Woman of the Week: Kelli Baxter

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Kelli Baxter

My Current Job/Company:
Vice president of client relations for Scitrain, ltd.

My Birthdate:

My Work:
Building relationships with organizations’ decision makers and sharing with them scitrain’s unique, progressive, impactful leadership development process; it’s effective for accelerating leaders’ development and readying them for their next-level leadership roles. The scitrain approach is truly transformational – on both the professional and personal level.

My Passions:
Family, friends, and yoga (:-)

My Family:

Rod (soulmate and husband); Dorothy (97-year-old grandmother); Sondra (mother); Karla, Kris, and Kyle (siblings)

My Heroes:
My grandmother, mother, and sisters – they are strong, patient, resilient, remarkable women

My Escape:
The American Southwest – the desert, sun, dry air, and spectacular landscapes are relaxing for me

My Pet Peeve:
Hypocritical types

My Indulgence:
Comfy lululemon clothes

My Roots:
Big family, traditional values, small town, hard-working, and fun-loving

My Future:

Exciting, fulfilling … ready!

My Quote on Life: “An open heart is an open mind.”
– Dalai Lama XIV

My Accessory:
Neck scarves. It’s rare I’m seen without one – even during summer

My Advice to Young Women: Trust your instincts, learn from your mistakes, take risks, surround yourself with mentors who will give you honest feedback.

How I Balance it All: Hmmm … yoga helps…..

Woman of the Week: Kelli Jo Gargasz

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Kelli Jo Gargasz

My Current Job/Company:
Senior Vice President & Director, Private Banking; Fifth Third Bank

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I lead a Team of 11 highly skilled and tenured private banking professionals. Our mission at Fifth Third Private Bank is to assist families of affluence in their day to day cash management needs. We help simplify our Clients’ daily finances so that they and their designated Private Bank Team can focus on achieving their long term goals.

My Passion:
My family, my friendships, my employees and their success.

My Family:
My husband of 15 years, Tim, our twin boys, Ben & Joe (10) and our six year old daughter, Anna. We lost our first son, Nicholas, to S.I.D.S. when he was 3 months old in 1999.

My Heroes:
My Mom, Suzanne Coburn and my “Mammaw,” Johnnie Thompson. My Mom was a very young, single mother to me and my brother, Ryan. She and our Mammaw worked as a team. While my Mom was juggling 3 jobs at a time, my grandmother was caring for us. I had no idea, at the time, how difficult that must have been for a 19-year-old woman, but now I understand the amount of sacrifice that took, on both their parts. They were (are) amazing role models for compassion, tenacity, and courage.

My Escape:
A true vacation must include sunshine, my girlfriends, and a great book. I’m OK to skip the beach….sand is not my friend! But, it doesn’t get any better than your own private pool!

My Pet Peeves:
Narcissism and Rudeness.

My Indulgence:
Potato Chips, French Onion Dip and Coca-Cola.

My Roots:
Small town, family ties and great friendships.

My Future:

Focused, successful, making a difference in the lives of my children, working women and the community.

My Quote on Life:
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

My Accessory:
A great purse!

My Advice to Young Women:
One of the most important decisions you will ever make, for many reasons but specifically for your career, is the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. If you want to be a working woman and a mother, you must find a partner that respects that goal and is willing to help you achieve it. They do this by choosing to be flexible in all the “traditional” roles of marriage and partnership. Show me a happily married working Mom and I’ll show you a progressive, amazing partner / husband!

How I Balance it All:
I call it “work-life strategy” because there is no such thing as “work-life balance.” I am lucky to have an amazing husband who has a flexible work schedule (see note above!). I also have a great Nanny whom I trust running my kids back and forth when necessary. Additionally, one of my God-given gifts is the ability to say, “No” and I use that gift often. In fact, my friends and co-workers ask me to step in and use my “gift” on their behalf every now and again! Which leads me to my last tip, have great friends and co-workers who care about you and your success and whose you care about.

