Woman of the Week ~ Natasha Chou

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Natasha Chou

My Current Job/Company: Director, Property Claims at Nationwide Insurance Company

My Work: I lead a team that helps to restore the lives of others. My dynamic team of managers and reinspectors are responsible for the customer service, quality, and performance of 2000+ vendors on our Homeowner’s Property Repair Network.

My Passion: My Faith, My Family, and Making a difference

My Family: Leon (Awesome & Loving Husband), Londyn (Energetic 4 yr old daughter), Noah (Adventurous 1.5 yr old son)

My Hero or Heroes: My mom and dad—They are the epitome of strength, endurance, faithfulness, love, inspiration and compassion wrapped up into one incredible husband & wife team of 39 years!

My Escape:Ultimate Escape- The beach- Sand, sun, waves, ocean air. Regular Escape- Watching basketball/football or a good Netflix series or attending yoga class.

My Pet Peeve: Dishonesty and disrespect

My Indulgence: Starbucks and anything with white chocolate!

My Roots: Faith, family, love, champion-spirited, lifelong learning

My Future: Exciting, full of new adventures, optimistic

My Favorite Quote: “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

My Accessory: Shoes and my Smile

My Advice to Young Women: Self-doubt can be crippling. We are often our worst critics— Give yourself GRACE. If you mess up—So what? Our mess ups are often our best teachers, learn from it and move forward—Don’t give up!

How I Balance it All: Plan, prioritize, organize and the support of my family to make it all work—Oh and coffee, I can’t forget coffee!

Woman of the Week ~ Tara Beckstedt

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Tara Beckstedt

My Current Job/Company: Sr. Consultant Staff Administration / Nationwide Financial

My Work: I am chief of staff to a senior leader at Nationwide Financial. I work with the leadership team to create meaningful business strategies and effective communications plans for those strategies. I also focus on building relationships within the team and key business partners. I am a thought leader, a change agent, a skilled communicator and a strategic problem solver for our team.

My Passion: Family, Faith and Friends

My Family: I’ve been married to my best friend, Eric, for almost 14 years. Together we have 3 amazing kids – Liliana (11), Kellen (9) and Cade (4).

My Hero or Heroes: Our military personnel, both past and present – I am forever grateful for the sacrifice and service of these men and women & their families who love them.

My Escape: We love to go to the beach but really any vacation with my family is a welcome chance for some R & R. I love to see my kids experience new places!

My Pet Peeve: Loud chewing & negative attitudes

My Indulgence: I have a huge sweet tooth. I can’t pass up a warm chocolate chip cookie.

My Roots: I had the quintessential childhood, growing up in a small town in Northwest Ohio with loving, supportive parents and a younger brother. It was there I learned the value of hard work and the importance of family and faith.

My Future: Full of endless potential and lots of love.

My Favorite Quote: “”When joy is a habit, love is a reflex” (Bob Goff)

My Accessory: A smile!

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith and always be willing to learn new things.

How I Balance it All: Prioritize and plan, but be flexible to shift when necessary. My planner is my best friend. I love having all of our family’s activities in one place but I am not afraid to cross things off and mark things up as things change and get re-prioritized. I also make a point not to over-schedule us. Scheduling some downtime for our family is critical to our happiness! Lastly, I am so grateful for active grandparents who jump in and help at a moment’s notice. Having the support of family and friends makes it all possible!

Woman of the Week ~ Hayley Knick

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Hayley Knick

My Current Job/Company: Audit Group Manager- Internal Audit/ Huntington Bancshares Inc.

My Work:  I work with business partners in the Finance, Accounting, Risk, and HR business segments within my organization to evaluate established controls, policies, and procedures. I improve the effectiveness of business processes by identifying opportunities for enhancement and/ or instances of noncompliance. I embrace change and adaptability and believe continued reflection of current practices for enhancement opportunities are important in mitigating risks and overall success.

My Passion:  My family and friends. The Arts (musical theater, photography, museums, etc.).

My Family: Jeffrey (Husband), Miles (Son, age 3), Morgan (Son, age 1)

My Hero or Heroes: My parents (married almost 40 years; endlessly supportive); My dad (earned success through his dedication and hard work); working mothers (it’s not easy to juggle family and a successful career and I look up to those who have found the balance).

My Escape: Scrapbooking; Watching TV/ Netflix after the kids are in bed; Family vacations.

My Pet Peeve: Negative people; People who don’t execute basic manners such as holding the door open for someone behind you; Cell phones at the dinner table.

My Indulgence: Salty junk food.

My Roots: Happy childhood. Loving Parents. Extended family get-togethers. Opportunities. Taught the value of hard work and integrity.

