Woman of the Week – Sue Darby

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Sue Darby

My Current Job/Company:
Executive Director at the Downtown YMCA

My Birthdate:

My Work:
Through healthy living, youth development and social responsibility, we strengthen our community.

My Passion:
My faith, my family, my Y

My Family:
Jeff (for 21 wonderful years), Bishop (17 ) and Ashton (16)

My Heroes:
My team at the Y. They work long hours to help those in need around us.

My Escape:
My run. I try to run 4 times a week – gives me a chance to be with me.

My Pet Peeve:

My Indulgence:
Wine. Sweet Treats.

My Roots:
My God, my husband (we met when I was 16 years old – we grew up together)

My Future:
Exciting – ready to change the world!

My Love:
My family around the dinner table – talking and laughing about their day.

My Movie:
Sister Act – I watched it over and over again when I was in a long hospital stay with my daughter

My Quote on Life:
“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”
― Arthur Ashe

My Accessory
Fun necklaces

My Advice to Young Women:
Surround yourself with good people. Purge all the negative thinkers.

How I Balance it All…
Keep what’s first – first – no matter what. A good support system is essential – a wonderful husband, sweet kids and great Y friendships. They all keep me grounded.

Woman of the Week – Angie Joffe

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Angie Joffe

My Current Job/Company: Director, Human Resources for Horizon Lines, an Ocean Shipping and Logistics Company headquartered in Charlotte, NC.

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I feel my deepest level of job satisfaction when I am able to provide meaningful feedback and insight to an employee confronting a challenging issue, searching for a new career, or simply in need of someone who will listen. I’ve found that Human Resource professionals play a critical role in bridging the gap between an organization’s culture/current state, and the desired state, by providing candid and fact-based information to leaders who can influence change. I’m in this profession to make a difference.

My Passion:
Working hard, every day, to be the best mother, wife, daughter and friend that I can be.

My Family:
Jon (amazing husband) and three daughters, Sydney (23), Samantha (18) and Cameron (10)

My Heroes:
My parents, Tom and Sue Cooper. My parents taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance, and to be thankful every day for all of the blessings in my life.

My Escape:
I love the Caribbean, but after our recent move to North Carolina, I’ve fallen in love with the mountains!

My Pet Peeve:

My Indulgence:
Red wine, milk chocolate, floating on a raft in the pool on a hot summer day listening to music, and taking a nap on Sunday afternoon.

My Future:
Hectic, and loving every minute of it. This year, I have a daughter graduating from college, a daughter graduating from high school, and a daughter graduating from elementary school.

My Love:
My parents, my husband, my girls, my brother and my friends; Shopping and Ohio State Buckeye football

My Quote(s) on Life:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

“Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.” -Max L. Forman

My Accessory:
I find the most enjoyment in accessorizing and decorating my home, however, my husband would say that I like shoes!

My Advice to Young Women:
Find confidence and build upon it every day. Surround yourself with outstanding mentors. Accept feedback and trust in the advice of those you admire. Acknowledge and learn from your mistakes, and then put them behind you and move on.

How I Balance it All….
Stay organized, align and realign priorities, set personal and professional goals.
Offer help when you can and receive help when you need it. Most importantly, take time to reflect on your life and your work, and give yourself a pat on the back!

Woman of the Week – Carol McGuire

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Carol McGuire

My Current Job/Company:
President, CAM Associates, LLC

My Birthdate:

My Work:
After years of publishing magazines and working with trade shows, I am in the process of shifting my work life in a new direction toward project management. I was asked recently to manage a residential renovation project and found that I thoroughly enjoyed it and was actually quite good at it.

My Passion:
My friends and giving back to my community.

My Family:
I have three younger brothers who have families, and my stepson, Scott and his wife, Gina and their two girls, Mia and Sophie.

My Heroes:
The Dalai Lama, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Barbara Jordan, and most recently, the 15-year-old Pakistani girl, Malala Yousafzai, whose extraordinary bravery and courage in fighting for an education sets an example for all of us.

My Escape:
Twice a year, I attend International Women’s Forum conferences that are held inside and outside of the U.S. These meetings are an opportunity to connect with women from all over the world, and where compelling panels and programming stretch one’s mind and heart.

