Woman of the Week – Becca Thomas

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Becca Thomas

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Events and Marketing for Komen Columbus

My Birthday:
October 6, 1983

My Work:
I’m responsible for organizing the second largest Race for the Cure in the country, along with other fundraising and educational events for the Affiliate. I also help promote Affiliate news and events through social media and traditional media channels.

My Passion:
Helping others and constantly learning.

My Family:
My very adorable husband and puppy, Luke and Molasses, respectively.

My Heroes:
My parents. Some of my earliest memories are of volunteering in our community with them and delivering homemade dinners to friends or family in need. They have an incredible work ethic and set wonderful examples for our family in terms of their relationship and balancing family and success.

My Escape:
During the week – working out early in the morning and ending the day on my backyard patio with a glass of wine. I spend my weekends getting “eco-therapy” as my husband calls it, by spending time outside at a nearby park or in the Hocking Hills.

My Pet Peeves:
Ignorance and intolerance. Also, incorrect grammar.

My Indulgence:
The aforementioned wine and the latest Vanity Fair. Traveling to see friends and family spread out across the country. Fresh cut flowers and manicures.

My Roots:
Eastern European, then New England meets Midwest. I grew up in a small town with a great sense of community, but was very fortunate to be able to travel and experience different cultures as well.

My Future:
Healthy and happy with a meaningful career and semi-well behaved children.

My Loves:
My family, cooking, my completely delicious niece and wonderful friends.

My Movie:
It’s a top 3 –
1. Apollo 13 as I wanted to be an astronaut for many years, but finally decided I couldn’t do it better than Tom Hanks and was terrified of actual Apollo 13-type situation,
2. The Motorcycle Diaries because you can see the passion and intensity develop in Che Guevara as a young adult, and
3. Tommy Boy because it reminds me of my childhood.

My Quote on Life:
Nothing can trump the Golden Rule. Also, “Never regret anything that has happened in your life; it cannot be changed, undone or forgotten. Take it as a lesson learned and move on.”

My Accessory:
Jewelry from my husband. My iPhone is never far away either.

My Advice to Young Women:
Work hard and make things happen and you never know where you’ll land. Learn from challenges and adversity and strive to be better.

Woman of the Week – Cary Hanosek

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting people who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Cary Hanosek

My Current Job/Company:
Investment Associate/Merrill Lynch

My Birthday:

My Work:
I build relationships with clients and offer financial advice and guidance for families and for business owners. I am a partner in The Simonton-Hanosek-Mangum Wealth Management Team at Merrill Lynch.

My Passion:
My dad has a saying: “You should spend your time concentrating on your mind, body, and community” and I believe strongly in that mantra. Community includes your family, friends, and your city.

My Family:
Joe (Encouraging Husband), Meredith (Strong-Willed and Independent 7-year-old daughter), Madison (Feisty and Fearless 4-year-old daughter)

My Heroes:
My parents, Meredith and Bob Patton. They have been married 47 years this year and they are still happy and in love. Very impressive! They worked together in business for over 20 years and they taught my brother and me the value of hard work and the importance of family.

My Escape:
Downton Abbey

My Pet Peeve:
Inefficiency and grammatical errors

My Indulgence:
Jeni’s Salty Carmel and Queen City Cayenne Ice Cream

My Roots:
Family and faith focused. I grew up in Springfield, Ohio, with a fantastic group of friends with whom I am very close even today.

My Future:
I am optimistic about the future but I live in the present. I live by the old quote: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”

My Love:
Spending time with family and friends in Charlevoix, Michigan, every summer.

My Movie:
Auntie Mame (1958)

My Quote on Life:
“Life’s a banquet, and most suckers are starving to death.” -Rosalind Russell in Auntie Mame

My Accessory:
My University of Virginia watch

My Advice to Young Women:
Be fearless and be a trailblazer. When preparing for a presentation, research your topic and rehearse so you are the smartest person in the room.

How I Balance it All:
I have developed a group of friends in town who are very special to me and help me when I need it. My career would not be possible without the support of my husband and my parents. I am blessed and I am grateful every day.

