Woman of the Week – Traci Dunn

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Traci Dunn

My Current Job/Company:
SVP-Inclusion, Talent & Organizational Effectiveness Director/Huntington National Bank

My Birthday:

My Work:
I enable high performance by creating an inclusive culture that welcomes diversity of thought so more and better ideas come faster. Additionally, I support the development of high performers through talent management, capability and leadership development as well as organizational effectiveness interventions.

My Passion:
Helping others help themselves.

My Family:
Single, no children but proud Aunt to 2 nephews and 5 nieces.

My Heroes:
My parents. They were married 54 years when my father passed in 2008. Such amazing role models!!!

My Escape:
Water and Sun

My Pet Peeve:

My Indulgence:

My Roots:
Southern, Family Oriented, Servant Leadership

My Future:

My Love:
Traveling the world.

My Movie:
Sparkle – Can’t wait for the remake in a few months.

My Quote on Life:
Actually my favorite scripture on life: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

My Accessory:
Chunky rings

My Advice to Young Women:
I’m going to give you a “mama-ism” (wise words from my Mama)….You are characterized by the company you keep. Surround yourself with like-minded people and people in place you aspire to be.

How I Balance it All:
By realizing there is no such thing as balance, it’s all about integration. Balance to me is half and half. If I only gave 50% to my job – I’d get fired. If I only gave 50% to myself, family and friends I’d fail. I just try to find ways to integrate the two. That might mean checking emails on my ipad while lounging on my deck or adding a weekend to a business trip to attend my nephew’s track meet.

Woman of the Week – Kristin Mack Deuber

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Kristin Mack Deuber

My Current Job/Company:
President, Kristin Mack Deuber, LLC

My Birthday:
August 23, 1975

My Work:
I help companies and people manage their reputations through smart public relations and marketing strategies.

My Passion:
Helping connect people and giving back to my community and my profession.

My Family:
My husband of almost 5 years, Christian, and our dog Kadi.

My Heroes:
I don’t have just one person who is my hero. I believe there is something to admire about almost everyone you encounter.

My Escape:
Traveling, especially along the California coast.

My Pet Peeves:
People who are too afraid to be honest with others or themselves.

My Indulgence:
Wine and coffee

My Roots:
While I grew up in northeast Ohio, Columbus is truly my home.

My Future:
I used to think I had to have it all planned out but being open to new possibilities is much more rewarding and exciting.

My Love(s):
My girlfriends – I don’t know what I would do without them!

My Movie:
Woody Allen movies – I can wait to see “To Rome with Love” this summer.

My Quote on Life:
Stop wishing. Start doing.

My Accessory:

How I Balance it All:
Focus, prioritization and surrounding myself with people who support and share my dreams.

My Advice to Young Women:
Work really hard and be nice to people and amazing things will happen.

Woman of the Week – Colleen Gilger

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Colleen Gilger

My Current Job/Company:
Economic Development Manager, City of Dublin

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I build relationships and affinity between Dublin businesses and the community. I work to retain and grow existing businesses, attract new jobs and develop entrepreneurs. I assist developers, sometimes through financial incentive negotiations, to build new buildings and redevelop old ones. I serve as a liaison and ombudswoman. I am a creative problem-solver.

My Passion:
Christ, my husband, my children

My Family:
Patrick (Husband), Nora (9), Tessa (8)

My Heroes:
Chris and Stefanie Spielman. I just finished reading Chris Spielman’s book; and I am in awe of their love story, their devotion to God, their positive attitudes through difficult times, their resilience, strength and ability to see themselves as Christ’s tools in the community.

My Escape:
The ocean, whether on a cruise ship or a beach. The sounds and smells clear my head and bring me relaxation.

My Pet Peeves:
Parents who still act like teenagers, especially in the presence of their children. People who don’t use turn signals.

My Indulgences:
Wine. Dessert first. Massages. Intensely hot bubble baths.

