Woman of the Week – Michelle Norris

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Michelle Norris

My Current Job/Company: Senior Vice President at National Church Residences

My Birthday: Oct 2, 1960

My Work: I currently head National Church Residences’ Acquisitions and Development team. It is a small team of bright, talented and dedicated people who are responsible for the many complicated, innovative and significant housing developments that National Church Residences creates each year.

My Passion: I am passionate about the desire to be as integrated and as consistent a person as possible. To be present in the moment no matter what

My Family: David (husband); Jessica (daughter – 26); Bentley & Winston – the Yorkies; Mikey – the cat

My Heroes: I am so blessed to have so many heroes in my life that to name one or two would be unfair. I have been touched by many people who have cared about me, encouraged me, inspired me, challenged me, and loved me.

My Escape: Back packing in amazing places like Yosemite and Grand Canyon with my husband.

My Pet Peeve: People who are nasty to staff at hotels, airports, restaurants.

My Indulgence: Starbucks in the a.m. and wine in the p.m.

My Roots: Loving, extended family from Lima, Ohio. Rural Cleveland until I was 10. Then to Columbus where I have lived the rest of my life. C-bus is my town as the rest of my family moved to Georgia and Missouri. I just realized that I work at one of the best organizations in town, I go to one of the most amazing churches in town, and I live in one of the best towns in the country! What a combo!

My Future: My future is yet to be determined but I pray that I do something good for someone every day of my life.

My Movie: Most recent is “The Help” – inspiring, insightful, yet funny at all once!

My Love: Finding time to be still and reflect on the many blessings in my life.

My Quote on Life: I am an avid reader and I keep a journal of every book I read and I take notes of many inspirational quotes. Here is one of my favorites: Night – Elie Weisel “There is so much to be done, there is so much that can be done. One person – a Raoul Wallenberg, an Albert Schweitzer, a Martin Luther King Jr – one person of integrity can make a difference, a difference of life and death.”

My Accessory: Unfortunately, my Blackberry!

My Advice to Young Women: Give yourself a break! Recognize and honor your gifts. Try hard to accept the fact that you can’t do it all and that is OK and healthy!

How I Balance it All: I balance it all by realizing that I can’t balance it all! I try hard to pay attention to how much time I am spending on the various facets of my life. As I have gotten older, I have been more willing to do things like escape to quiet places and to journal and pray. These times help me gain perspective on the rest of my very full life.

Woman of the Week – Joyce Edelman

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Joyce Edelman

My Current Job/Company: I am a Partner with the law firm of Porter, Wright Morris & Arthur, LLP

My Birthday: 4/26/57

My Work: I just celebrated 30 years as a lawyer with Porter Wright! I defend pharmaceutical and medical device companies in complex product liability and mass tort litigation.

My Passion: I am passionate about my family, friends and career. I also have had a life-long passion for women’s issues which has been the focus of my community service.

My Family: Neal (great husband of 21 years); Josh (17 and a high school senior); Ilana (14 and a high school freshman).

My Heroes: My parents and my children are my heroes as they have taught me so many important life lessons. They inspire me to be the best person I can be.

My Escape: For the last 15 years, I have gone to the beach in Cape May, New Jersey with Neal, Josh, Ilana and my parents. I simply love any beach!

My Pet Peeve: Selfishness and bigotry are on the top of my list.

My Indulgence: Chocolate; french fries; cosmopolitans “reality” TV, and fashion….to name a few!

My Roots: I grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia in a loving Jewish home with two hard-working parents and two older talented sisters. I have had the same BFF my entire life as our moms were pregnant at the same time!

My Future: In the immediate future, I will try to prepare myself for my son leaving for college next year {Sigh}! In my long-term future, I want to age gracefully, take more risks and open new doors professionally and personally.

My Movie: I love movies but don’t have a favorite. The movie “Schindler’s List” had a profound effect on my life.

My Love: I love spending time with my kids. They light up my life in unimaginable ways.

My Quote on Life: “You must get involved to have an impact. No one is impressed with the won-lost record of the referee.” (John H. Holcomb)

My Accessory: Chunky necklaces; cuff bracelets; my YWCA “New to You” pink patent leather purse.

My Advice to Young Women: Take risks. Do things you can’t imagine. It’s all about confidence. Advocate for yourself and others. Stay authentic. Have fun.

How I Balance it All: Some days are better than others. On the days that no one is happy with me, I try not to beat myself up. I remind myself that I have a rich and meaningful professional and personal life and I am blessed. I have an amazing and supportive husband who handles a lot of our domestic life, especially when I am buried in work at the office or traveling. I rely on family and friends because it does take a village.

Woman of the Week – Laura Bennett

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Laura Bennett

My Current Job/Company: CEO and co-founder of Embrace Pet Insurance

My Birthday: March 2, 1966

My Work: I’m the face of Embrace Pet Insurance, the “chief embracer” – and am involved in just about everything to do with Embrace Pet Insurance.