Woman of the Week: Tanya Crawford

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Tanya Crawford

My Current Job/Company:
Director/Deloitte Tax LLP (for all 21 years of my career)

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I lead the Japanese Service Group for the Deloitte Columbus office and provide tax consulting to many multinational companies and their shareholders and employees. I also serve as the Women’s Initiative leader for the Deloitte Columbus office. In this role I help recruit, promote and retain our very talented female professionals and lead our annual “Wise Women” program that brings together 25 of Central Ohio’s women business leaders to mentor and network with 125 up-and-coming female leaders from the community. Further, I serve as the Inclusion leader for the Deloitte Columbus office where I’m involved with the recruiting, promotion and advancement of diverse talent, work/life fit issues and the promotion of our business resource groups.

My Passion:
I love helping other women succeed. I also love spending time with my family, whether on vacation at a great beach or just reading a bed-time story to the boys. Finally, I love giving back to the great community in which we live. Over the years, I’ve been privileged to serve on numerous not-for-profit boards including The Dublin Arts Council, The Worthington Arts Council, Columbus Urban League, Japan-America Society of Central Ohio, Black Tie Ball, Inc. (benefitting Nationwide Children’s Hospital) and City Year Columbus.

My Family:
Brian (my understanding and supportive husband); Hunter (my basketball-playing violinist who is 11); Chase (my budding artist/chef/world traveler who is 8).

My Heroes:
My parents. They’ve been together for 43 years and have been great role models.

My Escape:
I have two favorite escapes….one is to Grand Cayman with the family to relax and rejuvenate and the other is the annual “date weekend” with my husband in Vegas…..it gives the two of us time to reconnect away from the kids.

My Pet Peeve:
People who don’t take ownership of their actions.

My Indulgence:
A relaxing massage whenever I can fit one in.

My Roots:
I grew up in Delaware, Ohio the oldest of 3 children. I was fiercely independent and went away to college in Philadelphia (University of Pennsylvania), vowing never to come back to Central Ohio. Long story short, I’ve been back in Central Ohio since graduation (except for minor stints on assignment for Deloitte in Toronto and Duesseldorf, Germany). You just can’t beat this area for the cost of living, friendliness of the residents and great school systems!

My Future:
I want to continue giving back to our community and help women succeed in all walks of their lives. I want my sons to grow up healthy and strong and know that they can achieve whatever they want to accomplish. And I want to always be able to look back and know that I made a difference to my company, to my colleagues and to my clients.

My Quote on Life:
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” (Helen Keller)

My Accessory:

The birthstone ring I received on my birthday a few years ago from my boys & my gold hoop earrings

My Advice to Young Women:
Understand the importance of self-promotion and take control of your own destiny. Take time to reflect on your goals and let others know what direction you want to head. It’s amazing how other people will help you achieve your goals if they know what you’re striving for. And above all else, help other women along the way. Paying it forward is the best way women can give back and help generate more success for our future generations.

How I Balance it All:
I don’t think I ever have anything in complete balance. My husband has stayed at home full time with the boys since Hunter was born which helps me out a great deal. And the boys always say that the “S” days are their mommy time…..I try to devote weekends to family and get all my other tasks accomplished during the week. Every day I have to prioritize my time and while I don’t think I have it all figured out, I feel pretty fulfilled at the end of most days.

Woman of the Week: Alison Barret

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Alison Barret

My Current Job/Company:
Executive Director, Thurber House

My Birthdate:
03.04.1965 March Fourth! I like to use my birth date as a challenge to my friends to March “Forth” into the community and serve.

My Work:
Helping to lead and promote an amazing Columbus treasure — Thurber House, a nonprofit literary center based in the family home of author and New Yorker cartoonist James Thurber. What could be better than working in a place where its very foundation is rooted in humor, writing and storytelling?

My Passion:
Connecting people to each other, to charitable causes and to all that that Columbus has to offer. Columbus is a stellar city!

My Family:
I am single but far from solo. I am the youngest of six kids, proud aunt to 12 and great-aunt to 5 (and one on the way). And I have a very supporting circle of Columbus friends that I consider family.

My Heroes:
My mom, who has endured tremendous health issues, great pain and limitations for the majority of her adult life — and yet she is grateful, compassionate and has a wicked wit and a ready laugh. Another would be my friends, Jerry & MJ. They both taught me about courage, dignity, humor and true, abiding love.