My Roots:
Cleveland Ohio! Proud Irish roots. Close-knit, loud, extroverted, passionate family. Three siblings. All 4 of us married introverts, or as my mom describes them, “wall flower spouses who allow their butterfly partners the ability to shine.” My dad taught me to love sports. I love me some Browns, Indians, Cavs, and not LeBron.

My Future:
My job allows me to feel such a sense of accomplishment when new buildings come out of the ground; and I knew I had a part in their inception and creation. Dublin has so much land left to develop. I look forward to so many future moment of ground-breakings, ribbon-cuttings and road openings!

My Love:
Being a soccer mom to 2 children who love this sport more than I ever remember loving any one thing at their age. Dave Matthews music which makes me sway, tap my toes and smile. Singing at church. My husband who continues to amaze me when I see him interact with our daughters.

My Movie:
Shakespeare In Love. I love a good love story. And I’m a sucker for anything Shakespearean.

My Quote on Life:
“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 4:5-7

My Accessory:
A girl’s best accessory is confidence 🙂 One accessory that goes with me always: a small tattoo on my wrist with the names of my husband and children. I can glance down throughout the day and see their names peeking out behind my watch wristband – it always brings a smile to my face.

My Advice to Young Women:
It’s not what you accomplish in life that’s most important. It’s what you experience and overcome along the way. Instead of looking at the end result, embrace the journey.
–When you’re 18, everything seems magnified far beyond its actual importance.
–Stop worrying. When you worry, you are showing a lack of faith and trust.
–Serve your community without question and without expecting anything in return.

How I Balance it All:
I’ve learned (reluctantly) to let go of the working-mom guilt, and to gently say “no” sometimes to all the requests! I have a color-coded world: work, school, soccer, church, book club, date night, etc. The iPhone App “Cozi Calendar” synchs our to-do lists and calendars on our computer, phones and the kids’ iTouches. We always know where everyone is and where we need to be. Multi-tasking is my enemy: I remind myself to focus on one thing or person at a time and ALWAYS BE PRESENT!

Woman of the Week – Karen Twinem

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Karen Twinem

My Current Job/Company: Vice President, Communications & Public Policy, National Church Residences

My Birthdate: October 31, 1954

My Work: I’m a communications strategist, weaving together the disciplines of public relations, public policy advocacy, marketing and advertising.

My Passion: Serving God through helping families who are dealing with crises.

My Family: Husband Ken, grown children I still call Sara and Joey (even though no one else does), and excellent cats Eleanor Clift and Clarence Page

My Heroes: Francis de Sales, Brother Lawrence and Lady Gaga’s mother (you had to be there). Also somewhat obviously, true journalists like Eleanor Clift and Clarence Page.

My Escape: Key West in winter, Virginia Beach in summer, and New York City any time at all

My Pet Peeves: People who harm others to make money.

My Indulgence: Condiments. It’s why we have the world’s largest refrigerator and can’t fit anything else in it.

My Roots: I grew up in Westerville, which I couldn’t wait to flee. And now I live in Westerville. Turns out there really are worse places.

My Future: I look forward to retirement because I will get to do important work for people who can’t afford to pay me anything.

My Love(s): My faith, my family and really interesting bookstores.

My Movie: I started with “She’s Having a Baby” and grew into “Steel Magnolias.” I’m probably headed toward “On Golden Pond.”

My Quote on Life: A prayer from Fr. Mychal Judge, the first person killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11: “Let me go where You want me to go. Let me meet who You want me to meet. Let me say what You want me to say. And keep me out of Your way.”

My Accessory: My 5-pound organizer that I can’t let go of, despite also using an iPad and iPhone.

How I Balance it All: Ruthless prioritization and scheduling every waking hour.

My Advice to Young Women: Keep learning. Focus on what’s most important to you. And commit to cultivating a deep relationship with God before the inevitable suffering of life shows up at your house.

Woman of the Week – Jennifer Lefkowitz

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Jennifer Lefkowitz

My Current Job/Company: Independent Public Relations and Communications Consultant

My Birthday: 03-04-77

My Work: I work with a variety of clients to help develop and execute their communications strategies, with an emphasis on public relations to secure media placements and support their brand.