Woman of the Week – Toni M. Cunningham

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Toni M. Cunningham

My Current Job/Company: Principal Consultant/Image Anu, LLC

My Birthdate: 07.02.66

My Work: I provide consultation to my clients in the area of personal and professional development for their customers and/or workforce. I assist them with achieving their goals related to aligning skills and talents with passion and purpose to ensure that the “value add” of the individual or team is maximized. I believe that people perform best when their role matches their soul.

My Passion: Helping people get to “next” in their lives (whatever that next is for them).

My Family: Helen (Amazing Mother), Bryan and Martin (Half Brothers), BJ/Cory/April/Jaylen/Jarrod (Nieces and Nephews), The BG’s & My Besties (Girlfriends)

My Hero: My Mom (Helen Cunningham). She has an amazing ability to show unconditional love.

My Escape: Any destination that includes the sun, sand, and water. Water relaxes me.

My Pet Peeve: Poor customer service & people who expect something for nothing.

My Indulgence: Donatos Pizza. Chicken wings. Drinks with girlfriends.

My Roots: My faith sustains me. As well as the support of my family and friends.

My Future: Exciting! Fueled by the pursuit of my passion and purpose.

My Love: Hanging with my girlfriends. Listening to old school R&B and gospel music. Dogs (they make me smile).

My Movie: Coming to America (I know all of the lines). I love comedies and love stories!

My Quote on Life: “Not every conversation will change your life, but every conversation could.”-Jan Allen

My Accessory: Anything that blings!! I love BLING!

My Advice to Young Women: Identify your purpose and find your passion early and pursue them. The world needs what you were born to give us. Purpose + Passion = POWER!

How I Balance it All: It’s hard. I consistently struggle with this issue. Being a consultant and working with multiple clients, it is important to be able to manage multiple priorities. Time management and self discipline are things that I constantly work to improve. In the meantime, I try to focus on “being in the moment” and focused on the task at hand to ensure that I am providing quality outcomes. On the flip side, it is important to have down time. I make time for hanging out with friends or pampering myself to stay rejuvenated.

Woman of the Week – Tammy H. Wharton

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Tammy H. Wharton

My Current Job/Company: Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. – CEO

My Birthdate: 10-06-68

My Work: Helping girls reach their leadership potential through programs, activities, and community service that give them the courage, confidence and character to succeed.

My Passion: My work, my family, and giving back to the community.

My Family: Dave (The rock behind me), Ally (often called Gator for Ally-gator – 12 soon to be 13 in May), Austin (My son who has never met a stranger – 10 going to be 11 in March)

My Heroes: My parents. Frank and Susan Hunt who have been the wind beneath my wings ever since I was a young girl. They have always told me the truth, regardless of whether I wanted to hear it or not but that I why I trust them to this day.

My Escape: The Spa. I’m still learning the importance of taking time to escape and take care of myself.

My Pet Peeve: Nay Sayers and status quo.

My Indulgence: Wine.

My Roots: Central Pennsylvania, country girl. Extremely supportive family who taught me wonderful values.

My Future: Blessed and full of opportunity. Who would have ever thought I would be working my dream job at such a young age! (Yes, I still consider myself young. Besides, you are only as old as you feel!)

My Love: My work and my children. I can see in my children the difference it makes to be involved in Scouting and sports activities. Nothing is better than to see them achieve a goal they have worked so hard to accomplish!

My Movie: “The Cutting Edge.” (I love movies where people defy the odds to achieve a goal!)

My Quote on Life: “To do the most good requires saying “no” to pressures to stray, and the discipline to stop doing what does not fit.” -Jim Collins

My Accessory: Diamonds (They are a girls best friend, right?)

My Advice to Young Women: Never let anyone tell you that you can’t accomplish something. If you believe, you can achieve!

How I Balance it All: Balance doesn’t mean everything all the time. There are days when work takes more of my time and others when family is a priority. Knowing which day is which is truly the key!

Woman of the Week – Renee Shumate

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Renee Shumate

Job: Resource & Budget Analyst at American Electric Power

Birthday: 10-06-1964

My Work: Analyze changing operational and capacity demands and make recommendations to management for their evaluation and consideration regarding future business decisions for Transmission Engineering


My Passion: My church women’s leadership group:”Woman Be Blessed Ministries.” Community service, mentoring young women


My Family: Alex (Wonderful and supportive husband; Henry & Jacqueline Sherrod (Best parents a girl could wish for); Kendal (My nephew who is like a son); 
John & Aaron (step sons who are fine young men)
; Aaron Jr., Jackson and Chase (Adorable grandsons)

My Heroes: My parents who have been married for 48 years and are a true example of what marriage is all about. They have been wonderful role models.

