Woman of the Week ~ Marti Taylor

Our Woman of the Week now includes career advice, insights, and feedback from our clients and friends.  Meet Marti Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, OhioRISE; Vice President at Aetna / Medicaid.

Marti’s Top 3 Pieces of Career Advice:

Best Career Advice I’ve Received: If an opportunity comes your way, grab it. You can’t predict exactly how your career will unfold but you can use all new opportunities to learn and create new skill sets for your long-term career trajectory.

Best Mentor In My Career:  I have had many but I’ll call out two from early in my career who continue today as professional and personal mentors.  The first is my first nursing director, Wanda Bride. Wanda supported me through my first medication error and pushed me to not give up as a nurse but rather to learn from my error and ensure others never made the same mistake.  I have carried many of those learnings with me throughout my career as I have been in a position of decision-making of errors made by team members.   The second is Dr Rob Califf our current FDA commissioner.  Rob taught me the definition and value of excellence in health care. Excellence in continuously challenging assumptions that are not based on evidence; excellence in constantly applying quality improvement principles to the healthcare ecosystem. Rob also pushed me to advance my education but not worry much about the “initials” behind my name but rather what I learned and applied during those educational moments.

Best Investment In My Career:  Hiring an executive coach.  Having someone unbiased and focused on my personal and professional development has been invaluable.  Many think when you have a coach something is “wrong” with you rather than recognizing it’s about moving from good to great:).

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