bottoms are made out of springs. They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is I’m the only one. I’m the only one!” (Tigger the Tiger from Winnie the Pooh)

Woman of the Week – Jenny Dingle

Jenny DingleHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Jenny Dingle

My Current Job/Company:
Level 2 Executive Consultant with Rodan + Fields

My Birthday:

My Work:
In 2013, I partnered with Rodan and Fields, to sell innovative, dermatology-based skincare products backed by clinically proven results. Our company was established on the principle that living better in your skin means living better in your life. Their unique business model offers an unparalleled personal enterprise opportunity for individuals to join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs connected via social networks.

My Passion:
My family and friends.

My Family:
Tom (Supportive Husband), Noah (6), Sadie (5) and our Westie, Webster (8).

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother is my hero. She was not only my mother, but my best friend. She passed away when I was 30 after a 5 year battle with pancreatic cancer. She had an amazing gift to put others first – making all of our hearts bigger, our smiles wider and our lives better. She taught me the power of kindness, the important balance of hard work and having fun (especially with good girlfriends), that family was everything and to never give up. She taught me determination and inspired me in both words and actions. She taught me not only to live, but how to graciously die. She was simply the best.

My Escape:
Working out – I love a good sweat!

My Pet Peeve:
Blatant grammatical errors, sounds and feel of chalk and rude people.

My Indulgence:

My Roots:
No amount of success or money can take the place of time spent with your family and good friends.

My Future:

My Favorite Quote:
Two of my favorite quote come from my dad:
“Watch what others are doing and do the exact opposite.”
“It’s the little things that make a huge difference – show up, smile, answer your phone, send a hand written ‘thank you’ note. Little simple things will set you apart.”

My Accessory:
A smile and mascara….lots and lots of mascara.

My advice to Young Women:
Trust your gut. Believe in yourself. Learn from your mistakes. You control your own destiny.

How I Balance it All:
Develop a strong support network and set aside time for family and friends. I have also learned to it’s okay to say “no”.

Woman of the Week – Marissa Michaels

Marissa Michaels Headshot_2015Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Marissa Michaels

My Current Job/Company:
System Vice President, OhioHealth

My Birthday:

My Work:
I lead an Employer Services division backed by OhioHealth that provides associate health and wellness solutions for over 4,000 employers annually. When the health of their employees thrive businesses also thrive.

My Passion:
My family, my friendships, my commitment to do something bigger than myself.

My Family:
Tom (Husband and High School Sweetheart), Erin (18 year old daughter off to University of Kentucky this fall), Ryan (16 year old son who is both a free spirit and tremendous athlete) and Claire (12 year old Collie who herds us all to be better selves).

My Hero or Heroes:
My Dad who has laughed his way through tough times in life and my best friend who has lost her husband to cancer and raises a family with grace and strength.

My Escape:
A warm sunny place. If I can find a piece of sun and a quiet place to enjoy it at least once a quarter it makes a world of difference in my outlook.

My Pet Peeve:
The words “I can’t” and consistent tardiness.

My Indulgence:
A good movie.

My Roots:
Laughter, support, Midwest values, hugs.

My Future:
The eternal search for my “ness”… I feel I am getting closer.

My Favorite Quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

My Accessory:
A smile, a great pair of sunglasses and a hat on the weekends.

My advice to Young Women:
Journal (writing it down helps to sort through the tough stuff), develop a wide network of girlfriends (those gal pals will be the best form of therapy you will ever have), and always have a set of written goals (make sure some of them help you stretch).

How I Balance it All:
Eat the apple one bite at a time, don’t sweat the small stuff, and ask for help (most people consider it a compliment that you asked).

Woman of the Week – Elizabeth Stelzer

Elizabeth StelzerHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Elizabeth Stelzer

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Marketing & PR at GSW. We are one of the largest health and wellness advertising agencies in the world.

My Birthday:

My Work:
I spread the word about GSW’s amazing work and culture and build partnerships throughout the communities where our employees and clients live and work.

My Passion:
My two young girls. Their abilities amaze me!

My Family:
My husband of 17 years John, Lilly (11), Abigail (8) and Scarlet our crazy new puppy.

My Hero or Heroes:
My mom. Mom always knows best.

My Escape:
A good sleep!

My Pet Peeve:
In the workplace? Unprofessionalism.

My Indulgence:
Shopping. I love clothes. And Mexican food!

My Roots:
My grandfather always said “nothing is more precious than a good family.” That right there sums up my roots.