My Escape:
My family cabin in the middle of the Pennsylvania woods. Cool green trees, roaring bonfire and my extended family telling well-worn, giggle-inducing, sometimes irreverent stories.

My Pet Peeve:
Whining. You woke up today, right? Move on. And to break my own no-whining rule, I hate when people fail to flush those paper toilet seat covers. Think about the hypocrisy.

My Indulgence:
Reality TV on occasion, I can’t lie. And anything potato.

My Roots:
Small town girl that grew up in an era when you truly were raised by the village. I still stop in my tracks if Mrs. McCambridge yells my name….and I’m still very close with dozens of my grade school friends.

My Future:
Exciting, promising, full of new people to meet, lessons to learn and stories to discover.

My Quote on Life:
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” (Mae West)

My Accessory:
Inexpensive, quirky rings. People are always keen to check out what colorful bauble I am wearing. I have an old printer’s box on my wall, filled with dozens of rings. And the happiest part of my day is when I peruse my collection in the morning and select the day’s shiny ring before I walk out the door.

My Advice to Young Women:
Stay curious; there is always more to learn. Keep your promises & use words carefully. And be authentic: a $1,500 outfit can never mask a fifty-cent soul.

How I Balance it All:
Balance Schmalance. I have perspective. My life is much less hectic than so many others, especially my mom-friends. Yet, busier than your average bear, as I attend charitable and arts events, have work meetings or connect with friends practically every night of the week. The plates I AM able to keep spinning are colorful. And any plates that do drop make this melodic tinkling sound.

Woman of the Week: Christine Watchorn

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Christine Watchorn

My Current Job/Company:
Attorney at Ulmer & Berne LLP

My Birthday:
March 25

My Work:
I help businesses resolve their legal disputes.

My Passion:
My family, my friends, music and working to provide educational opportunities for women.

My Family:
My wonderful husband, Steve, and our crazy cat, Buford.

My Heroes:
Frankly, I always struggle with this question. Maybe I don’t really like the world “hero.” People I admire and look up to are people who stand up for what they believe in….even at great risk to themselves, and everyday people I know who have faced tough challenges with grace and strength and determination.

My Escape:
Listening to music, traveling to the mountains, and, in a best-case scenario, combining those two things.

My Pet Peeve:
When people don’t use their turn signals.

My Indulgence:

Microbrewed IPAs (India Pale Ale – a very hoppy beer)

My Roots:
I come from hard working, middle class, loyal and loving people with a lot of integrity.

My Future:

Short term: busy, fun and involved. Long term: in a rocking chair on the front porch of a mountain cabin somewhere.

My Quote on Life:

“Say ‘Yes’ and you’ll figure it out afterwards.” (Tina Fey)
“Whatever you are, be a good one.” (Abraham Lincoln)

My Accessory:
Is an iPhone an accessory?

My Advice to Young Women:
Be good to each other. There are plenty of people in the world who may try to tear you down, so don’t do it to one another.

How I Balance it All:
I don’t. Litigation can be very unpredictable. Sometimes I have to work very long hours and on weekends, and I cannot always predict it in advance, so plans get cancelled and rescheduled. I hate letting my loved ones down, but I’m lucky to have very understanding friends and family and I’m trying to learn to embrace chaos.

Woman of the Week: Traci Culp

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Traci Culp

My Current Job/Company:
Sales and Marketing Executive/Blue Laser Design

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I help businesses realize their online marketing potential by optimizing marketing strategies customized to each industry and client. I consult on website improvements, messaging, organization and usability, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other options that will expand any online business presence.

My Passion:
My family, being creative and working with my hands, movies, and travel

My Family:
Will Guthrie (Soon-to-be-Husband), Frank the Tank (Yorkie), Belly Button (Mini-dachshund), and Typo (Chihuahua/Pom)

My Heroes:
My awesome and inspiring parents, Bob and Linda Wing (married 45 years)

My Escape:
Mexico (Sun, sand, salsa, and cervezas)

My Pet Peeve:

Words misspelled on purpose (ex: Kountry Kuts Hair Salon)

My Indulgences:
Pinot Grigio, Dairy Queen, and any kind of gummy candy

My Roots:
Conservative, sweet, fun, close knit family – my friends nicknamed my family “The Cleavers”

My Future:
Fun, changes, and new adventures

My Quote on Life:
“Sometimes you have to just stop and look around, see what you already have, and be thankful.” (me – just now)

My Accessory:
Lip Gloss

My Advice to Young Women:
Do not settle or rush into anything – wait until it feels right.