My Pet Peeve:
Currently it is the horrible negative campaign ads from both political parties that we are all being constantly bombarded with. Whatever happened to civil discourse?

My Indulgence:

Dark chocolate, of course!

My Roots:
I’m a life-long Ohioan from a modest working class family.

My Future:
New directions with a new emphasis.

My Love:
My wonderful friends and my dog, Jake, a 16-year-old black and tan miniature dachshund.

My Movie:
I don’t go to a lot of movies but two favorites are “Michael Clayton” and “Charlie Wilson’s War.” Now TV is another story with PBS’ Masterpiece Theatre at the top of the list, specifically, “Downton Abby” with AMC’s “Mad Men” coming in a close second.

My Quote on Life:
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss

My Accessory:
Gratitude. Having an attitude of gratitude is the best “accessory” I can think of except for maybe a killer pair of shoes!

My Advice to Young Women:
Be an ardent supporter of other women. It is essential and critical that we do this, more so now than ever before. As Madelyn Albright says, there’s a special place in Hell for those women who don’t.

How I Balance it All….
I don’t profess to have a good answer to this. It seems so individual to me. I do think it is important to ask oneself when addressing the many issues and situations we face on a daily basis – How important is it? The answer can help one prioritize…and determine which battles to fight or ignore; what things matter and those that don’t.

Woman of the Week – Cindy Powell

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Cindy Powell

My Current Job/Company: Chief Risk Officer, State Auto Insurance Companies

My Birthdate: 7.7.60

My Work: Oversee our company’s approach to identifying, assessing and managing our risk profile. Responsible for innovation and change management as we execute our business strategies.

My Passion: My family and my career.

My Family: I am truly blessed! Bob (supportive husband, best friend and personal cook), Kathryn (29), Kristin (27), Jason (son-in-law, husband of Kristin). Kathryn and Kristin inherited their father’s beautiful sea blue eyes and kind loving disposition. My family’s “behind the scenes” system of support and sacrifice has been critical to enable my career. For their unconditional love and continual support I am thankful.

My Hero: My mom. At 84, while her body gives her fits, she holds tight to her sharp wit, positive outlook, loving personality, artistic eye, culinary gift, constant giving of herself and during these difficult economic times, continues to be an example to her kids and grandkids on how to live modestly and still enjoy life to the fullest.

My Escape: Playing golf with Bob – just the two of us

My Pet Peeve: Selfishness

My Indulgence: Yoga and dark chocolate

My Roots: Cleveland, Ohio. Big family who lived for Mom’s Saturday baking days and Sunday afternoon dinners – and… the Cleveland Browns!

My Future: Someplace relaxing and peaceful with Bob

My Love: Friday night – date night

My Movie: “Rudy” (individual perseverance) and “Remember the Titans” (team perseverance)

My Quote on Life: “Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

My Accessory: My wedding band

My Advice to Young Women: Stuff will always happen and try to get in the way, so do your best to keep your focus on what you value the most and make it your #1 priority. You will never have regrets.

How I Balance it All……………
One ball at a time (and only with frequent reminders from my husband).

Woman of the Week – Belinda Sherman

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Belinda Sherman

My Current Job/Company:
Director of Strategy and Execution, Huntington, Wealth Division

My Birthdate:

My Work:
I direct the sales strategy and execution tactics of Huntington’s wealth division.

My Passion:
My family and my career.

My Family:
Joseph (Supportive Husband), Madelyn (Beautiful Daughter- 4), Alexander (Amazing Son – 4)

My Heroes:
My father.

My Escape:
A great song, a mystery novel … or a family beach vacation.

My Pet Peeve:
Closed mindedness

My Indulgence:
Red wine and pizza.

My Roots:
I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with a happy and humble family.

My Future:
Very Bright!

My Love:
Listening to my children giggle or having them run and tackle me when I come home from work.

My Movie:

My Quote on Life:
“Peace…It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” (Unknown)

My Accessories:
Great shoes.

My Advice to Young Women:
You can do anything you set your mind to regardless of your position in life. Even in times of great trouble, all can change with a choice.