My Passion: I’m passionate about entrepreneurship and building an amazing business…..and creating the quality to go along with that is just incredible. On a personal side, I’m passionate about my family. And I absolutely love traveling off the beaten path. I also love eating food – anything from the fanciest restaurant to a random little cantina in California that serves the best Mexican food I’ve ever had in my entire life.

My Family: Two daughters, Ellie and Erin, 8 and 6; my husband, John, our three cats and nine fish.

My Heroes: I think everyone’s a hero in their own lives. In my life, my mother and my grandmother have inspired me. My grandmother led an incredibly challenging life with moves and divorces and racial bias and had so much backbone and resolve. I still have the watch she bought for herself as her symbol of independence.

My Escape: Reading, long hot baths, long drives by myself. And, I love doing jigsaw puzzles; it’s very meditative.

My Pet Peeves: Fickle or fake people. Oh, and when people don’t use their turn

My Indulgence: Chocolate, coffee, massages, and eating pie for breakfast!

My Roots: I grew up in England and my dad was in the Royal Navy so we moved every two years. We stayed for a bit in Bath, England. I went to boarding school for high school so I could be in one place. My parents immigrated to Canada when I was 16 and I went to university there. Then I moved to Ireland for four years and then moved to Ohio where I am now. I’m British-Canadian-American.

My Future: Continue to keep growing the business and be as good a parent as I can be. Once the girls are older, traveling more!

My Love(s): My family. And, I love music. That’s how I met my husband; on a street corner in Ontario, trying to get into a concert. I love to laugh. I also love what I do for a living and using my brain to be creative.

My Movie: “The Good, the Bad and The Ugly,” “The Sound of Music,” “Lord of the Rings,” and “Harry Potter.” I like a variety of things, but I’m not a big fan of chick flicks.

My Quote on Life: Just Do It.

My Accessory: My thumb ring.

My Advice to Young Women: Whenever you are starting in your career or your life, it really is only the beginning of the rest of your life. The decisions you make then have impact but you aren’t pigeon holed into your choice forever. Trust you will find your path – if it makes you happy you can be successful. You will work it out yourself. Hang out with excellent people so you can see what is out there. Learn what your version of success is.

How I Balance it All: You can’t! You always have to make priorities. You have to say what you are not going to do. Find help where you can. Share with your partner. You have to let perfection go.

Woman of the Week – Caroline Haskett

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Caroline Haskett

My Current Job/Company: Marketing Manager/The Wellington School

My Birthday: 09.22.71

My Work: Each workday, I step inside the doors and walk the halls of The Wellington School. I visit classrooms, absorb the energy of amazing students and teachers, and then help tell inspiring stories to the Central Ohio community. I buy ads. I craft messaging. I market online.

My Passion: My family, hands down.

My Family: Jeff (kind husband), Sophie (creative daughter), Rosemary (lively daughter), Parker (playful son)

My Heroes: My children. They keep me on my toes and remind me to live in the moment.

My Escape: Amelia Island, Florida. Where we were married and continue to vacation. Lots of memories.

My Pet Peeve: Chaos.

My Indulgence: Sleeping late on rare occasions.

My Roots: All things southern.

My Future: Never dull.

My Love: Food. Learning to cook healthful menus that nourish our family.

My Show: Little House on the Prairie.

My Quote on Life: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

My Accessory: Bright, cheerful colors.

My Advice to Young Women: Living your dream doesn’t happen overnight. Work for it. It’s worth the wait.

How I Balance it All: I don’t, really. I’m usually one extreme or the other at any given time. All work or all play. But I try to let go of the guilt, which isn’t helpful to anyone.

Woman of the Week- Mary Stucke

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Mary Stucke

My Current Job/Company: Assurance Manager, GBQ Partner, LLC

My Birthday: 10.20.81

My Work: My experience with GBQ includes the performance of and management of audits, reviews and various other business consulting projects. I add value to my clients by presenting new ideas to help them improve their businesses.

My Passion: Helping others succeed in any way I can.

My Family: Eric (Husband)

My Hero: My dad. He has taught me the importance of education, respect and honesty by being an example in his own life.

My Escape: Dinner out with my sister and girlfriends!

My Pet Peeve: People who tell you what they think you want to hear instead of the honest truth.

My Indulgence:Chocolate and any kind of sweets

My Roots: Close family raised in a small town.

My Future: Uncertain but full of hope.

My Love: My family and friends. I am very fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.

My Movie: Love Actually, love is all around!

My Quote on Life: “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” -Abraham Lincoln

My Accessory: My pearl necklace. I don’t leave home without it!

My Advice to Young Women: You can achieve anything through hard work and dedication. Set your goals and do not waiver.

