Looking back on some of our favorite quotes from our Women of the Week.

It’s a great week to look back on some of our favorite quotes shared by some of our Women of the Week.

“While we may be individually strong, we are collectively powerful.” (Rakhi Voria) ~ Dani Wilkinson

“Spend your life doing something that will outlast it” (Anonymous) ~ Becky Captain

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” (Eleanor Roosevelt) ~ Harris Atha-Simonton

How To Balance It All ~ Advice from three of our Women of the Week

Starting the week with some advice from three of our Women of the Week!

I’m a planner. I live by my calendar. I am also continuously organizing to adapt to the changes that are going on in my life at that time whether it be work, family, socially, or spiritually. ~ Heidi McClelland

Knowing my BEST yes. It’s ok to say no and not feel guilty about it. ~ Nicole Neal

Prioritize and plan, but be flexible to shift when necessary. My planner is my best friend. I love having all of our family’s activities in one place but I am not afraid to cross things off and mark things up as things change and get re-prioritized. I also make a point not to over-schedule us. Scheduling some downtime for our family is critical to our happiness! Lastly, I am so grateful for active grandparents who jump in and help at a moment’s notice. Having the support of family and friends makes it all possible! ~ Tara Beckstedt

Woman of the Week ~ Alyssa Workman

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Alyssa Workman

My Current Job/Company: HR Manager at Polaris Automation/Industrial Solutions

My Work: I am an advocate for employees while supporting management and business initiatives.

My Passion: My faith / CrossFit / nutrition

My Family: My hubby, Alec – married 2 years and counting.

My Hero or Heroes: My Aunt Amy – she is incredibly wise, selfless, patient, and constantly serves others.

My Escape: Anywhere in the Caribbean – sunbathing by the clear water with my hubby by my side and a book & Dirty Banana in hand!

Pet Peeve: Loud chewing

My Indulgence: Ice cream and red wine.

My Roots: Small town, rural Ohio

My Future: Hopefully adding little kiddos to the picture / changing the stereotype of HR by constantly loving on and supporting employees.

My Favorite Quote: “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” -C.S. Lewis

My Accessory: After my grandma passed away, I got to pick something out from her jewelry box. I chose the necklace I’m wearing in my picture below.

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t feel like you have to justify your decisions to other people. As long as you are following the Lord’s will for your life, what other people think doesn’t matter.

How I Balance it All: The love and encouragement of my husband/lots of prayer/checklists!

Woman of the Week ~ Sara Bazan

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Sara Bazan

My Current Job/Company: I am a Lead OBGYN physician with PrimaryOne Health.

My Work: I provide obstetric and gynecologic care for women who are currently underserved by our healthcare system. Every day, my patients teach me about real strength and resilience amidst life adversities.

My Passion: I love exploring my creative side, which brings me great joy.

My Family: Jose (my husband who inspires me and keeps me grounded); Diego (my adventurous & witty son – 12; Carolina (my compassionate & inquisitive daughter – 9)

My Hero or Heroes: My Father for demonstrating hard work and perseverance; My Mother for modeling unconditional love and then bravery for fighting cancer twice in her life.

My Escape: My ideal retreat would be a cottage overlooking the rocky coastline of Maine.

Pet Peeve: Uncovered sneezes.

My Indulgence: The delectable pistachio macarons by Pistacia Vera.

My Roots: I am proud of my rural upbringing, which established my small-town values. I am equally proud of living in Columbus with its incredible, cultural diversity that continues to give me perspective.

My Future: Always evolving and hopeful- I forever challenge myself in my career and my personal development.

My Favorite Quote: “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship” – Louisa May Alcott

My Accessory: I love a good cardigan and simple studs.

My Advice to Young Women: Always surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.

How I Balance it All: I invest in a good planner and then try not to sweat the small stuff. But most importantly, I have learned to ask for help from my village and to be available to do the same in return.

Woman of the Week ~ Dani Wilkinson

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Dani Wilkinson

My Current Job/Company: Camp Director at Flying Horse Farms

My Work: I lead a team that is focused on designing and implementing a medically-safe, adapted and transformative camp experience; as well as recruiting, processing and training a team of 30 seasonal staff and 800 volunteers annually. I oversee risk and emergency procedures for camp operations and serve as a strategic thought leader for the organization.