My Escape: Palm Beach, FL with my husband and reading a good book while soaking up the sun.

My Pet Peeve: Tardiness, especially people who are consistently late.

Indulgence: Desserts, shopping, Charles Penzone massage & facial spa days and vacations

My Roots: My faith, my family and my friends

My Future: Exciting, promising, retired soon and healthy

My Love: Philanthropy and being a blessing to others and of course my husband

My Movie: “The Color Purple


My Quote on Life: But by the grace of God I am what I am. (
I Corinthians 15:10


My Accessory: Jewelry and purses

My Advice to Young Women: Have confidence in yourself and strive for balance in your life. Always remember it’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. Constantly grow and develop.

How I Balance it All: Not taking myself too seriously. Striving for inner peace.

Woman of the Week – Lynn M. Shatkus

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Lynn M. Shatkus

My Current Job/Company:

Chief Learning Officer, NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, IL.

My Birthday:

April 15, 1970

My Work:

I am the chief strategist for a team of 60 instructional designers and trainers who provide leadership development and electronic medical record training programs for 10,000 clinical and administrative staff in the Chicago area. NorthShore is a healthsystem of four hospitals and eighty plus physician offices, so my job has a lot of variety. I am rarely doing the same thing or in the same location from day to day.

My Passion:

Regardless of what I am doing, whether it’s in my personal life or at work, my passion is to do it with integrity and not compromise who I am, what I believe in, or where I came from. That goes for both success and failure, by the way. If I am going to trip and fall, I’m going to commit myself to it with great splendor so that I can learn from the experience. Maintaining my own personality and being able to laugh no matter what happens is how I define integrity.

My Family:

I am the middle child of three girls. My older sister, Lisa, is a brilliant person who never stops amazing me with her very rational approach to anything life throws her. I always rely on Lisa for an even-keeled read on situations. Nine times out of ten if I am freaking out about something, Lisa talks me off the ceiling and sends me on my way with a solution. Just yesterday I referred to her as “an encyclopedia with feet”. There’s nothing I can’t ask that she either knows about or can find out, and she’s the most efficient human I know. My younger sister, Laura, is this incredibly humorous and introspective creature who drips poetry in the way she lives her life. She’s an actor, which was a talent that showed itself by the age of two. I can watch her for hours as she drags people through a range of emotions they didn’t know they even had. All of these characteristics came from having two parents who embody the playfulness of children coupled with the good sense not to stifle creativity or passion in others. Do they think that things I do sometimes are crazy? Absolutely. Do they try to stop me from learning my own lessons, even at 41? Not a chance. With all of these people around me, I am very blessed.

My Heroes:

Well, if you’re referring to the traditional definition of hero – meaning someone of distinguished courage or ability, I’d have to list my Maternal Grandmother, Beverly Fitzgerald, who will be turning 93 years old in a few weeks. She lost her own Mother to Tuberculosis at a very young age and so she became a very independent person full of determination from the very start. She was a strong woman before it was cool to be so, which inspires me every day. In her lifetime she’s seen the invention of the traffic signal and the discovery of penicillin. She was around for the invention of the electron microscope, jet engines, helicopters, synthetic cortisone, the atomic bomb and the Frisbee – all by the time she was thirty. Despite the modernization of society and all of the advances with technology since 1919, she’s unfazed. My ninety-three-year-old Grandmother is on Facebook. You should friend her.

My Escape:

My favorite escape is to wander the streets of any very old city in Europe and take photographs. Just being next to churches and buildings that are thousands of years old are pause for reflection on life perspective and a reminder that everything is a fleeting moment in time.

My Pet Peeves:

People who are invasive in my space at a salad bar. It’s like they think that being right in my elbow is going to make me speed up my selection of lettuce. No chance.

My Indulgence:

Cookies and Cream milkshakes from Baskin Robbins. Sinful.

