Women of the Week – YWCA Columbus Women of Achievement

As you know, we love to brighten your Monday morning with our Woman of the Week feature. We love to share the amazing ways the women in our community are working hard to level the playing field, bring light to a cause or blaze a new trail. This week, we are thrilled to honor six women who are leaving their mark and will be honored by the YWCA Columbus as Women of Achievement for doing just that. Congratulations to Tara Abraham, Dorothy Cage Evans, Tammy Fournier-Alsaada, Dr. Susan Koltar, Elaine Roberts and Rita Soronen, and *thank you* for stepping out in front and leading the way. We can’t wait to see what comes next!

YWCA Columbus 2017 Women of Achievement

Women of the Week – Monday Morning Inspiration!

Looking for inspiration for the week? Our Women of the Week find it in people who have walked into their lives in all different times and places. Here are just a few examples…

Kimberly Hall
My grandmother – Ruth Lowe. She was an incredible woman in her own right and a loving and supportive mother to me.

Tracey Williams
Maggie Watkins, my mentor before I knew what that meant. She is a priceless gift I cherish each time I am able to spend time with her. I strive to be a fraction of what she is for me and hope I can be for others.

Cinthia Chaves
My parents. Dad for his integrity. He is unconditional and loving but always pushing me to be better. Mom for her great example. A woman that handled a demanding husband, seven kids, and full time job…and I cannot remember a time where she was not there for me!

Katy Trombitas
My friend Tally, who has been an incredible mentor to me. She has taught me so much about how to keep life in perspective and what it means to be a compassionate and effective leader without compromising who I am and what I believe in.

Jolie Havens
My mother, Patricia Havens. She raised me (an only child) as a single parent – she made brave and selfless choices in order to give me the best possible life. She is also an incredible grandmother – always there when I need her, no matter what.

Woman of the Week – Mary Lynn Foster

MLFHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Mary Lynn Foster

My Current Job/Company:
Regional Chief Executive Officer – The American Red Cross

My Work:
I help prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.

My Passion:
My family, friends and community!

My Family:
Art (my husband and love of my life), Artie (my amazingly creative 24 year old son) and Allison (my incredibly compassionate 21 year old daughter)

My Hero or Heroes:
My husband who is always my raving fan 24/7 ever since we started dating in high school; my Mom, Carol and my Godmother, Mercedes (sisters) who are both now deceased but instilled in me a hard driving work ethic and belief that I can do anything I set my heart to

My Escape:
Our cabin located in the woods of Northern Michigan, at night star-gazing in front of a bonfire

My Pet Peeve:
The word “No”…there is always a place to get to “Yes”!

My Indulgence:
A single dark chocolate covered cherry…..simply the best!

My Roots:
Humbly live by the Golden Rule!

My Future:
The best is yet to come!

My Favorite Quote:
Foster Family Motto: You are strong, smart and never quit!

My Accessory:
A bright, happy smile! 

My advice to Young Women:
You can do anything you set your mind to and don’t hesitate to ask for help along the way!

How I Balance it All:
Through my amazing family support network and list of daily priorities

Woman of the Week – Dorice Agee

View More: http://renataramsini.pass.us/dageeHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Dorice Agee

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Finance at the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio

My Work:
I support the mission of the Furniture Bank by overseeing and completing all things financial and accounting related in the organization.

My Passion:
My faith, my family and serving others.

My Family:
My best friend and Husband of 32 years, Michael, plus 3 amazing daughters and a son in-law – Lauren (Blair), 27; Haley, 25 and Adrienne, 21.

My Hero:
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

My Escape:
Time with my family, especially vacations in warm places with lots of sunshine, blue skies and sand.

My Pet Peeve:
People who don’t take accountability for their actions.

My Indulgence:
Doterra Essential Oils and dark chocolate.

My Roots:
Faith, family, community, education, hard work, loving-kindness.

My Future:
Exciting and joyful while living simply.

My Favorite Quote:
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
~Author Unknown

My Accessory:
The Lokai bracelet my daughter gave me. It is infused with elements from the highest and lowest points on earth and is a reminder to stay humble during life’s highs and hopeful during its lows.

My Advice to Young Women:
Dream big, work hard, be grateful and forgiving, be kind to others and give yourself grace. Start each new day with a positive attitude no matter how yesterday ended. Life is good!

How I Balance it All:
Plan for tomorrow and the days and weeks ahead while cherishing the moments of today, as I will never get them back! And I no longer sweat the small stuff (but it has taken me years to get here!).