How I Balance it All: I am still learning this balancing act. One thing I have come to realize, it is not always going to be 50/50, but prioritizing the important things whether that is life or work and making sure not to miss the big moments.

Woman of the Week – Lena L. West

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Lena L. West

My Current Job/Company: InfluenceExpansion.com

My Birthday: My Social Media birthday is January 1st.

My Work: I’m the Founder of the Influence Expansion Academy, the only social media mastermind program created EXCLUSIVELY for women entrepreneurs.

My Passion: Making sure that women entrepreneurs NEVER get left behind when it comes to LEVERAGING the latest digital marketing opportunities and strategies.

My Family: They’re a crazy, incredibly supportive lot of individual personalities.

My Heroes: My Mom, My Dad, My Aunt Agnes and Judge Judy

My Escape: Miami, of course.

My Pet Peeves: Disloyalty and lying. Can’t STAND either.

My Indulgence: Reality TV – Mob Wives and Chicagolicious are just addictive and 70’s TV like Good Times and The Jeffersons

My Roots: First Nation, Latina, Creole

My Future: Is so bright, I gotta wear shades (I’ve ALWAYS wanted to say that!)

My Love(s): travel, personal development, spiritual advancement (not in that order)

My Movie: GI Jane and the whole Bourne Supremacy series

My Quote on Life: “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

My Accessory: Swagger. Nothing beats confidence and it’s free.

My Advice to Young Women: Get your passport early and use it often. (Thanks Aunt Agnes!)

How I Balance it All: I don’t. I don’t believe in balance. It’s a trick. I DO believe in a series of calculated, informed trade-offs.

Woman of the Week – Marchelle E. Moore

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Marchelle E. Moore

My Current Job/Company: VP of Legal Affairs & General Counsel/Central Ohio Transit Authority

My Birthday: 3/4/73

My Work: I serve as the chief legal officer for COTA and am responsible for providing, directing and controlling the delivery of legal services to the organization.

My Passion: My faith, my family and my community.

My Family: Payton (8 year old daughter) + John David (5 year old son) = My pride and joy!

My Heroes: My parents for loving me and making infinite sacrifices so that I can live the incredibly blessed life that I do; and William J. Lhota (former COTA President/CEO) for believing in me and providing opportunities for me to grow professionally.

My Escape: My home – it is filled with love, peace and joy!

My Pet Peeve: Half-truths or even worse – lies! I can deal with any truth, no matter how bad; but I have zero tolerance for lies.

My Indulgence: Peach cobbler!

My Roots: Humble but happy.

My Future: Not certain – but I’m sure I’ll enjoy the ride.

My Love: My children.

My Movie: Shawshank Redemption.

My Quote on Life: “Life’s too short to be miserable.”

My Accessory: Joy!

My Advice to Young Women: The only sustainable success is earned success. There is no substitute for hard work.

How I Balance it All: With God’s grace.

Woman of the Week – Dr. Patricia Stafford

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Dr. Patricia Stafford

My Current Job/Company: Physician/Owner of Wellness ReSolutions

My Birthday: December 5, 1960

My Work: As an Integrative Health Specialist, I provide guidance for people to achieve optimal health through natural means such as nutrition, fitness, hormone balancing, acupuncture, and positive lifestyle changes.

My Passions: My family. My work as a life mission.

My Family: Dave (Husband of 28 years, Co-worker). My three sons – Ian (23), Grant (21), and Adam (19) – who fill me with pride every day!

My Heroes: People who lift others up through their generosity of spirit.

My Escape: My (almost) daily morning runs, especially the long ones. Books – well-done historical fiction can’t be beat!

My Pet Peeve: Excuses, excuses! We all have far more ability and power over our lives and future than we give ourselves credit for.

My Indulgence: Smarties (don’t tell!), dark beer.

My Roots: Adopted as an infant into a loving proudly Irish family (only to find out a few years ago that I’m half Polish – my adoptive parents never knew!).

My Future: Bursting with opportunity as I approach my career in medicine from a completely new direction. I’m excited to learn and try new things each and every day.

My Love: Watching my boys grow into wonderful young men. Reading – I’m never without a book in my hands (or Kindle, Nook, iPad . . ). Favorite book? The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living.

My Movie: The Blues Brothers, June 1980, first date with Dave.

My Quote on Life: “Put the uncommon effort into the common task . . . make it large by doing it in a great way.” Orison Swett Marden

My Accessory: Garmin Forerunner 305 (GPS watch for running).

My Advice to Young Women: Respect your bodies, respect yourselves. Attend to your body, your mind, your spirit – you deserve it and there’s nothing selfish about it. You can’t be your best self without it.

