Woman of the Week ~ Kristen Easterday

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Kristen Easterday

My Current Job/Company: Director, Communications & Public Affairs for the Columbus Regional Airport Authority

My Work: I lead CRAA’s communications, customer service, business strategy, community affairs and government relations functions. My focus is to develop trust and confidence with passengers and community partners as well as deliver an exceptional and welcoming customer experience.

My Passion: My family, my community and supporting others to be and do their best.

My Family: Mike (my best friend and supportive husband), and my three red-headed mini-me’s- Maddie (7), Jocie (5) and Jack (3)

My Hero or Heroes: My parents Tom & Shirley Jensen. Their support and love for their family knows no bounds.

My Escape: Camping! Whether in a tent, pop-up or glamourous travel trailer, my happy place is when I slow down and connect with my family and the outdoors.

Pet Peeve: Disrespect.

My Indulgence: White Claw.

My Roots: Work hard, play hard.

My Future: Full of quality relationships. Giving back. Reaching for the stars.

My Favorite Quote: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou

My Accessory: Sunscreen, my yeti coffee mug and a smile.

My Advice to Young Women: You can do anything you set your mind to.

How I Balance it All: With a lot of support and a positive attitude.

Woman of the Week ~ Clara Kridler

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Clara Kridler

My Current Job/Company: Director of Product and Pricing – Root Insurance

My Work: Helping to make sure Root is offering insurance products that are properly designed and priced with internal processes in place to effectively execute.

My Passion: Building things!

My Family: Monica (Mother), Doug (Pops), Fred (brother), Lex (brother), Slater (boyfriend), Radish (cat), and Timber (cat)

My Hero or Heroes: I like to find heroic qualities in all the people I meet.

My Escape: Almost anything that requires me to be mentally and physically engaged at the same time (cooking, playing soccer, building furniture, etc.)

Pet Peeve: Complacency and bullying

My Indulgence: Shoes

My Roots: Community and entrepreneurship

My Future: I don’t know but have a lot of fun envisioning it 🙂

My Favorite Quote: “Whatever you are, be a good one.”

My Accessory: Simple jewelry that carries meaning

My Advice to Young Women: Build a strong internal compass and allow it to guide you

How I Balance it All: Being okay with delayed gratification and consistently assessing what I am deciding to balance in the first place. It has to be manageable and sometimes requires turning away from good opportunities in exchange for even better alternatives.

Woman of the Week ~ Leah Senecal

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Leah Senecal

My Current Job/Company: Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams – Capital Partners

My Work: I create a positive home buying experience for my clients through listening, being knowledgeable, and accessible

My Passion: Family, Travel, and Music

My Family: My supportive husband Nick, and two kind, beautiful daughters Hayden (4th grade) and Raegan (kindergarten)

My Hero or Heroes: My grandparents…They’ve been married for 65 years and still hold hands

My Escape: I love the mountains

Pet Peeve: Lack of respect, and Littering

My Indulgence: Wine

My Roots: Small town. My four best friends I’ve known since kindergarten

My Future: Happy, Healthy, Successful, and Grateful

My Favorite Quote: “Comparison is the Thief of Joy” – Theodore Roosevelt

My Accessory: Jean Jacket and Earrings

My Advice to Young Women: Be authentic, find happiness. When you make choices based on what’s best for you, and not what others think is best for you, happiness and authenticity are effortless.

How I Balance it All: I ask for help. I’m fortunate enough to have a strong support system both personally and professionally. Sometimes the only way to keep balance is to ask for help.

Woman of the Week ~ Lynette Justice

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Lynette Justice

My Current Job/Company: Aggressively seeking a new opportunity!

My Work: I’ve spent most of my career as an investment professional. My background includes everything from trading fixed income securities on a trading desk, managing a local county’s $1B Investment Portfolio to assisting non-profits develop and execute personalized investment strategies.

My Passion: I’m a nurturer at heart. I enjoy taking care of people. Medicine was my first love and although I didn’t become a doctor, I’ve always had an interest in medical science.

My Family: Kevin (Law and Order Husband) and Brittny (Successful Adult Daughter)

My Hero or Heroes: My father. Regardless of the “perceived” emergency, he is always calm and grounded. At 90 years old he is at peace with himself.

My Escape: A relaxing evening at home with my husband….great food and a glass of wine.

Pet Peeve: People that don’t say what they mean.

My Indulgence: An extra dry cappuccino with a double shot of espresso.

My Roots: Simple. I had a wonderful childhood, two loving parents, a sister and a brother. I have very fond memories of growing up in Columbus, Ohio.

My Future: The pandemic has taught me to be cautious in my optimism. I am excited about the prospect of finding a new role that will allow me to utilize my excellent interpersonal skills and/or securities industry background. My interpersonal skills and sales experience would be transferable to a non-profit role tasked with building external strategic relationships. My investment background would prove invaluable to many roles within the securities industry.

My Favorite Quote: Everything Happens For A Reason

My Accessory: I’m a minimalist. A clean face, colorful lipstick and a welcoming disposition.

