Woman of the Week ~ Denise Kestner

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Denise Kestner

My Current Job/Company: President, ClearPath HR and Professor at The Ohio State University, Ohio Dominican University and Franklin University

My Work: At ClearPath HR, I help small to mid size businesses manage their human capital, assisting those businesses who many not have a need for HR on a full-time basis with the employees who are so precious to their company. At the university level, I hope I’m helping to build the next generation of leaders and HR professionals.

My Passion: Finding opportunities to be creative and to serve: family, church, and community.

My Family: Martin (husband), daughter – Megan (almost 16 and so ready to have her license), and son – Jack (13)

My Hero or Heroes: My parents… my mom is always looking to find someone to help and my dad instilled a strong work ethic, both sacrificed so much to provide my two brothers and I with an amazing childhood. My husband, too. He’s a police officer and his bravery and service is so impressive.

My Escape: An annual trip with my close girlfriends from high school. Every year, we explore a new part of the country or world together.

Pet Peeve: People who do not return the grocery carts to the proper place.

My Indulgence: Licorice.

My Roots: A father who taught me that hard work is a good thing.

My Future: Filled with possibility and only God knows where I’m headed… I just try to follow His lead. 🙂

My Favorite Quote: “If you could choose to be anything in this world, be kind.”

My Accessory: Diamond earrings that my husband gave me for our 20th wedding anniversary several years ago 🙂

My Advice to Young Women: Learn how to leverage yourself. Lean in, push back and stand up.

How I Balance it All: I don’t! I think I am a master juggler but balance… I’ve yet to figure that one out. Good thing women are great multi-taskers though.

Woman of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

Dawn Brahma ~ Lots of lessons of course, including the importance of communication and finding ways to connect, very intentionally, with colleagues individually and as a team in new/unique, but meaningful ways. If there was one takeaway to share though, I’d say it’s to leverage the opportunity for development. A crisis often results in new and challenging situations that call for creative problem solving and/or leadership. Take on the challenge yourself and engage different team members to tackle an issue, take on a new project, or lead a group of people around the effort. Colleagues welcome the chance to be part of the solution and will step up, stretch themselves and develop new skills along the way.

Woman of the Week ~ Diane Spohn

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Diane Spohn

My Current Job/Company: Recruiter – Talent Management at Verizon

My Work: I hire the talent that helps Verizon keep you connected. I love helping people achieve their career goals and enjoy helping employees learn how to build their professional brand. I am thankful to work for a company that believes in supporting their employees as well as their professional development.

My Passion: My family and my work

My Family: CJ (Husband), Ava (14 yrs) & Alexa (12 yrs)

My Hero or Heroes: My grandmother. She was kind, loving, supportive, and an amazing cook. My family adored her.

My Escape: The beach

Pet Peeve: Wasted time!

My Indulgence: Chocolate

My Roots: I grew up in a small close-knit town surrounded by my family and friends.

My Future: Bright and Exciting!

My Favorite Quote: “When nothing works, persistence will.” Abhishek Ratna

My Accessory: My favorite necklace, bracelets and of course some type of heels.

My Advice to Young Women: Go after what you want and work hard to get it. There will be bumps in the road but stay the course. Be flexible and stay positive.

How I Balance it All: Good time management is a must.

Woman of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

Jordyn Kemats: I’ve learned 2 key lessons during this crisis about leadership and my role:

1~ Check in on your people and teammates as often as possible. It can be a quick text, instant message, or a phone call touch base to see how they are doing, feeling, and to allow them to express their thoughts, fears, emotions, and just the ‘stuff of life’ right now. Communication is key even at a distance. We are all human and experiencing many of the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Sharing your own vulnerability is critical…we are all human and in the same boat.
2~ Be willing to do any job or task that needs to be done. Look for opportunities to jump in, help, and take ownership of projects and tasks. The amount of work that needs to be accomplished to develop alternative delivery models, service customers in every channel, and help small businesses make it through this challenge takes all hands on deck. Use both hands and raise them often.