How I Balance it All:
Exercise and eat snacks – work and play hard – go out to eat and bake from scratch – sleep in on the weekends – forget everything else with a great movie – win and lose (you learn more from the losses) – earn and give “thank yous”

Woman of the Week: Anne Boninsegna

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Anne Boninsegna

My Current Job/Company:
Owner/The Kitchen

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I create immersive dining experiences that inspire a curiosity and passion for cooking by celebrating the art of preparing, eating and sharing great food with family and friends.

My Passion:
Life in a nutshell. My family, my friends, my love of food, culture and travel and pretty much any non-profit focused on enriching lives.

My Family:
Amy (the most amazingly supportive partner a person could ask for), Phinneaus (6, my always thinking and lovely son), Harper (5, my compassionate & imaginative elf of a daughter)

My Heroes:
Anyone who on daily basis finds a way to support another person unconditionally. Big and small gestures of kindness are what make the world a better place.

My Escapes:
Cooking and Travel. Both are the greatest ways I can think of to either get away or at least feel like you have.

My Pet Peeves:
Generalizations and Boastfulness

My Indulgence:
Anything outside of my business seems like an indulgence currently! But, I would have to say the idea of a mani/pedi seems like a dream come true!

My Roots:
I was raised as an only child by young parents and while I know they did everything they could for me, they were young. We all agree I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my amazing grandparents. They were simple people who couldn’t instill in me enough the values I cherish today…be generous, be nice and eat lots of pasta.

My Future:
I can only begin to imagine what is yet to come in my life. I have so much to look forward to. With young children just starting to hit grade school all the fun is to come and with a brand new business I hope to see it take off and inspire the next food and dining concepts.

My Quote on Life:
“If you have to do something you don’t want to do, do it gracefully” (told to me by my mother as quoted from her mother)

My Accessory:
Shoes (boots & flip flops), bracelets, scarves and my necklace with my children’s initials.

My Advice to Young Women:
Don’t be paralyzed by trying to find your passion and don’t let anyone convince you that you need to know exactly what you want to do with your life. Life is evolutionary as far as I can tell and for the most part it will guide you as much as you will guide it.

How I Balance it All:
With a lot of help, and now, a very distinct willingness to change courses whenever needed to make things work out as they need to. I put a lot of pressure on myself and my family (I wish I was more calm and Zen about things, I hope that will come with age) to follow a plan but it always turns out best when we sort of fly by the seat of our pants and adjust as we go.

Woman of the Week: Lisa Stein

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Lisa Stein

My Current Job/Company:
CEO/Founder, Revolutions Inc.

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I lead a team of people who are revolutionizing the Home Medical Equipment industry. We are reinventing the business model and getting better product to people, faster, and less expensively.

My Passion:
Right now, there are two things that drive me: Raising great kids and creating change when a situation is static or broken. I am always interested in what is “next” and how it can be improved. And next year: I plan to grow great tomatoes (along with great kids!)

My Family:
Craig, my husband of 30 years, and our great boys Canon Jake (19) and Peter (16), who make me laugh every single day.

My Heroes:
Elon Musk for dreaming big, my dear friends for continuously loving me despite my many flaws, and the all the women who make it look so much easier than it really is.

My Escape:
Travel….anywhere without a McDonalds, which is a rule for most family travel. I want to go somewhere that reminds us what life is about when you strip away all the structure, physical and social, that humans have invented.

My Pet Peeve:
It used to be cigarette smoke but thank goodness that is nearly a thing of the past! I’m more tolerant now and have fewer pet peeves, and only silly meaningless ones, like mispronouncing “espresso.” No x, folks.

My Indulgence:
Massages and sleeping in on Sunday morning. Years of weekend soccer games have made Sunday morning in bed a real treat.