My Roots:

I am a mixture of heritage from Ireland, Lithuania, Germany, Belgium and France, and there actually is a contingent of my family that was in the circus at one time. As a third generation American on my father’s side and fourth on my Mother’s, I came from people who were unassuming and worked very hard. My paternal grandfather worked in a coal mine in Iowa and a factory in Chicago. My great-grandfather spoke five languages and died very young. I’ve only uncovered the tip of the iceberg but I’m fascinated by the history of my family tree.

My Future:

I always laugh when people ask what is next for me because to date I have not been “intentional” about anything in life. That seems to be working for me so far, so I think I’ll just stick with that. I feel like there’s a book inside me someday but I can’t put my finger on exactly what it might be about, so I will just keep going and one day it will spill out somewhere.

My Love(s):

When my little beagle Elfie, snuggles up into my chest at night. I can feel her heartbeat against my body and her breath in my neck and it’s absolute perfection. I also love a good snowstorm because everything gets very quiet and looks perfectly undisturbed.

My Movie:

“Real Genius” – a cute and quirky story about nerds winning out in the end. I love to see that.

My Quote on Life:

My mother hates when I say this because it sounds so fatalistic, but – “It’s not if…it’s when, so you better live it up.” Use the good china, wear the lingerie and tell the truth, even if it’s difficult.

My Accessory:

My late Grandmother Martha’s wedding ring from 1933. After my grandmother died, my Aunt let me have the ring and there was a little bit of cookie dough crusted inside the setting. My Grandma was always baking and I loved seeing a little bit of her passed on to me. I call the ring “Martha”. The real Martha never learned to drive a car but the ring “Martha” has been to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I like to think she’s with me in spirit wherever I go.

My Advice to Young Women:

Learn as many languages as you can, and travel the world at any cost. The lens with which you look at life will change dramatically for the better if you can do these two things.

How I Balance it All:

When I was younger I was consumed with everything having to be the American version of perfect, which was natural because that’s the culture in which I was raised. After living in Spain for a short period of time, however, it became clear to me that this definition was really screwed up. After watching the Spanish take three hours to have a meal and be fully and passionately engaged in the discussion that accompanied it rather than shoveling the food in and being on their way, I had a huge ah-ha moment. Once I wrapped my brain around this concept – that it’s okay to take things at a reasonable pace, to be in the moment and really commit your energy to what you’re doing right then instead of trying to do a million things at once, suddenly and very naturally, balance appeared. I don’t over schedule myself anymore, and if I do, I recognize it and cancel some things. I listen to my body. If I’m tired, I go to sleep and leave things for tomorrow. You have to set your own boundaries in life and hold firm to them and so I have found balance through little things like that.

lisa bloomquist scott

Woman of the Week – Lisa Bloomquist Scott

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

lisa bloomquist scott

Lisa Bloomquist Scott

My Current Job/Company: HR Talent Manager for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Adjunct Professor at Loyola University and Self-Help Author

My Birthday: 7-31-72

My Work: Career development, teaching and writing

My Passion: Helping others and giving back

My Family: My parents who have been together close to 50 years and still adore each other, my wise older brother who is married to a phenomenal woman and two beautiful nieces who inspire me every day!

My Heroes: My parents!

My Escape: It’s a secret, otherwise it wouldn’t be an escape. 😉

My Pet Peeves: Apathy!

My Indulgence: The sweet nectar of Riesling wine

My Roots: The Midwest – My Mom is from the suburbs of Chicago and my Dad is from Minneapolis (The Big Swede!) They moved from Minneapolis to Pittsburgh several years after college where they met. I was born in Pittsburgh and we moved to the ‘burbs of Chicago when I was four years old. Aside from four fabulous years in Ohio during college, I’ve been in Chicago ever since and will always keep a home here as it is most definitely my home sweet home.

My Future: A Journey into The Great Wide Open

My Love: My Family

My Movie: The Big Lebowski – it always makes me laugh until it hurts so good

My Quote on Life: “And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”
~The Beatles

My Accessory: Vintage jewelry

My Advice to Young Women: Life is messy….s*&@ happens….it’s not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters. AND…live in the moment and never be afraid to look at what’s real….denial is akin to death.

How I Balance it All: Having an outlet for my stress on a daily basis is critical. Most days that outlet is working out. Other days it’s writing, playing the piano or losing myself in the power of music. Music is like food for my soul.