My Future: Busy and exhausting but rewarding. Full of laughter.

My Favorite Quote:  “Walk to the beat of your own tuba.” “When babies take their first step and then fall on their bottoms, we praise the first step. We don’t criticize their fall… I think we adults could learn a lesson here… we spend more time criticizing our falls and not enough time applauding our small steps.”

My Accessory: Blazers; Bold colors/ prints.

My Advice to Young Women: Have the confidence to be yourself; Don’t be afraid to stand-out or be different; Be a leader.

How I Balance it All: Stay in the moment (when at work, focus on work; when at home, be present at home). Prioritize by using ‘to-do lists’ and calendars; Remain positive and optimistic.

Advice On How To Balance It All From Three Of Our Women Of The Week

Starting the week with some advice from three of our Women of the Week!

I am learning to say No and working on holding my boundaries. I am learning to be present for my family. I have a VILLAGE! ~ Nichole Harris

I learn from role models and female leaders who strive to “have it all.” Then I remind myself, I have plenty of time for the things that are important to me and take a deep breath! ~ Helen Fite

Support from family and great friends, keep a sense of humor, don’t sweat the small stuff, keep your anxiety for the things that really matter. ~ Lin Hillis

Woman of the Week ~ Kim Riley

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Kim Riley

My Current Job/Company: VP, Service Delivery/Wright-Patt Credit Union

My Work:  I serve and coach a strong team of leaders that are driven to make a difference in the lives of the members we serve. I believe empowering people is the key to success. My ultimate mission is to help others become the best version of themselves so they experience happiness and prosperity in their lives and the lives of those they touch.

My Passion:  My family, friends, and my faith.

My Family: Dave (Loving Husband), Katelyn (Inspirational and Loving Daughter- 25), Ashton (Caring and Thoughtful Step-Daughter – 22), Kearston (Determined and Loving Step-Daughter – 19), and Payton (Caring and Compassionate Step-Daughter – 18).

My Hero or Heroes:My parents, my family and my friends. My parents gave me a strong foundation of morals and values. These morals and values have been my guide through life. My family and friends have surrounded me with love and support that has allowed me to be the best version of myself.

My Escape: I love Destin. It is a beautiful area where I get to spend quality time with my family.

My Pet Peeve: Humidity and negativity.

My Indulgence: Spending time with family. Sitting on the front porch relaxing with my husband.

My Roots: Humble. Hardworking. Loving family and friends.

My Future: Happy and healthy. I am focused on taking care of my health so I can live a happy and active life surrounded by family and friends.

My Favorite Quote:  “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~Dalai Lama

My Accessory: A caring smile.

My Advice to Young Women: Focus on your dreams and don’t compromise. If you’re happy and healthy the people surrounding you will be happier and healthier.

How I Balance it All: I don’t do it well, but recently I have been practicing concentration. My job has many aspects and each one deserves my attention; therefore I am striving to be more organized and focused.

Woman of the Week ~ Lin Hillis

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Lin Hillis

My Current Job/Company: Ohio State University – AVP Talent, Leadership & Diversity for Ohio State and the Wexner Medical Center

My Work: I have the great opportunity to work in this amazing organization with a great HR Team where we are focusing on improving our Employee Experience from the first impression a candidate has with Ohio State to the time when an employee retires leaving their legacy and always a Buckeye.

My Passion:  My family, watching my son’s sporting events, my role at Ohio State.

My Family: Chris (Supportive Partner), Sean (Amazing Son – 16)

My Hero or Heroes: A few friends who have changed the way that I think about life and leadership (you know who you are!!!), my mother who has always been a big supporter of mine.

My Escape: Camping, listening to music (especially the Carpenters!!!) by the pool.

My Pet Peeve:  Leaders who lack empathy.

My Indulgence: Binge watching TV.

My Roots: Down to Earth, fun, always smiling with a sense of humor.

My Future: Watching my son go to college,  have a family and becoming a grandmother.

My Favorite Quote:  “Determine to live life with flair and laughter.”  Maya Angelou

My Accessory: Converse Tennis Shoes and my son’s sports team logos.

My Advice to Young Women: Be strong, be patient and most of all…… be your best self. Don’t let other people impact your self-confidence, and learn from your mistakes.

How I Balance it All: Support from family and great friends, keep a sense of humor, don’t sweat the small stuff, keep your anxiety for the things that really matter.

Women of the Week ~ Advice to Young Women

Starting the week with some advice from three of our Women of the Week!