Woman of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

“What we have all taken away from this moment is how critical it is for leadership to be more human centered, authentic and transparent. I think that will forever shape how our leaders show up going forward.” ~ Jen Yaross

Woman of the Week ~ Tara Aschenbrand

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Tara Aschenbrand

My Current Job/Company: Vice President and Associate General Counsel at OhioHealth

My Work: I am blessed to work at OhioHealth with a fabulous team of lawyers who are not only wicked smart, but also fun. I am responsible for a team that provides legal support for all things involving human resource (benefits, associate relations, workers compensation, immigration, talent acquisition, accommodations, and leaves of absence) as well as some of our shared services (food & nutrition, supply chain, and protective services).

My Passion: My faith, my family and serving others.

My Family: My husband, Aaron, and I met in high school. Our first date was our senior prom. Together, we enjoy our crazy lives with our three children: Colter (Determined son, 15—who will remind others that he is older than his twin sister); Lily (Driven daughter, 15—who is more mature than her years on this earth as she has always been the little mom in our house), and Gianna (Witty daughter, 12—honest to her core with spunk to go with it), all of whom spoil our 2 dogs (Avalanche—the rule follower, and LuLu—the diva).

My Hero or Heroes: Individuals such as Mother Theresa who selflessly give and serve others, uphold their true values, and do the right thing when faced with choices.

My Escape: Camping (or “glamping” because we have an RV), hiking, and exploring new areas with the family. As our lives can be incredibly chaotic, I find myself craving simplicity. Laughing around a campfire away from the chaos and technology rejuvenates us as a family and fills my heart.

Pet Peeve: Lying, laziness, and selfish or pushy people.

My Indulgence: A good bottle of wine and laughs with friends or family at a spa or a quick getaway.

My Roots: I grew up in a strong family. My amazing parents ensured that my sisters and I kept family at the core of everything we did. We were taught to set goals, work hard, serve others, and live by the Golden Rule. My parents exemplified these values on a regular basis.

My Future: Amazing, blessed, exciting, and full of new adventures as we experience our kids learning to drive, becoming independent and growing into remarkable young adults committed to their core values.

My Favorite Quote: I love so many by Maya Angelo, one of my favorites is: “If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”

My Accessory: Jewelry. My engagement ring is a replica of my great grandmother’s ring. I love finding unique pieces that have meaning behind them especially at my friend’s studio in the Short North—Peace Love Bling—where I can support an amazing woman dedicated to helping other women across the world.

My Advice to Young Women: Be comfortable in your choices. Own them–consciously make your choices and be confident in them. Know that saying yes to one thing means that you’re saying no to something else.

How I Balance it All: I remind myself to find something to be grateful for each day. Keeping a positive outlook helps me to stay (or at least feel) balanced. Like most of us, I am constantly juggling and adjusting to shifting priorities. I live by my calendar while remaining flexible as new things always tend to arise (especially with 3 busy kids who occasionally forget to tell mom and dad about a project or event until the last minute). I surround myself with an amazing village of friends and family who help me out and provide additional support. I also know that I need to take time for self-care (e.g., pilates, yoga, spa time) to keep me energized, and I surround myself with an incredible board of directors who help me to be my best, pull me up when I need to be, and keep me focused and positive.

Women of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

“One of the biggest lessons of leadership I am learning right now is that it is our job as leaders to keep the long-term vision in mind while staying steady and doing the next right thing for the people in our care, regardless of how it impacts us. This crisis has the opportunity to dissolve our divisions and reconnect to our common humanity in a way that will make us stronger in the end.” ~ Rebecca Wiggins

Woman of the Week ~ Elizabeth (Beth) Riczko

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Elizabeth (Beth) Riczko

My Current Job/Company: Sr VP, CFO – Property & Casualty at Nationwide

My Work: I help to ensure that Nationwide has the financial resources so we can be there for its members in the moments that matter. Proud to be part of a company that protects people, businesses and futures.

My Passion: Family. Learning. Problem-solving.

My Family: Chuck (Husband – couldn’t do it without him!), Three Kids: Matt (Son – 22), Katie (Daughter- 20), Abigail (Daughter – 19)…so proud of each of them – such a thrill to watch them become responsible, honorable adults!

