Woman of the Week ~ Jennifer Walton

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Jennifer Walton

My Current Job/Company: Associate Vice President of Marketing, Nationwide Financial

My Work: I lead the marketing group supporting the Nationwide Thought Leadership organization. I help make complex financial and retirement topics easier for everyday people to understand and apply.

My Passion: As a Mama to two young girls, and young Executive, my passion is to make it easier for others to stand where I stand. I want to see more happy and healthy Mamas, and more women, particularly of color, in Executive positions.

My Family: Atty. Sean Walton – my Superhero Husband; Sabella – the Queen, 4; Skyla – the cuddlebug, 2

My Hero or Heroes: I stand on the shoulders of some amazing women in my family. I give thanks daily to both of my Grandmothers, my mother, and my mother-in-law. Proof that life teaches lessons until the very end, and we always have room to learn and grow.

My Escape: You can find me at OrangeTheory Fitness almost every morning! That is my time to really escape. Other than that, my family loves to travel, and nothing makes me happier than hopping on a plane to travel somewhere far where we have to connect with others to stretch ourselves.

My Pet Peeve: Loud eating and a lack of urgency.

My Indulgence: Sugar Cookies! It’s why you will find me at OrangeTheory Fitness almost every morning.

My Roots: My family is from the small island of Bermuda. I come from a small island, then a small town, to have now explored many parts of the world. My roots are humble and gracious, but I was raised to hold my head high.

My Future: Truly in God’s hands. I learned a while ago to appreciate what I have today, and to remain confident and faithful that the future is bright.

My Favorite Quote: “She designed a life she loved.” This is my life mantra, it keeps me connected to my desires and wishes and seeing them through. It’s what I teach my children to do.

My Accessory: I love a beautiful luxury handbag and my pumps!

My Advice to Young Women: Direction is more important than speed. My mentor told me this at a very important point in my life. I needed to hear it, and I think many of my generation and the ones to follow need to hear it too.

How I Balance it All: I’m juggling a lot, and so I had to determine which of the balls I’m juggling were crystal, and thus would break if dropped, and which were rubber, and thus could bounce. Basically, PRIORITIZE. Then I surround myself with an amazing village to catch a ball or two.

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