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t listen to the negative “noise”. At the infancy of your career, be willing to take risks!

How I Balance it All: I’m a list hog. I have to write everything down. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment when I’m able to cross a task off my list because it has been completed.

Advice for young women given by some of our Women of the Week!

It’s a great week to look back on a few of our favorite pieces of advice shared by some of our Women of the Week.

Tara Aschenbrand: Be comfortable in your choices. Own them–consciously make your choices and be confident in them. Know that saying yes to one thing means that you’re saying no to something else.

Christine Mayes: Stay curious, ask questions, always be true to yourself…always.

Cheryl L. Davis: Be confident in yourself but always continue learning. And also remember, it’s ok to ask for help!

Woman of the Week ~ Carley Childress

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Carley Childress

My Current Job/Company: Human Resources Manager/Schoedinger Funeral and Cremation Service

My Work: All things human resources, and problem solver; I can’t resist a good challenge, even if it is “not part of my job”.

My Passion: My family, friends, and animals

My Family: Cody (Fiancé), Apollo (German Shepard that thinks he’s a lap dog), Mittens (cat that thinks she’s a dog)

My Hero or Heroes: My mom

My Escape: Wedding planning, warm weather, and the beach

Pet Peeve: Repeating myself

My Indulgence: Candy, really any candy, but if I’m picking it’s chocolate and fruit snacks

My Roots: Small town girl, surrounded by family

My Future: Sunny, bright, and full of new challenges.

My Favorite Quote: Better an oops than a what if

My Accessory: A smile

My Advice to Young Women: Network, and find a great mentor that you trust now.

How I Balance it All: I am still trying to figure this out. For me, knowing that it’s ok that everyday looks different and having a family that supports that is extremely important. Some days I need to be occupied 12+ hours before I can mentally relax. Other days my brain is fried after 6 hours, and I know it’s time to go home and cuddle with our fur children.

Woman of the Week ~ Danielle Schrickel

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Danielle Schrickel

My Current Job/Company: Sales Manager, Emerson Group

My Work: I work with over 60 companies that produce roughly 360 over-the-counter and beauty brands that you can find at their your favorite drugstore or grocery store. I help strategize marketing campaigns, manage contracts and work with my customers to make sure my clients’ products are on the shelves or on their websites.

My Passion: Family and friends first and foremost, then supporting excellence and fair-play for women in their chosen careers.

My Family: My husband Brady, my all-too-grown up daughter Lena (12 yrs) who loves music and dance and my son Luke (10 yrs) who loves anything Marvel, art and Legos.

My Hero or Heroes: I have so many! My parents are both heroes giving me inspiration on becoming a good mother and someone who isn’t afraid to go after what I want professionally. From there, I can go on and on in terms of personal heroes when it comes to my ideals, so I’ll just say anywhere someone is fighting to level the playing field and give everyone a fair shot at success, I’m in!

My Escape: I am used to travelling for work, so I use those little breaks to enjoy a hotel room all to myself. I love the beach and a really good massage will completely refresh life for me.

Pet Peeve: Passive-aggressive people and the words “I can’t!”

My Indulgence: Chocolate and bourbon.

My Roots: Originally from Youngstown, Ohio, so I’m from a town of hard working and family-oriented people…and amazing Italian food!

My Future: Loving what I do for a living, watching my kids become amazing people and enjoying life with my husband.

My Favorite Quote: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne)

My Accessory: I’m a sucker for shoes and jewelry (especially vintage pieces. Honey Rose and K is an obsession!)

My Advice to Young Women: (1) Be ready for anything! Sometimes those well-laid plans aren’t really what you find yourself wanting to do in life and that’s okay. Be ready to pivot or change direction because it can lead to your passion! (2) Trust your intuition. I’ve found that my first reaction always guides me to the right decision. No one knows you better than you know yourself.

How I Balance it All: It takes more than just me, to be honest. Having a partner in life who is willing to let me lead sometimes and alternate when needed is essential. Traveling is something I love, but it can be a challenge with kids and Brady is amazing at simply stepping up and taking charge of our crazy life. The other essential is making sure I take care of myself, both physically and emotionally. I’m no good to anyone else if I’m not in a good place. Sometimes that means yoga or working out or a cocktail with my friends…whatever the doctor orders to reset.

Some of our favorite quotes from our Women of the Week

It’s a great week to look back on a few of our favorite quotes shared by some of our Women of the Week.

Jamie Bella: “The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you that you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” –Carrie Bradshaw

Lisa Gossett: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” Mother Teresa

Cheryl L. Davis: “Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let out true selves be seen.” (Brene Brown)

Women of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

Sonya Overstreet ~ My takeaway lesson: Lead with transparency and empathy being mindful that there is a person on the other side of every decision you make in life and business.

Women of the Week ~ Special Series

This is a historic time in our lives both professionally and personally.  At Executive Elements, we like to share, support and encourage other women.

We asked: “What is the leadership lesson that you are taking away from this moment in time?”

Melinda Prickett ~ The leadership lesson that I’m taking away from this moment in time is how important it is to be agile in change.