My Passion: To serve and lift others up.

My Family: Michael, my incredible husband, and I have been together since the summer we met 12 years ago – married for 2 years. Together we have a big supportive family who we love endlessly.

My Hero or Heroes: The campers and families I’ve had the pleasure of knowing because of Flying Horse Farms.

My Escape: Jetting out West to hike and explore.

Pet Peeve: Meetings without agendas or purpose.

My Indulgence: A long weekend away with my best girlfriends.

My Roots: Grounded in family, empathy and a strong work ethic.

My Future: Bright!

My Favorite Quote: “While we may be individually strong, we are collectively powerful.” – Rakhi Voria

My Accessory: A cup of coffee!

My Advice to Young Women: Seek mentors who know you and will support and challenge you to reach your highest potential.

How I Balance it All: I’ve learned how to say no and set boundaries – like my dear friend, Regan Walsh says, Shed your Should’s!

Woman of the Week ~ Heidi McClelland

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Heidi McClelland

My Current Job/Company: Senior Administrator, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (CTS) at the University of Kansas Health System

My Work: Oversee business and clinical operations of the CTS department at the University of Kansas Health System, University of Kansas Physicians Group and the University of Kansas School of Medicine.

My Passion: Family First, Always!

My Family: My relentlessly supportive husband, Kevin. I have a son, Dylan, daughter Madison, and 2 bonus sons, Jacob and Ian.

My Hero or Heroes: My parents and grandparents. They taught me the value of family, hard work and honesty.

My Escape: Time with my soul sisters (friends for 20+ years). I also love a great beach or exploring other countries and their cultures.

Pet Peeve: Arrogance and cottage cheese.

My Indulgence: Wine is great. It is even better with cheese or chocolate!

My Roots: Do the right thing!

My Future: I measure and plan my future by learning something new every single day. As long as that is happening, I am headed in the right direction.

My Favorite Quote: Treat others how you would want to be treated… God and Mom

My Accessory: A functional work bag and a bit of jewelry.

My Advice to Young Women: Only you can determine your destiny, and whatever you choose, you HAVE to give it 100%.

How I Balance it All: I’m a planner. I live by my calendar. I am also continuously organizing to adapt to the changes that are going on in my life at that time whether it be work, family, socially, or spiritually.

Woman of the Week ~ Kiko Yee

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Kiko Yee

My Current Job/Company: General Counsel & Chief Operating Officer/Ohio Access to Justice Foundation

My Work: Optimizing the Foundation’s mission to improve the legal health of Ohioans struggling to make ends meet by supporting legal aid and access to justice initiatives. I oversee internal operations, grow strategic alliances, and help our team promote visionary steps to improve access to justice in the state. I believe in positivity, being kind, and empowering others.

My Passion: My family, my work, and my community.

My Family: Josh (Husband and Best Friend); Miya (Amazingly Kind Daughter – 8); and Lidia (Huggable Little Daughter – 5)

My Hero or Heroes: My teachers. They taught me to believe in myself, believe in others, and believe that together, we can make a difference.

My Escape: Extreme Baking (I make extravagant cakes like Cake Boss)

Pet Peeve: Naysayers.

My Indulgence: Graeter’s Buckeye Blitz Ice Cream.

My Roots: Humble. Simple. My family and friends are everything.

My Future: Continuing to live my best life, without regrets. Work hard, play hard.

My Favorite Quote: “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” – Dalai Lama

My Accessory: Bright red purse and a smile. Both are equally uplifting!

My Advice to Young Women: When it comes to leadership, have the courage to lead in your own way. There is no one-size-fits-all. We must therefore constantly strive to be authentic, and lead our teams with kindness, humility, and grace.

How I Balance it All: Prioritize, calendar like crazy, and protect family time fiercely! I also have an incredible “tribe” of other moms/dads who help with our kiddos.

Woman of the Week ~ Julie Czapla

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Julie Czapla

My Current Job/Company: Manager, Telecommunications Project Management at American Electric Power (AEP)

My Work: I manage a team of Telecommunications Project Managers, Project Coordinators, and Project Schedulers. My team works on telecom transmission projects to build out AEP’s fiber-optic network and advance telecommunications. This program includes; infrastructure modernization, station builds, new telecom sites, installing telecom equipment, networking, transport gear, SCADA builds, and running new fiber along portions of 40,000 circuit miles of transmission lines, as well as many other telecom capabilities.

