Woman of the Week ~ Ruth Milligan

Our Woman of the Week now includes career advice, insights, and feedback from our clients and friends.  Meet Ruth Milligan, Founder and Managing Director at Articulation.

Ruth’s Top 3 Pieces of Career Advice:

Best Career Advice You’ve Received: Do a good job with the one you have and the future will take care of itself. That was one of Governor Voinovich’s mantras he instilled in all of us that worked for him in the early 90s. I still carry it with me today.

Most Stressful Time In My Career: Without a doubt, COVID. My entire practice was flattened within two weeks. It caused a stress in every corner of my business and life. Luckily, we finally feel like we are back to 2019 levels and a stronger company for it.

Best Investment In My Career: The literally hundreds if not thousands of hours I invested in starting TEDxColumbus. Nothing changed the trajectory of my focus or business like it did.


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