My Roots:
I am blessed with wonderful parents who let us make lots of mistakes and live our own lives. They are still my greatest cheerleaders, and I only hope that I am the same crazy cheerleader for my own kids.

My Future:
I’ll always work at building something new, but once my kids are grown, I’ll do that work from many different places. I want to experience a broader range of cultures and see more of the world before it is one homogenous inter-connected network. And always, be working on helping something to grow, be it a business or people.

My Quote on Life:
“We go out of this world with nothing but the sum total of our actions. Make sure you are comfortable owning all of your actions.”

My Accessory:
Love a great scarf. When I feel schlubby….a scarf is my go to pick-me-up.

My Advice for Young Women:
It is not hard to have it all, but it is impossible to have it all at once. Be okay with knowing that not all elements of your life can be balanced at all times. When my kids and my business were both young, that is all I could manage. No boards, no community work, no volunteering…and no guilt. I wrote checks and did what I could do. Now that my kids are older and my business has matured, I serve on boards and try to spend more time mentoring…..and still write checks because that is sometimes my highest and best use. Get to it all, but don’t try to do it all today!

How I Balance it All:
See above. And I try to remind myself, I never regret spending more time with my kids, my husband, and my friends.

Woman of the Week: Brenda Sears

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Brenda Sears

My Name:
Brenda Sears

My Current Job/Company:
Project Director/IJUS, LLC

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I set-up and manage new clients while maintaining relationships with existing clients. I assist in acquiring new clients and projects. My background in engineering gives me opportunities to set up the engineering specifications required for projects and engage on a detailed level. Guiding and training future managers and leaders is an added bonus in my daily routine.

My Passion:
Family, friends, work, and The Buckeyes.

My Family:

My husband, Clint (so thankful that he found me), and our fur-baby, Leia.

My Heroes:
Barb (my mom – amazing role model). Colleen (my sister – pure strength). Meagan (my friend – no fear).

My Escape:
Anywhere where I feel “unplugged”.

My Pet Peeve:
Bad drivers and people who go in the “Out” door.

My Indulgence:
Any sort of pampering – massage, mani, pedi, facial.

My Roots:
Middle-class, suburban. Eventful! Always feel welcomed by my friends and family.

My Future:
Exciting! Expanding our family.

My Quote on Life:
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

My Accessory:
I’m a purse girl.

My Advice to Young Women:
Don’t be afraid or ashamed of being smart.

How I Balance it All:
I get a lot of satisfaction from accomplishing tasks. So I make many to-do lists and feel good about crossing things off. I try to prioritize whatever I can and make sure there is always time for those that positively impact my well-being, including myself.

Woman of the Week: Regan Walsh

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Regan Walsh

My Current Job/Company:

Chief Storyteller, Flying Horse Farms

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I tell stories about the extraordinary campers of Flying Horse Farms to anyone who will listen. My job is to build awareness about Flying Horse Farms, a camp for children with serious illnesses. My goal is three-fold: reach more camper families, find more volunteers, and inspire donors to continue to fund this important work.

My Passion:
Random acts of kindness.

My Family:
Nick (We are getting married in November), loving parents, five older siblings, 13 nieces and nephews and supportive friends.

My Heroes:
Janice & Leo Walsh, my parents. They gave their children wings to fly and deep roots to come home to.

My Escape:
A little island called Vieques. Or my front porch.

My Pet Peeve:

My Indulgence:
Classes at Thank Yoga, facials (Sarah Goetz), massages (Laura Wieck).

My Roots:
I come from a loving (and hilarious) family. My parents raised six children and ran a family business together. We were taught to work hard, take risks, be kind to others and invest in our community.

My Future:
..is happy.

My Quote on Life:
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.” -Kurt Vonnegut

My Accessory:
Bright lipstick. (I believe bright lipstick is a mood-shifter. It’s hard to feel bland when you’re wearing bright lipstick).

My Advice to Young Women:
Life is more interesting if you don’t follow a plan. Be adventurous and surround yourself with smart people.

How I Balance it All:
I don’t fill my schedule with “I should’s.” I am protective of my time and I invest it in people I love and work I am passionate about.