Woman of the Week ~ Megan Myers

Our Woman of the Week now includes career advice, insights, and feedback from our clients and friends.  Meet Megan Myers, Vice President, Creative Services at LUNNĒ.

Megan’s Top 3 Pieces of Career Advice:

Most Fun Job I’ve Had: I spent about 10 years working in my grandparents’ steakhouse restaurant, Woody’s. My hometown was small, so every Saturday night it felt like the whole town was there, either eating or working. It was social and special and a little chaotic. My mom and grandma were my first bosses (tough ones). Some of my best friends worked there, too. We made amazing tips on a big night. We stayed late after closing-time, to eat like royalty and raid the bar. We made mistakes that now make me smile, witnessed epic moments of bravery on the dining floor, got yelled at, dropped whole trays of food, and swapped war stories from run-ins with the chef. It was sweaty and stressful, and I laughed, cried, and hated it sometimes. But looking back, it was an absolute blast. Such a great example of not knowing the good old days are the good old days when they’re actually happening.

Best Mentor/Sponsor In My Life: My best mentor and sponsor is a longtime friend who has guided me through significant career crossroads, counseled me on major professional moves, asked me tough questions to help me find my way forward, and helped me negotiate and navigate when things weren’t clear. Her perspective and friendship have been valuable touchstones for me – both personally and professionally. I’m so grateful to have her in my corner.

Most Stressful Time In My Career: In late 2023, the agency I’d been with for nearly eight years was acquired. Around that same time, my mom was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer with limited treatment options. While I had tremendous support from my colleagues – both old and new – navigating that time was incredibly difficult. I wanted to be present and fully engaged with my family, of course, and I also felt a loyalty and responsibility at work to ease the transition from our old agency into our new one. It was a lot of change at one time. And while adaptability is one of my strengths, it was stressful. At the time I felt like everything was teetering on a pinhead – my job security, my mom’s health, my family’s future, my colleagues’ careers. I didn’t sleep much and really had to compartmentalize my life every day. I’m thankful for great support systems at home and at work during that time.

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