Prioritize time with mentors and peers, and give away what you’re learning. ~ Denise Meine-Graham

Confidence is the best accessory you can wear. ~ Lilu Terefe

Have a plan but remain flexible. The largest strides have been made from women who had to re-invent themselves and their perspective. ~ Lisa Bradley

Woman of the Week ~ Debra Lynn Hayes

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Debra Lynn Hayes

My Current Job/Company: Author, Speaker, Coach

My Work: I work with people who feel stuck after a traumatic loss or heartache. I use my book RISE….What To Do When Hell Won’t Back Off, as well as keynote speaking, group and individual coaching. My desire is to see people Unmask the Hope that is inside them and Embrace the Life all around them.

My Passion: Is to see someone move through grief and mourning and learn to enjoy their life again.

My Family: Unfortunately most of my family now live in heaven. My father and four sons Randall, Isaac, Stefan and Ephraim (there initials are the title of my book memorializing them RISE) all reside there. I am blessed to have my 84 yr old mother living with me and getting to caring for her as she ages. Along with our talking Amazon Parrot JAZZ.

My Hero or Heroes: My parents. My father taught me to laugh and see the lighter side of any circumstance. My mother has shown me what unconditional love looks like.

My Escape: I am equally content by the water or in the mountains. I love to get alone in quiet nature.

My Pet Peeve: When something at the Dollar Store cost more than a dollar.

My Indulgence: Wine.

My Roots: I am proud to have been raised in the south and surrounded by open and honest Southern Hospitality.

My Future: My future is wide open and exciting.

My Favorite Quote: “After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts; there is no end to his surprises” Job 5:9 (Message Bible)

My Accessory: Laughter, tears, a warm smile and compassionate heart. (& a tennis racket!)

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t let heartaches and disappointments define who you are. Separate who you are from what happens in your life.

How I Balance it All: Know the season of your life I am in. Every season is MY season, I just have to know what that season is and embrace it. From there, I work hard and play big.

Woman of the Week ~ Nichole Harris

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Nichole Harris, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor-Supervisor

My Current Job/Company: Director of Programs at The Center for Healthy Families

My Work: I support and manage programs that assist teen parents to become self-sufficient. I work to inspire others to live their purpose on purpose.

My Passion: Maternal Child Health, and my family.

My Family: Kip (Supportive Husband), Nya & Amari (My Two Heart Beats are my Daughters ages 17 & 12)

My Hero or Heroes: Female mentors who have provided me with an opportunity to have a seat at the table.

My Escape: Traveling. Both near and far as it allows me to recharge my batteries.

My Pet Peeve: Traffic and rude people.

My Indulgence: Netflix, & Hulu in my bed after a long day.

My Roots: Hardworking. Family Centered. Filled with lots of love.

My Future: Big, On Purpose, Inspiring.

My Favorite Quote: “You Must Be The Change You Wish To See In the World” – Gandhi

My Accessory: Journal, Alexi & Ani Bracelet and my humor.

My Advice to Young Women: Create a small village or CIRCLE of like-minded women. When the days are tough you will need them. When you reach your goals they will clap FOR you.

How I Balance it All: I am learning to say No and working on holding my boundaries. I am learning to be present for my family. I have a VILLAGE!

Woman of the Week ~ Denise Meine-Graham

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Denise Meine-Graham

My Current Job/Company: Founding Director of Franklin County LOSS (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors)

My Work: Trainer, speaker, mentor, learner, and advocate. I train communities about suicide prevention and postvention. I train other leaders throughout Ohio on how to launch suicide postvention efforts in their communities. I speak about suicide awareness, grief, and hope as often as I can. And the best part of all… I get to walk alongside suicide loss survivors by providing support, resources, a listening ear, and warm hugs.

My Passion: My faith, suicide awareness advocacy, and min pins.

My Family: My husband and rock Robbie Graham, my boy Drey Meine in heaven, and my stepson Davey Jo Graham.

My Hero or Heroes: Judi Haymond who came to visit me a few days after Drey died. Having a mom who had also lost her son to suicide sitting with me in the muck of trauma and despair planted seeds of hope!

My Escape: So many escape options! The beach, the mountains, on the water, the woods.

My Pet Peeve: Out of control shower curtains.

My Indulgence: Spa days!

My Roots: I’m a sassy Columbus chick who still listens to hip hop music, loves my dogs, marvel movies, good coffee, good books, my bestie Robbie, and my best girlfriends.

My Future: I call myself a fragile badass. Most days I feel like I can handle anything the future holds! And on days I’m fragile? Well… I choose life.

My Favorite Quote: “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” Bob Marley

My Accessory: Meaningful tattoos.

My Advice to Young Women: Prioritize time with mentors and peers, and give away what you’re learning.

How I Balance it All: This changes often. I try to prioritize prayer, reading the Bible, and time with girlfriends. If these things are a priority the rest tends to fall into place.