My Future:
After 15 years with a former employer, I took a leap of faith a year ago and changed companies and industries. It was very scary at first. I now feel even more confident about anything I put my mind to and I am eager to continue trying new things.

My Favorite Quote:
“Do not kiss your children so they will kiss you back, but so they will kiss their children, and their children’s children.” ~ Noah benShea

My Accessory:
Angel perfume by Thierry Mugler and my iPhone.

My advice to Young Women:
Find a mentor but also watch very closely the people you never want to be like. They will teach you a great deal.

How I Balance it All:
I’m an organizer and a thinker. Plan, plan and plan some more. Always have a plan. And as a mom – carpools. Always join in on carpools!

Woman of the Week – Leah Senecal

Leah SenecalHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Leah Senecal

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Guest Happiness at sparkspace

My Birthday:
September 4th, 1980

My Work:
I’m ever so lucky to work with amazing clients and co-workers at sparkspace. The best place ever to have a team meeting that inspires, engages, and facilitates creativity. I help create an inviting environment, problem solve, engage, and connect with all of our clients. I also write a blog called “How to have the Best Meeting Ever”.

My Passion:
Family, music, and helping others.

My Family:
My husband Nick – handsome, supportive and the best daddy ever.
My 5 yr old daughter Hayden – smart, kind-hearted and creative.
My 18-month old daughter Raegan – smart, determined and loving.

My Heroes:
My grandparents. Married for over 60 years and they still hold hands.

My Escape:
I love being around mountains and hiking. If I’m not in the mountains, a long walk will suffice.

My Pet Peeve:
Lack of respect and littering

My Indulgence:
Red wine, unless it’s patio weather than a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

My Roots:
Small Town USA. Close family, and my 4 best friends I’ve had since kindergarten.

My Future:
Happy, healthy and grateful.

My Favorite Quote:
“The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are.” –Goldie Hawn

My Accessory:
Definitely a scarf girl. Sunglasses and a smile.

My Advice to Young Women:
Be authentic. Find happiness. And when you make choices for yourself and not for others, happiness and authenticity are effortless.

How I balance it all:
Ask for help. I’m fortunate enough to have a very strong and abundant support system both personally and professionally. Sometimes the only way to keep balance is to ask for help.

Woman of the Week – Jami Herzberg

Herzberg_JamiHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Jami Herzberg

My Current Job/Company:
Vice President, Workforce Relations
Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS)

My Birthday:

My Work:
The best part of my job is that I work with leaders across CHS to create an incredible teammate experience. I support an amazing team that aligns the HR strategy across all business units, resulting in a highly engaged workforce. Our teammates have pride in CHS, our mission and believe we are a great place to work.

My Passion:
My family, my faith and my fitness.

My Family:
Chris (teacher to others and to me!), Landon (rambunctious 10 year old), Kason (a very kind 8 year old)

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother, who has been my biggest supporter and fan, and who has encouraged me to reach past my potential. I have also been fortunate to have many mentors throughout my life who have provided wisdom and guidance through every stage of my career.

My Escape:
Watching the sun rise across the ocean with my family. Any beach vacation energizes me!

My Pet Peeve:
Individuals who are working against you instead of with you.

My Indulgence:

My Roots:
Midwestern values and family-oriented. Encouragement to pursue goals to the fullest extent.

My Future:
Promising, full of learning and opportunities, exciting family times as children age.

My Favorite Quote:
“Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.” (Jay Danzie)

My Accessory:
A particular ring that was given to me by a mentor, that I wear on certain days to give me inspiration and encouragement.

My advice to Young Women:
Be who you are.  Do as you say.  (It sounds simple, but requires intentionality.)

How I Balance it All:
I don’t balance it all every day, but attempt to set a game plan each day about what success will look like at the end of that day.

What are you passionate about?

StarburstDo you ever stop and think about what you are truly passionate about? We love to look back at what moves our Women of the Week and how they weave their passion into their careers…

Kristy Carlson
My Work:
Helping people to grow and develop in ways that make a strategic impact on our business.

My Passion:
To inspire, empower, and enable everyone around me to be the very best version of themselves and reach their full potential.

Roxanne LaMuth
My Work:
I have the wonderful opportunity to be an ambassador for the Delta Gamma Foundation sharing the good work we do for our members and for the blind and visually impaired community. I connect with literally thousands of donors over the year and because of their love and support of the Foundation’s mission and philanthropy, their passion to “Do Good” continues to enhance my own passion for making a difference in the world.