My Passion: My faith, my family, giving back, supporting my community and my intense work ethic.

My Family: Jon (my husband), Corey (son – 16) and Tyson (son – 9). Cats (Brady and Lincoln). Dog (Macy).

My Hero or Heroes: My grandma (Janet Hammond) and my grandfather (Ed Hammond). Everything I am today is because of them. They taught me to be kind, to help others, and to work hard. They taught me to appreciate what I have, to NEVER give up, and to always follow my dreams. Also, my mom (Shelley Ames). She is my biggest cheerleader, has always supported me through each and every journey in life, and is always there to give me a high five or a shoulder to cry on.

My Escape: A night at home with a decent Lifetime movie and a glass of wine.

Pet Peeve: Sneezing into your hand. Being late. Poor manners.

My Indulgence: Oreos & Milk. Ice Cream.

My Roots: Be humble, hungry, and the hardest working person in the room.

My Future: Long, healthy, and surrounded by those I love.

My Favorite Quote: “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it. (Estee Lauder)”

My Accessory: A dress with pockets. Go-to black heels.

My Advice to Young Women:Never give up. Don’t let one bad experience set the tone for your future. You can be anything you want to be. Accept feedback and use it to learn and grow. “Everyone shines, given the right lighting. (Susan Cain)”

How I Balance it All: A checklist, an organized calendar, my day planner, and a positive support system.

Woman of the Week ~ Heather Plank

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Heather Plank

My Current Job/Company: Director of Operations at TENFOLD

My Work: I support and empower our team so they can deliver their best work every day.

My Passion: Going deep with people, good food, dancing it out.

My Family: My husband Dennis, 18-month-old daughter Stella, two cats Daisy and Gatsby.

My Hero or Heroes: My mom

My Escape: Early, quiet mornings with my coffee and a cozy blanket.

Pet Peeve: Being late.

My Indulgence: Oreos and milk

My Roots: Small town, midwest

My Future: The fun is just beginning!

My Favorite Quote: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ― Howard Thurman

My Accessory: Blanket scarves forever.

My Advice to Young Women: Believe that you are worthy; of respect, of their time, of a seat at the table, of asking for what you want, of being heard.

How I Balance it All: Prioritizing each day, and picking my battles. And humility. And coffee.

Woman of the Week ~ Becky K. Captain

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients,some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Becky K. Captain

My Current Job/Company: Director of Cardiovascular Clinical Practice at The University of Kansas Health System

My Work: I develop, lead and direct programs, managers, supervisors, and staff in our cardiovascular medicine department. I work closely with Executives and Physicians to implement standards for patient care that optimize patient health and comply with laws and regulations. I provide input to strategic decisions that affect the functional area of my responsibility. I work to resolve any issues arising from operations and requiring coordination with other departments. I ensure the Cardiovascular Medicine department meets the current needs and addresses the future needs of patients by introducing new technologies, services, and procedures.

My Passion: My faith, my family, and helping others become the best they can be.

My Family: Chris (My Rock-Husband), Evan and Meghan (our son & daughter-in-law–they are God’s greatest gifts to us) Don and Mary Gatewood (my parents- gave us a Christian upbringing and are our amazing supporters through life’s journey)

My Hero or Heroes: My parents- Don and Mary Gatewood—gave us a Christian Upbringing and set us up for success with excellent guidance and support- because of them I am balanced.

My Escape: In nature- any type of nature with my husband and dog (Chris and Bailey).

Pet Peeve: Wanting to read an online article with ads that frequently and relentlessly appear.

My Indulgence: Chocolate

My Roots: Kansas City, Christian, motivated, positive, happy, focused, blessed, forgiving, a lifetime of friendships and family.

My Future: God-blessed, successful, promising.

My Favorite Quote: “Spend your life doing something that will outlast it” – Anonymous

My Accessory: Smile

My Advice to Young Women: Dream big. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone….go outside your comfort zone. Anything you do will have issues, but don’t let perfect get in the way of better.

How I Balance it All: It’s an on-going process. I set both short and long-term goals for work, personal and spiritual aspects of my life. It’s staying focused on the goals and prioritizing that helps it to work.