My Hero or Heroes: My Mom! She is the voice inside my head. At 93, her memory is not what it used to be, but her happy disposition is unchanged.

My Escape: A good podcast and a long drive. Travel – even planning the travel is an escape!

Pet Peeve: Rude drivers.

My Indulgence: Ice cream.

My Roots: Family-centered, Faith-based. Grew up on a camp in the Poconos!

My Future: Enjoying more time with family and friends. I am going to be the little old lady auditing classes at the local university.

My Favorite Quote: “Be Kind. Work Hard.” (Unknown) This is what I tell my kids all the time.

My Accessory: Beyond the obvious, I would say my hair – fluffy or straight, crazy or controlled; a little window into how I am feeling.

My Advice to Young Women: See my favorite quote – it is what I tell my daughters all the time. In additional piece of advice: recognize that the only thing you can control is yourself. The world won’t always be fair or kind, but you can be.

How I Balance it All: A super-supportive husband who stayed home to raise our children and is now stepping in to assist with elder care. I cannot thank him enough.

Woman of the Week ~Lisa Gossett

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Lisa Gossett

My Current Job/Company: OhioHealth

My Work: Senior Executive partnering with other leaders to be the best for our patients, specifically leveraging nursing practice and nursing care to deliver our mission.

My Passion: My Faith, my family and helping people be better versions of themselves.

My Family: My husband John, my children Zachary and Samantha, their spouses Katie and Andy, my grandchildren, Ava, Zander, Myles and Dominic. And then there is my Dad, my 5 brothers, my sister, their spouses, and my 24 nieces and nephews. My tribe that keeps me grounded.

My Hero or Heroes: Mother Teresa, her life is the best example of true love. Benjamin Franklin and so many of our founding fathers – their courage and brilliance to build this great nation is incredible. Martin Luther King for his courage to speak up and his optimism in seeing the greatness of what this country can be. Florence Nightingale her foresight and research not only are the foundation of modern day nursing practice but her research is the basis for care still today. And my mother – she was a very special lady who taught me so much.

My Escape: A good book, Hallmark movies and Sudoku.

Pet Peeve: Whining.

My Indulgence: Dark chocolate.

My Roots: I’m a farm girl, from a small rural community in Ohio. I grew up milking cows, going to church and watching football on Friday night.

My Future: Living with purpose.

My Favorite Quote: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” Mother Teresa

My Accessory: My smile.

My Advice to Young Women: Be bold, lean in.

How I Balance it All: Prioritize, delegate, accept help, meditate.

Woman of the Week ~ Jamie Bella

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Jamie Bella

My Current Job/Company: Regional Sales Manager/Telhio Credit Union

My Work: Oversee three branch locations in Southwest, Ohio. Responsible for culture, experience and brand of the Region. Lead and inspire employees and colleagues at work and within the organizations I serve daily.

My Passion: To build a safe and trusted environment for friends, family, employees, and colleagues. To elevate, empower and encourage others to achieve their dreams.

My Family: My incredible and perfect son, Colton. (9 years old)

My Hero or Heroes: My dad, Mark Bella. He is the hardest working individual I have ever met. My grandfather, Robert Bick. His love is infinite.

My Escape: Any beach anywhere! Sun, sand and surf make me happy and fill my bucket.

Pet Peeve: Going to the grocery store and taking out the trash.

My Indulgence: Buffalo Chicken Dip and chocolate. (Neither of which I am supposed to have!)

My Roots: I am grounded in my faith, incredibly grateful, humble, and positive. I have overcome many obstacles.

My Future: Endless! The possibilities for where I go in the future are endless!

My Favorite Quote: I have far too many to choose just one, but here are two… “El cielo es el limite.” Means the sky is the limit in Spanish. “The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” –Carrie Bradshaw

My Accessory: Lots of bracelets. Rings. Big earrings.

My Advice to Young Women: Never give up! Always believe in yourself and always stay true to who you are!

How I Balance it All: Organization and prioritization! Always be flexible and learn to delegate!