My Passion:
My family, friends and the gift of Delta Gamma Sisterhood, with a clear understanding and appreciation that the core of a meaningful life is nothing without faith in God.

Ashlie Edwards
My Work:
I plan AEP’s Telecommunication upgrades for the state of Ohio. This includes working closely with other planning, project management, engineering, construction, operation, security, legal, regulatory, and accounting teams across the organization.

My Passion: Achieving goals while helping others.

Megan Myers
My Work:
For a long time, I felt too defined by my professional work, so it’s really interesting to answer this question at this point in my life and career. Quite simply, the work that I find most rewarding is creating an end-product that makes people happy and feel successful – whether it’s a tangible product, an intangible mindset, or anything in between – and having a great time along the way. Work isn’t nearly as good if there’s no joy in the journey.

My Passion:
My family and wellness. I love CrossFit! I am passionate about feeling strong and energized. I am passionate about living a healthy life and being an example for others to do the same. Professionally, my passion is about rooting a good story in a sound purpose and connecting the dots.

Woman of the Week – Jolie Havens

View More: http://renataramsini.pass.us/jhavensHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Jolie Havens

My Current Job/Company:
Partner & Chair of Health Care Group – Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP

My Birthday:

My Work:
I work with health care providers across the industry to navigate the complex and constantly-changing health care regulatory landscape. I do significant work related to provider reimbursement, survey, certification, and accreditation, fraud and abuse compliance, and Affordable Care Act compliance. I love the health care industry – none other like it!

My Passion:
Personally – my sons – they are the sunshine in my life and frequently give me much-needed perspective on life. Professionally – my clients – I get to work with some incredible individuals and providers that put so much good into the world.

My Family:
Cecil (husband of 10 years) and identical twin sons, age 8 – Alexander (my old soul, family peacekeeper, and the third parent) and Nicholas (my natural leader, comedian, and supreme negotiator).

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother, Patricia Havens. She raised me (an only child) as a single parent – she made brave and selfless choices in order to give me the best possible life. She is also an incredible grandmother – always there when I need her, no matter what.

My Escape:
M. Nicholson Hip-Hop Fitness @ Phlex Fitness (in Gahanna). Mike Nicholson and his program are life-changing – feeds my mind, body, and spirit!

My Pet Peeve:
Intolerant/judgmental people – live and let live.

My Indulgence:
Fine dining, spa treatments, and lipstick (you can never have too many).

My Roots:
Humble. Simple. Very happy. Surrounded by extended family. Multiple 20+ year friendships that I treasure to this day.

My Future:
Very bright and amazingly blessed – optimistic and excited to see what happens next!

My Favorite Quote:
One of my favorites: “The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” (Anna Quindlen)

My Accessory:
Something animal or reptile print. Wedge heels. Big smile.

My advice to Young Women:
Take time to really get to know yourself – who you are, where you’re from, and what you stand for. Define (and redefine) what happiness and success mean to YOU. Own your choices – you don’t owe anyone an explanation or apology.

How I Balance it All:
Each day – prioritize, reprioritize, and maintain a sense of humor. Importantly, I, single-handedly, do not balance it all – my life only works with consistent support from some awesome people.

Woman of the Week – DeDe Miser

MISERD_2Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
DeDe Miser

My Current Job/Company:
Director, Relationship Strategies/Nationwide

My Birthday:
June 1st

My Work:
I am responsible for overseeing the day-to-day internal strategic direction of Relationship Strategies – Financial Institution and Independent Channels – Annuities. As a member of the Relationship Strategies leadership team, I am tasked with leading a team that works with over 60 national key accounts, selling annuities, life insurance, mutual funds and retirement plan products. I work closely with the leadership team from other areas to build strategy and to execute on channel initiatives.

My Passion:
My faith, my family and giving back to others.

My Family:
My wonderful husband: Ivan
My daughter: Natasha
My son and daughter in-law: Derek and Ceara
My beautiful granddaughters: Aubrey and Noel
My parents: Harold and Betty Lewis
My siblings: Jill and Michael

My Hero or Heroes:
My Mom Betty and my 94 year old friend, Vi.

My Escape:
Hanging out with family and friends, shopping and traveling.

My Pet Peeve:
People who don’t give their best.

My Indulgence:
Mexican food.

My Roots:
My family and friends.

My Future:
Endless possibilities.

My Favorite Quote:
“Live to Believe in the Impossible.” (DeDe Miser)

My Accessory:
My smile.

My advice to Young Women:
Never give up on your dreams and stay focused.

How I Balance it All:
Know what is most important at all times.