How I Balance it All: It’s a challenge! I try to cultivate a strong foundation of health – healthy food, fitness, good sleep habits. It’s too easy to get thrown off track physically and mentally otherwise. Discipline and order make my work and home life run so much more smoothly. As a business owner, it can be nearly impossible at times to step away and focus on my family and friends – but I think it is important to compartmentalize and try to be fully present in whatever I’m engaged in.

Woman of the Week – Yvonne DiVita

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Yvonne DiVita

My Current Job/Company: Co-founder, BlogPaws, LLC

My Birthday: August 4, 1951

My Work: Social Media professional

My Passion: Writing, pets, women’s issues, reading

My Family: Tom Collins, husband. Chloe, Maggie, Donnie: adult children. Miah: teenaged granddaughter. Frankie: toddler granddaughter

My Heroes: Katharine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Edgar Allan Poe, old movie stars that had class.

My Escape: Napping…I’ve napped since I was a child. In naps, I rejuvenate and dream of life as it should be. Sometimes, I dream of life as it was. When I awaken, I feel good about today and I look forward to tomorrow.

My Pet Peeves: People who think they are better than other people. People who believe rumors. People who think everyone needs to be like them.

My Indulgence: TV – yes, I watch a lot of TV. Mostly CNN or HGTV or The Mentalist. I do love old movies with Judy Garland or Cary Grant.

My Roots: They tell me I’m German, Dutch, English and something else. I think the something else is mouthy – I tend to speak my mind.

My Future: Is based in this moment.Tomorrow will always be better if I don’t cling to today. I love change – I love dreaming of what can be and not dwelling in what was (or wasn’t).

My Love(s): Books! Animals! My kids and Tom and great family get-togethers where all of us play “Remember when”….Memories are often the best fictional stories ever. (No one ever remembers something the same way twice, and two people remember it totally different; what fun to hear how someone else remembers something you always thought was…the way you remember it!)

My Movie: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”

My Quote on Life: “Women are the real architects of society.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe

My Accessory: Lipstick.

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t worry so much about the shoes, the handbags or the hair on your head. Remember that today is only a fraction of your life – that you will be “old” according to society for much longer than you are “young.” Therefore, vow to never age – grow up but never grow older. When you are older, and it will happen, be proud, be strong, and appreciate the life you’ve been given. It may not be perfect, but it’s yours. And yes, YOU are in charge. YOU can be whatever you like. Everything you do involves: Thinking, Being, Doing – in that order.

How I Balance it All: I don’t balance it all. I let it slip and slide and when it gets too treacherous, I take a nap. Funny how it all levels out when I’ve woken up.

Woman of the Week – Maya A. Bordeaux

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Maya A. Bordeaux

My Current Job/Company: Vice President, Human Resources, NorthShore University HealthSystem

My Birthday: January 25th

My Work: I am responsible for the human resources functions across four hospitals and home health services, as well as corporate-wide leadership for nurse recruitment and retention. I provide leadership oversight of HR services to an employee population of 10,000. I am also a lawyer and oversee legal affairs and mitigate employment law matters prior to litigation. I am most proud of designing and leading the implementation of the corporation’s first diversity and inclusion strategy and serving as executive sponsor. I also provide corporate-wide leadership for several other critical customer loyalty business initiatives.

My Passion: People. I love all people! I am particularly driven by helping others become better versions of themselves.

My Family: My pride and joy. I have been happily married for 18 years to my best friend, and have two beautiful daughters, ages 11 and 8, who keep me on my toes! I am very close with my extended family as well, and fortunate for all of them to live nearby.

My Heroes: My mother and Oprah.

My Escape: The Caribbean. Also, I experience a great sense of pride and joy from party planning for special events of family and friends. I even do weddings!

My Pet Peeves: Dishonest people. Also mean people really annoy me.

My Indulgence: Chocolate and wine.

My Roots: Very family oriented Chicago native with West Indian roots from my maternal ancestors who are from Guyana.

My Future: Limitless.

My Love(s): Life. Love. Laughter.

My Movie: Do I have to pick just one? Top favorites are “The Notebook” and “Titanic.” I’m a romantic comedy junkie as well.

My Quote on Life: “Live with a heart full of dreams, love from the depth of your soul, and embrace every moment of laughter.”

My Accessory: Sassy shoes. The higher the heel the better.

My Advice to Young Women: Be yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. It’s important that we fit where we need to fit, but to do so without losing one’s self. Trust your incredible gift of “woman’s intuition” and you’ll do the right thing every time.

How I Balance it All: Like Nike, “Just do it.” No excuses. No complaints. I just make it happen and believe firmly that you can’t wait for life to happen to you, you have to make it happen. Anything worth having will require hard work, dedication, and patience. But what you get out of life is directly relative to what you put in to it. So, every single day, I give it my all. Life is our greatest gift, so I demonstrate my gratitude each day by being the very best I can be. I also make sure that I have a lot of fun in the process. Work hard and play hard…that’s truly my balance.