My Passion: I think passions change over time, but as long as I always remain passionate about my family, friends and making a difference in the lives of others, I feel fulfilled.

My Family: My husband Brian and two beautiful daughters (ages 3 and 15 months). My parents, Marvin and Renee, in-laws Randi and Sheldon, my brother Neal and my Grandma Miriam who will read about this on Facebook. I also have four brother-in-laws, one sister-in-law, two nephews and one niece.

My Heroes: My parents are wonderful people. I grew up in a very grounded household and was taught the importance of family, integrity, giving back and humor. Their generosity and support has helped me with many of my accomplishments.

My Escape: Usually any beach or pool in a tropical setting will do. There’s no better escape than a weekend away with my girlfriends. We’ve all moved to different cities, which makes our reunions that much more special.

My Pet Peeves:
Drama – I like to keep things simple. And while I’m at it, people who linger at the bottom of an escalator or in front of a revolving door.

My Indulgence: Pilates – It’s one of the best forms of exercise I’ve discovered. I also enjoy a glass (or two) of a good Sauvignon Blanc sitting on a porch on a beautiful spring/summer evening.

My Roots: I grew up in a small, Midwestern, tight-knit community that I couldn’t wait to leave, and swore I’d never return. But after 12 years in a big city, I saw the benefits of the environment I grew up in and we moved back to the same community to raise our family.

My Future: I look forward to creating life-long memories and lessons for my daughters.

My Loves: Brian and my daughters.

My Movie: Waiting for Guffman

My Quote on Life: “Look for opportunity. You can’t wait for it to knock on the door. … You might not be home.” – Jinger Heath

My Accessory: Anything vintage that was handed down from previous generations. I can’t wait to pass these items on to my daughters.

My Advice to Young Women: In a time where social media is integral in our everyday lives, stay polished and self aware. Remember your reputation precedes you, so make smart decisions and represent yourself in the best manner.

Woman of the Week – Pamela Edwards

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Pamela Edwards

My Current Job/Company: Executive VP/CFO Victoria’s Secret Stores

My Birthdate: 10-23-62 (yes the big 5-0 is this year!)

My Work: I lead a 60+ finance department for World’s Best Brand for Women –Victoria’s Secret. Includes Strategic financial leadership, budgeting, forecasting, technology and inventory planning

My Passions: God, my husband and family (5 children, 2 dogs), my church, my community, and my job!

My Family: LeRoy (Husband), Greg (32), Diamond (23), Tayler (21), Garrett (18), Christian (11). Samson and Delilah (1 year old pups!)

My Heroes:My parents and in-laws, my pastor (Bishop Washington), and my husband.

My Escape: Cruising. We just came back from a 10 day cruise to Panama Canal. Best vacation so far!

My Pet Peeve: Negativity, Complainers vs doers.

My Indulgence: French Fries and Potato chips. Turtle candies

My Roots: Humble, value oriented. God at the center of all

My Future: Retirement with my husband (10 years from now!) Want to do community work and travel after that.

My Love: Laughing and spending time with my husband LeRoy who is the love of my life. My children and continuing to watch them grow into adulthood.

My Movie: “Phenomenon” – a great love story. “Imitation of Life” – Love yourself as you are and love those around you each and every day. Life can be too short. “o Brother where Art thou” – so goofy it makes me laugh.

My Quote on Life: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres,” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

My Accessory: My cross necklace that I wear every day.

My Advice to Young Women: Believe in yourself and forever have confidence.

How I Balance it All: We are empty nesters now, yet there never seems to be enough time to do everything we want to! However, it is keeping in mind what is most important, our values and ensuring that we check ourselves each and every day to make sure we are living our life to the fullest.

