Woman of the Week – Keri Forney

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Keri Forney

My Current Job/Company:
Talent Business Partner / CAREER Consulting, Coaching, and Connections

My Work:
~ Career Consulting
~ Leadership Coaching and Team Building
~ Facilitating Meetings, Interviews, and Connections

My Passion:
Positive promoter of people pursuing purpose.

My Family:
My husband Bryan (married for over 20 years) and our children (Andrew and Hope).

My Hero or Heroes:
Bryan Forney and the incredible team of people at Focus on Youth who are making a difference in the lives of children and families every day. http://www.focusonyouth.com/

My Escape:
Creativity / Planning / Organizing / Traveling / Exploring

My Pet Peeve:
Clutter and chaos.

My Indulgence:
A day spent shopping, at a spa, or on vacation with family and friends.

My Roots:
Faith, family, and friends – Growing a garden of grace and gratitude.

My Future:
~ Dreaming, Investing, Believing, Assessing, Building, Creating, Pursuing, Celebrating, Next
~ Encouraging . . . throughout the JOB (Journey of Belief) search process
~ Inspiring People / Inspiring People

My Favorite Quote:
“Happiness is the joy you feel moving toward your potential.” – Shawn Achor

My Accessory:
The “Keri Sandal” at Talbots. My beautiful friend Leslie Perry is a fabulous fashion designer with a flair for footwear.
https://www.talbots.com https://lnkd.in/gX4EEAG

My advice to Young Women:
Develop and invest in relationships. Seek mentors and the opportunity to mentor others. Take time to honor and celebrate the special people you are blessed to know. Express love and gratitude generously.

How I Balance it All:
Taking a TEAM (Teach, Empower, Appreciate, and Mentor) approach at work and home – knowing as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More). By recognizing and leveraging the strengths and potential of those around me, I am able to accomplish much more than I ever could on my own.

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