Woman of the Week – Irina Bilenko

Irina BilenkoHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Irina Geyfman Bilenko

My Current Job/Company:
Lean Project Manager & Coach/American Electric Power

My Work:
I coach leaders to engage their employees every day to identify opportunities for improvement and work together to solve problems. My goal as a leader is to inspire and develop others into effective leaders at all levels of the organization to work with their employees to continuously improve processes and drive more value to our customers.

My Passion:
My family and helping others to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.

My Family:
David (husband with many talents), Rena (resilient daughter & a beautiful ice skater – 12), Benjamin (loving son and a talented tennis player – 11), Chloe (spoiled baby dog).

My Hero or Heroes:
My grandmother who was a humble and resilient woman loved and respected by everyone in the community.

My Escape:
A beach vacation, a dinner with my husband, and a weekend with my girlfriends.

My Pet Peeve:
Accepting status quo and lazy people.

My Indulgence:
Wine and sushi.

My Roots:
Immigrant. Educated and humble family with a lot of good friends.

My Future:
Optimistic and happy.

My Favorite Quote:
“Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!” ~Audrey Hepburn

My Accessory:
My watches, jewelry and scarfs.

My advice to Young Women:
Believe in yourself and always remember “I am a girl, I am smart and I am strong and I can do ANYTHING.”

How I Balance it All:
Use my mission statement to set my priorities and reflect weekly how I can do it better next week.

Woman of the Week – Dana Gierut

View More: http://renataramsini.pass.us/dgierutHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Dana Gierut

My Current Job/Company:
Senior Manager – Data, Reporting and Analytics/IGS Energy

My Work:
I have the pleasure of working with many different functions across the organization, where my team provides insights specific to strategic goals. I lead a team of hardworking and intelligent individuals who bring data to life by providing reporting and analysis that measures performance.

My Passion:
My family and friends.

My Family:
My supportive and loving husband, Mike.

My Heroes:
My parents – they have taught me kindness, humility and a strong work ethic.

My Escape:
Anywhere with a beach or my patio with a glass of wine.

My Pet Peeve:
Being late.

My Indulgence:
Wine and cheese.

My Roots:
Down to earth, happy and appreciative.

My Future:
Building it as we speak – it’s going to be bright!

My Favorite Quote:
“With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.” – Mark Twain

My Accessory:
Dolce and Gabbana “Light Blue” perfume and a smile.

My Advice to Young Women:
Believe in yourself and trust your instincts.

How I Balance it All:
Organized to-do lists and a wonderful support system.

Woman of the Week – Lori Macmillian – Ladd

LL 017 copyHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Retail Operations, Huntington Bank

My Work:
I work with a team that supports bank branch operations – how we service customers and open accounts while meeting various regulatory and risk objectives.

My Passion:
My faith, my family, my community.

My Family:
Dennis – amazing husband, Andrew – son and sunshine – a man with a very positive outlook on life, Emily – inspirational daughter who is married and has our two delightful grandchildren.

My Hero or Heroes:
Daughter Emily – who hasn’t met a challenge yet that she cannot attain, teaches in an elementary level gifted and talented program, and is a terrific mother.

My Escape:
Devil’s Lake, Manitou Beach, Michigan – spring-fed freshwater lake. Sunshine, boating, cross country skiing and a fire…aaahhhh.

My Pet Peeve:
Driving in traffic with drivers going slow in the left lane.

My Indulgence:
Red wine.

My Roots:
My parents emigrated from Canada, my grandparents on my Dad’s side emigrated from Scotland. My mother’s father was a school principal and we’ve always been focused on working hard and valuing education.

My Future:
Enjoying my grandchildren and travel with my adventurous husband..

My Favorite Quote:
“Assume the Best” – Anonymous

My Accessory:
My FitBit.

My advice to Young Women:
Learn to laugh at and with yourself. And hire someone to help with the house cleaning.

How I Balance it All:
Prayer, grace and recognizing that I need the help and love of family, coworkers and friends.

Woman of the Week – Rachel Sabo

Rachel Sabo2 Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Rachel Sabo

My Current Job/Company:
Founding Member, The Friedmann Firm LLC
Independent Consultant, Rodan + Fields

My Work:
My partner and I founded The Friedmann Firm LLC, a plaintiff’s employment litigation law firm. We represent employees with regard to a variety of employment issues including discrimination and wage and hour violations.

I am also an independent consultant with Rodan + Fields, the second largest premium skincare brand in America. I manage a team of consultants and focus on recruitment, fostering leadership skills and encouraging entrepreneurship.