Woman of the Week – Diane Lang

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Diane Lang

My Current Job: Humor Blogger and Social Media Manager for BlogHer

My Birthday: June 4th

My Work: Social Media Management for a community of 37 million women

My Passion: Special needs children, social media, helping women gain empowerment

My Family: Married for almost 15 years to Mike, daughter (13) and son (9)

My Heroes: BlogHer co-founders, Elisa Camahort-Page, Lisa Stone and Jory Des Jardins

My Escape: Writing

My Pet Peeves: When someone says, “A whole nother.” Oh, and bad table manners!

My Indulgence: Dark chocolate.

My Roots: A little bit of everything; German, Lebanese, Portuguese, Welsh

My Future: Is bright! I plan on getting published and doing more public speaking.

My Love(s): Family, friends, travel, my two dogs, and blogging

My Movie: Big Fish

My Quote on Life: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Thoreau

My Accessory: My iPhone!

How I Balance it All: Careful planning and precise execution!

My Advice to Young Women: ASK! ASK! ASK! Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

Woman of the Week – Robin Hepler

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Robin Hepler

My Current Job/Company: Director of Marketing and Communications, Columbus College of Art & Design

My Birthday: March 12, 1959

My Work: Our team creates the outreach plans and communications tools to attract the best-fit students to CCAD and to cultivate alumni, donor and community support. The college is embarking on a major transformation – growing from a regional campus to a national college offering a master’s degree and a focus on the entrepreneurship and creative problem solving of artists and designers to be leaders in the creative economy.

My Passion: My kids, though they wish I could find something else to occupy my time.

My Family: Lauren, 22, soon-to-be graduate of George Washington University; Collin, 20, anthropology and political science major at Salve Regina University; Loki, 9 mos., our rescue dog with the most appropriate mythological name.

My Heroes: My mom and dad — two depression-era folks who carved out a family-focused life and careers serving others. My mom has passed her 30-year anniversary volunteering weekly at the Holy Family Soup kitchen, and just started a new monthly volunteer gig in the nursery of the church near her house. My dad spent 33 years in the fire service.

My Escape: A nice glass of wine, a week of DVR programs so I can skip the commercials.

My Pet Peeves: Whiners without solutions to suggest; don’t just bring me your problems, let’s work together on solutions.

My Indulgence: Travel – splurging on a graduation celebration trip next month to Rome and Brussels.

My Roots: I treasure them. Grew up on a mini-farm near Darby Metro Park. I showed horses, my dad raised beagles, and my mom operated the best-run, exceptionally fun home where we always had a cousin or a friend staying over. I moved back to central Ohio after being gone for seven years, and haven’t looked back.

My Future: Exciting! Far different than anything I could have imagined even a year ago. New house, new career, and only one tuition bill to manage now. I’m very lucky.

My Loves: Family, and quality time with them.

My Movie: I’m a theatre buff who reads non-fiction, so I’m not a prime target for movie marketers. “The Kings Speech” and “Iron Lady” are two of my recent favorites – otherwise, I’m watching Netflix documentaries on my Kindle.

My Quote on Life: From a Mark Pi fortune cookie: “The best times of your life have yet to be lived.” Gives me something to look forward to each day.

My Accessory: Regrettably, my phone with three email accounts.

How I Balance it All: I don’t. Drove myself crazy trying to do so. Finally realized it’s about constantly resetting the day’s priorities, knowing what you can control and knowing what you’re willing to go to the mat to defend each day. Or, as my mom would say during the daily disruptions of life, such as when guests showed up at the door as we were planning to leave: “I think we’re on plan F for today.”

My Advice to Young Women: You can have it all, but you don’t have to try to do it all at one time. You will have plenty of opportunities if you build a solid network of women with similar goals – so take chances, take a break if you want to, try on new careers. And volunteer – it will be the best management training you ever get, and the personal satisfaction is immeasurable.

Woman of the Week – Carrie Dupler

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Carrie Dupler

My Current Job/Company: Controller, Dupler Office

My Birthday: July 19

My Work: I work in the company started with my husband and his twin brother. We help our clients create great places to work, learn and heal. We are a leading full service office furniture company in Columbus.

My Passion: Faith, family and friends.