Bethany Donatelli

Woman of the Week – Bethany Donatelli

Bethany Donatelli
Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Bethany Donatelli

My Current Job/Company:
Global Accounts Manager, HelmsBriscoe; Independent Licensee

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I am an independent licensee of HelmsBriscoe. My role is to understand the organizational and logistical needs of my clients’ meetings, recommend and source appropriate properties, and serve as a liaison between them and the properties to negotiate the most favorable rate, concessions, and contractual terms and conditions; ultimately ensuring my clients receive the best possible solution.

I add value by bringing the strength of HB’s buying power in a client centric manner and provide unbiased, honest advice they can rely on at no cost to the client.  HelmsBriscoe is paid a placement fee from the venue, so you can add me to your team without adding to your payroll!

My Passion:
To be the best person I can each day and be present for my family, friends, clients, neighbors, community, and anybody I encounter.  I strive to be a productive member of society and am passionate about living life to the fullest and helping others along the way.

My Family:
Tony (Husband), Scarlett (our sweet, 6-year-old, black Labradoodle who rules our house), and the newest addition to our family, my only nephew, Brooks Thomas Bell (born Dec. 14th, 2011)

My Hero:
My younger sister, Mary.  I admire her strength, determination, and discipline.  She is my best friend and somebody I can always count on to give me the God’s honest truth, whether I want to hear it or not.  I love her for that!

My Escape:
Traveling anywhere, I am always planning the next vacation and LOVE seeing new places.

My Pet Peeve:
Dishonest, superficial people, who constantly complain, put others down and have a negative outlook on life.  Life is way too short!

My Indulgence:

Hyde Park and spa services

My Roots:
Small town girl.  I was raised by amazing parents in a rural farming community near Findlay, OH.  Both of my parents are teachers and taught me early on the importance of education, respect and honesty.  We spent our summers taking road trips all across the country in our van seeing the sites – Yellowstone, Glacier, Mt. Rushmore, Washington DC, you name it I’ve probably been there!

My Future:
Promising and full of happiness.

My Love:
My family and friends.  I am very fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.

My Movie:
Any movie that makes me laugh, is based on a true story or a historical event.  I’m not a tough movie critic…give me some popcorn and candy and I will enjoy the show.

My Quote on Life:
“It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.” Paulo Coelho; author of one of my favorite books The Alchemist

My Accessory:
My biggest accessory is my iPad…I feel separation anxiety without it.

My Advice to Young Women:

Only you can achieve your goals!  Write them down, revise as necessary, be accountable and don’t be afraid to take chances.  Nobody else will do it for you and there will always be challenges.  Choose to surround yourself with positive, inspiring individuals who will lift you up and add value to your life.  Eliminate toxic influences.

How I Balance it All:
I’m not sure that I do, but I try! It’s a juggling act…fortunately, I am self-employed and dictate my work hours so that helps in managing the household “to do’s” and other responsibilities that must be met.  If I have to work on Saturday or get up extra early to meet my deadlines, that’s what I do if that allows me the ability to have the social life I want and freedom to go on the next vacation. I think being flexible and not stressing the small stuff also helps.

Woman of the Week – Jane Abel

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success. Enjoy!

Jane Abel

My Current Job/Company: Account Manager for Video Communication Services, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

My Birthday: April 25, 1975

My Work: My background is in TV news. I now apply the invaluable storytelling and producing skills I learned in an newsroom to help advance the work of a Columbus treasure, Nationwide Children’s Hospital. My job gives me excellent perspective as a parent. Not a day or night goes by without me hugging my kids extra tight. I am constantly inspired by the bravery and resolve of children and families I meet.

My Passion: My two children because I get to be a kid again through them, my husband who also comes in handy as a best friend, my friends who keep me laughing, and my faith in God which keeps me in check.

My Family: My husband and I have a four-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son. We both come from big families with three children and lots of aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.

My Heroes: My parents. My dad is the smartest, most giving man I have ever met and my mom has a wonderfully kind heart.

My Escape: These days? The kitchen. Two small children keep us home bound but I love to cook and bake. I have a nice husband who cleans up my mess!

My Pet Peeves:
People who can’t forgive or ask for forgiveness. Life’s too short.

My Indulgence: Red wine.

My Roots: I am Irish-Slovak and married a man of the same heritage. Our families come from the same area in Ireland and one town apart in Slovakia – crazy!

My Future: Happy!

