Woman of the Week ~ Katie Burns Eesley

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Katie Burns Eesley

My Current Job/Company: Having recently relocated to Columbus, I am currently exploring new opportunities. I previously worked for the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration.

My Work: With a background in public health, I love work that positively impacts the lives of others. I’m looking forward to what’s next!

My Passion: My family and friends.

My Family: Graham (Incredible husband of 7 months!)

My Hero or Heroes: My parents. They instilled in me the value of public service from a young age, and have been a true example of what love is throughout my life.

My Escape: The beaches of the east or the mountains of the west. I never tire of the views and always leave both places feeling refreshed and happy.

My Pet Peeve: Bad drivers. Fake people.

My Indulgence: Red wine.

My Roots: Small town. Close-knit family. Supportive community. Loyal friends.

My Future: New challenges and adventures.

My Favorite Quote: “I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

My Accessory: My new wedding ring! Shawls.

My Advice to Young Women: Loyal, genuine friendships are invaluable. Take time to invest in relationships and surround yourself with good people!

How I Balance it All: Keep the end goal in mind. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Support from my amazing family and friends.

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