Woman of the Week – Julie Standley

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Julie Standley

My Current Job/Company:
American Electric Power (AEP), IT Director

My Work:
I lead a team of brilliant, talented people who build and support critical business applications for the Customer and Distribution services that AEP provides. Customers place orders when they move into our territory, they change addresses, they get new advanced meters for their homes and businesses, they get power sent to their location, they pay their bill, they track their usage through a mobile device, they get notified when there is a power outage or when power will be restored, they participate in assistance programs or home energy management programs – all these things, and more, are done through the applications that my team builds and supports. Their work is critical to our customers and I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead them. My work allows me to focus on the development of individuals and teams, to inspire, coach, support and serve them so they can reach their full potential and achieve their career dreams.

My Passion:
Creating opportunities to grow – both for the people I serve and my community. My husband and I are working on long term plans to grow healthy food and serve our local community with it – that’s our retirement plan – our own Corporate Office to Farm journey. The synergy with my current career is fantastic – I’m able to support Local Matters (a nonprofit in my community) while preparing for our future farm capabilities at the same time I’m supporting and building my team at AEP. It’s all about growth and opportunity for others! I have a tremendous sense of accomplishment when I see a light bulb go on with someone I’m working with – and they see their own potential!

My Family:
Dave – who I refer to as HOTY [husband of the year!], Gabe – incredibly cool stepson, Jen – sister and very closest friend.

My Hero or Heroes:
My parents, Paul and Jackie – coming up on their 60th wedding anniversary. They are both of strong faith, commitment to church, friends and family, and instilled in me a great work ethic.

My Escape:
The woods of Kentucky on our farm. The breeze in the trees and the sounds of the birds and insects clears my mind and helps me feel connected to the earth and our Creator.

My Pet Peeve:
People with potential who are perfectly fine with status quo; stagnant, ‘we’ve always done it this way’ attitudes, lack of accountability.

My Indulgence:

My Roots:
Hard working family, Church friends and lots of activities, playing piano and developing an appreciation for music, a lifelong best friend that taught me to have fun and not be too serious!

My Future:
Very bright, intentional, planned but flexible, focused, exciting!

My Favorite Quote:
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Gandhi)

My Accessory:
Bracelets, Coach bags, Mascara.

My advice to Young Women:
Be intentional yet flexible – plans are great but take advantage of opportunities that are presented to you, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Invest in your education – that is critical in today’s corporate culture. You are great and deserve great things – don’t hold back!
How I Balance it All: At this point in my life, I make time for downtime. Weekend brunch with my husband is a must – those types of things rejuvenate me. I prioritize how I spend my time and am starting to be relentless with my calendar. I’m learning to say yes to the most important things, not everything.

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