My Love: My husband of 5 wonderful years, Rob.

My Movie: Steel Magnolias. “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” This movie has the best one-liners and is the ultimate chick flick.

My Quote on Life: “If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.” – Jimmy Buffet. It’s important not to take life too seriously.

My Accessory: It’s all the rage this season to have a baby boy attached to your hip at all times, right?

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t settle for a job just to make money. Figure out what you’re good at and what you love, and find a way to make money doing it. Your job should fit into your life, not the other way around.

How I Balance it All: I definitely don’t! I don’t make enough time for my husband or myself. I’m a work in progress and I’m learning to be OK with that.

Woman of the Week – Toni Eberhardt

Toby and Toni

My Name: Toni J. Eberhardt

My Current Job/Company: PetSmart Corporation; Senior Manager, Public Relations & Social Media

My Birthday: January 18, 1969

My Work: Marketing & communications professional with a current focus on consumer public relations and social media in the retail space.

My Passion: A healthy lifestyle, which for me, means supporting my personal health through eating well and staying active doing the things I love (travel, reading, movies, working out) and surrounding myself with what I love most- my family, close friends and pets.

My Family: Lee, my two stepchildren, Tessa and Evan, my Mom and my pets, Toby (dog), Kirby, Reilly and Luigi (our three cats)

My Heroes: I have two heroes with one being my Mom, Rita Eberhardt. She is a strong, intelligent woman who has overcome amazing obstacles in life to create a stable, rich life for herself and for me as her daughter.

My other hero is the “great communicator,” President Ronald Reagan. As a leader, he demonstrated exceptional poise and an ability to consistently keep his eye on the bigger picture and collaborate to bring opposing forces together to achieve that vision willingly and enthusiastically. His ability to communicate with the unparalleled balance of empathy, humility, confidence and conviction in any forum- one to one with world leaders or to an audience of millions as Commander-in-Chief- enabled him to change history and inspire the visionary in each of us.

My Escape: Travel. Going to a new place and introducing one’s self to new cultures and views is the great escape and greatest opportunity to put life into perspective and grow spiritually, emotionally and intellectually.

My Pet Peeve: I am a communications professional- improper grammar, of course!

My Indulgence: Spa trips- a facial and a massage are on the “must do” list each month and body wraps quarterly. I mark each off my ”to do” list without fail.

My Roots: I am a Phoenician through and through, having turned down multiple career opportunities that included moves to places such as Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and Chicago to stay in Scottsdale, Arizona. I love to travel and explore new places but I always smile proudly when the wheels hit the ground and the pilot welcomes us to Phoenix.

My Future: TBD. I have learned the hard way to focus on today to build a foundation that will lend itself to creating more opportunities, personally and professionally, than I could imagine for tomorrow. I have an interest in becoming an author as well as pursuing public affairs and/or public office. Most of all, my biggest interest is in learning more about me each day.

My Love(s): Lee Weiss. I waited a very long time to meet the love of my life but I got lucky over two years ago and met him, and he came with an incredible bonus – two children providing me the opportunity to experience having children and helping two young people grow in confidence and curiosity for life.

My Movie: “Something’s Gotta Give” ……. Just when I thought I had life figured out and had no need for a relationship, a man stepped in and showed me how much more of myself I could know if I was willing to share my heart.

My Quote on Life: “Smile. It’s makes people wonder what you’ve been up to!”

My Accessory: Toby, my dog. She’s not a purse dog, either! She is a German Shepherd who has been an amazing addition to my life. I adopted her from a rescue organization that was at a PetSmart store nearly 6 years ago (before I worked for PetSmart).

My Advice to Young Women: Get to know yourself, stand on your own two feet and don’t worry about how old you are and the proverbial “clock” ticking. Learn something new about yourself each day, and life will open more doors than you could plan with amazing people for you to choose.

How I Balance it All: Balance: A work in progress. Less than two years ago, I was single and all was balanced. Now, I work full-time and have a family, and I am still working to find that balance between taking care of me, work and my family. The key is holding myself accountable for the right things and not holding myself to standards that are unreasonable or unnecessary. Practically speaking, using my Outlook calendar to block out time for what is most important relative to work, my family and me has been the best way to drive balance. I don’t have a work calendar and a personal calendar. There is only one me so there can only be one calendar.