My Family: My husband (Brandon), my five year old daughter (Eliza), and my nine year old son (Max).

My Heroes: My husband and my father.

My Escape: Enjoying a great book sitting either on a beach or by a warm fire curled up in a blanket.

My Pet Peeves: People who believe they are entitled to something without earning it.

My Indulgence: Homemade ice cream.

My Roots: Family and faith. I feel blessed to have both my family and my husband’s family in town.

My Future: My career has taken me in many directions and right now I have the best balance I have ever had in my life. I guess you could say I am enjoying the moment!

My Loves: My husband, my kids, our friends and families.

My Movie: “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” I just love how Mr. Smith (James Stewart) does not give up and sticks to what he believes. I also secretly have a fascination with politics!

My Quote on Life: God is Good. Awhile back I read the book The Road Less Traveled. The first sentence in the book is “Life is difficult.” It then goes on to say that once you really realize that it is difficult things do not seems so bad. When life gets especially difficult I remind myself that God is not going to give me anything I cannot handle.

My Accessory: Fun jewelry.

How I Balance it All: I try to spend a few minutes each day thinking and praying. This helps me to focus on what is really important.

My Advice to Young Women: Know who you are, what you want, find something you love and work hard.

Woman of the Week- Melina Metzger

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Melina Metzger

My Current Job/Company: Public Relations Manager, Safelite AutoGlass®

My Birthday: January 23, 1978

My Work: I have worked in public relations and marketing for 12 years. I joined Safelite AutoGlass® in August 2010 in a newly created PR position with the goal of making our company “famous for service.” With nearly 10,000 employees nationwide, I help facilitate media interviews and publicity opportunities and help manage the company reputation. I can easily say that Safelite has created one of the best work environments I have ever experienced.

My Passion: My passion is traveling and experiencing new cultures. I recently took my first European vacation to France (Paris, Provence and Nice) and hope to make overseas travel a part of my life.

My Family: Still seeking my better half!

My Hero: My grandmother, who at the age of 93 finally lost a nearly 10-year-long battle against cancer just over a year ago. We share many similar traits (at least I like to think we do). She lives on in me and how I live life and treat others. She was the most independent woman I have ever known. She was strong, mentally and physically, and rooted in family and faith.

My Escape: I began running about eight years ago – something I never thought I would do. Now, taking an outdoor run on a sunny day to clear my thoughts is the best escape imaginable. I even completed my first duathlon (run/bike/run) last April!

My Pet Peeves: People who judge others too quickly. We’re all human and, by nature, flawed.

My Indulgence: I am a thrifty person so my indulgences are based on experiences – having an extra glass of wine with a friend, splurging on dessert after a good meal, or frequent trips to the neighborhood Mexican joint.

My Roots: My family has lived on the same farm in northwest Ohio for over 100 years. My ancestry includes German, French, Irish and Swiss. I am my own melting pot.

My Future: I pray for health and happiness… beyond that, I never plan too far ahead!

My Loves: I am a music fanatic. I love discovering new bands and supporting local acts.

My Movie: I fell in love with the original Gidget film with Sandra Dee when I was young, and it is still one of my favorites. If only we lived in a world where we could still say, “Gee, daddy,” and “golly!”

My Quote on Life: “God loves you just the way you are, but he loves you too much to let you stay that way.” When I first heard this line in movie, it was a funny insult to the character. But, it rang very true to me… I’m good enough just the way I am, but there’s always room to be better.

My Accessory: I have an addiction to vintage jewelry. I have many of my grandmother’s pieces and antique store finds.

My Advice to Young Women: Look to multiple people to serve as mentors. I have been fortunate to build an outstanding network of female mentors. Karen Twinem served as the executive vice president of the agency where I worked for eight years. She took me under her wings and developed me as a PR professional, inspired my creativity, and helped me cope with friends who were struggling with mental illness. Michelle Moore, Kristin Mack-Deuber, Caroline Cofer Golon, and Kim Ratcliff who all passed through my professional life continue to serve as sources of daily strength and inspiration.