My Passion:
Entrepreneurship, travel and really enjoying life. I am also passionate about empowering and supporting other women.

My Family:
My fabulous parents, step-siblings and long-time boyfriend/life partner, Pete. I have some friends I consider family as well 🙂

My Hero or Heroes:
Entrepreneurs that have inspired the rest of us to take risks, be creative and continue to be resilient in the face of failures or roadblocks. A few specific names are: J.K. Rowling, Sara Blakely and Sheryl Sandberg.

My Escape:
Paris or the beach, any beach.

My Pet Peeve:
Negativity, laziness and the inability to be open-minded to new ideas.

My Indulgence:

My Roots:
Hard-working parents who told me I could be whoever I wanted to be and do whatever I wanted to do.

My Future:
Filled with optimism.

My Favorite Quote:
“Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” ~Henry Ford
“Nothing changes if nothing changes.”

My Accessory:
Definitely great shoes and a smile.

My advice to Young Women:
Be confident and don’t let anyone make you feel inferior. You will encounter those who do not see your vision- ignore them and keep going. One day, they will probably be working for someone like you. Most important, BE YOURSELF and stay true to who you are and what you believe in.

How I Balance it All:
I try to be really good about time management. I also have a lot of amazing friends who support me and encourage me, along with my family and of course, Pete. I pay attention to my body too- if I need a break, I take it.

Woman of the Week – Jennifer Tscholl, MD

Jen TschollHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Jennifer Tscholl, MD

My Current Job/Company:
Child Abuse Pediatrician/Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics/The Ohio State University College of Medicine

My Work:
I work with a multidisciplinary team to diagnose and treat children who are suspected of victims of any type of child maltreatment. This occurs in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. I spend part of my clinical time working in a foster care clinic. I also am involved in the education of medical trainees, including fellows, residents, and medical students.

My Passion:
My family, my work, and my fun time to decompress.

My Family:
Brian (husband), daughter Zoe (6), daughter Amelia (3), and son Ozzie (14-months).

My Hero or Heroes:
My parents who have been unwavering supporters and role models for marriage, parenting, and going after your dreams.

My Escape:
Any getaway with my husband (preferably without kids!) is a great way for me to refocus, even if it is just a day date. I also cherish time away with my girlfriends, particularly my close-knit college crew.

My Pet Peeve:
Entitlement. Close-mindedness.

My Indulgence:
Great food! And dirty martinis…

My Roots:
Hard-working, honest, family-focused.

My Future:
Bright, busy, and full of possibilities.

My Favorite Quote:
I can’t say I have any one true favorite, but as an educator and lifelong learner, I do like this one…
“Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

My Accessory:

My advice to Young Women:
Do not let anyone tell you what you can’t do.

How I Balance it All:
I’m still figuring it out… But I have realized how much priorities shift through the different stages of my life thus far. My 20-year old self never could have envisioned the balancing act of my current self. It has been a learning experience to be ok with changing goals, but still recognizing that goals need to be set to achieve any growth.

Woman of the Week – Laurie Aquilina

Laurie AHere at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Laurie Aquilina

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Sales/Spectrum Reach

My Work:
I’m a coach, mentor, talent developer, and hands-on leader whose primary focus is dedicated to the development of a sustainable culture of excellence. I thrive on preparing a team culture that is foundationally prepared for organizational change, restructuring and continued growth. As Director of Sales, for Spectrum Reach, I am recognized as a leader of change and sustainable growth. With the ability to quickly assess talent, structure, workflows and go to market strategies, I work expediently to lead a team through required change while keeping them focused performance standards and measures.

My Passion:
My faith, my family, my friends.

My Family:
Bill Carmean (husband – kindred soul & confidante); Luce’ my golden retriever.

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother. I learned from her you can do and be anything you want. When life brings you lemons make lemonade.

My Escape:
I love any beach but my heart and soul is in Tuscany, Italia.

My Pet Peeve:
People that are disrespectful of others. People that don’t take responsibility for their actions and play the victim role.

My Indulgence:
Shopping and travel.

My Roots:
Italian roots made up of faith, family, love, loyalty and happiness

My Future:
Filled with light in my life, faith bound, great health, helping people and travel.

My Favorite Quotes:
“No man is a failure who has friends” ~It’s a Wonderful Life
“What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”

My Accessory:
A smile and shoes.

My advice to Young Women:
Love yourself, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself and be confident in yourself!

How I Balance it All:
I don’t balance as well as I need to. I check in with myself and ask, what am I missing?