How I Balance it All……………
Not well enough. It is difficult to be an interactive Mom and have a demanding career. I do not ever feel like I am good enough at either. However, I desperately want both, so I will continue to try to figure it out.

Woman of the Week – Susan Rector

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Susan Rector

My Current Job/Company:
I am a Partner with regional law firm Ice Miller LLP, based in Indy (successor to Schottenstein Zox and Dunn)

My Birthdate:
February 14th (thank goodness my mother didn’t listen to her aunt who wanted to name me Valentina)

My Work:
I work with smart, creative people to help them protect their intellectual property and grow their businesses. I particularly enjoy working with women business owners and executives.

My Passion:
I am passionate about life and seek out experiences to live life to the fullest and improve the communities of which I am a part.

My Family:
Neil, my husband of 31 years, my biggest cheerleader and personal chef.

My Heroes:
Field researchers who devote their lives to improving the circumstances for wildlife worldwide.

My Escape:
Any vacation — whether three days or three weeks — to get away and experience something very different.

My Pet Peeve:

Narrow-minded people

My Indulgence:
Red wine. Dark chocolate. Great filet. Preferably at one sitting.

My Roots:
Small town. Big hearts. Values to live by.

My Future:

My Love:
Without a doubt, Neil is the love of my life.

My Movie:
Annie. It reminds me that the sun will come out tomorrow…….

My Quote on Life:
“You get out of it [life], what you put into it.”

My Accessories:
Scarves and Victorian jewelry

My Advice to Young Women:
Find a career that matches your internal job description. Consider working for yourself and building a business where you won’t have bosses, only customers.

How I Balance it All……………
I am reminded of Felicity Huffman’s quote: “I juggle everything and balance nothing.” I do the best I can, but sometimes feel like the circus clown spinning a plate atop many sticks without breaking any. Easier said than done.

Woman of the Week – Lisa Borkowski-Ludwig

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Lisa Borkowski-Ludwig

My Current Job/Company: Vitreo-Retinal Specialist/ The Retina Group

My Birthday: 12/23/1968

My Work: I practice a specialized type of Ophthalmology which deals with the Retina. I see patients in the office and perform surgery.

My Passion: My family, work and close friends

My Family: Matt (supportive husband of 10 years), Nate (7) and Lauren (6)

My Heroes: Elizabeth Blackwell, Martin Luther King

My Escape: Beach, spa

My Pet Peeve: Negative people, laziness, bad driving

My Indulgence: Lifetime TV, wine

My Roots: I was raised in a loving, middle-class family with 2 brothers. I grew up in a relatively small town.

My Future: Fulfilling work and family life, watching my kids grow.

My Movie: Anything that takes my mind off stressful situations–especially those movies that make you laugh.

My Love: A smile on my kids’and husband’s faces; helping my patients

My Quote on Life: “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me.” (Erma Bombeck) and “Live beyond yourself.”

My Accessory: My wedding band

My Advice to Young Women: Never believe anyone who says or implies you cannot do something. Work hard, but do not put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect.

How I Balance it All: Excellent question–Prioritize, be organized, and ask for help. I am fortunate to have a supportive husband who helps with our kids in many ways and cooks for us!

Woman of the Week – Susan Fisher Palace

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Susan Fisher Palace

My Current Job/Company: President, Susan Palace Wellness, Certified Health and Weight Loss Coach, Global Director, Take Shape for Life, Corporate Relaxation Speaker

My Birthday: 12-17-1958

My Work: I help people create a state of optimal health and wellbeing in their lives. It starts with getting to a healthy weight and adopting the mindset and practices to create vibrant and radiant health. I take people from surviving (non-sick) to thriving.

My Passion: Making a difference for people in the mind/body/health field. I love learning, growing and experiencing the miracles of transformation.

My Family: I am blessed with a wonderful husband, Andy, a beautiful daughter, Lauren 15 and delightful son Jay, 12. We have an 8 year old Shi Tzu named Roxy.

My Heroes: Anyone who turns a difficult situation into a learning experience or turns a tragedy into a triumph. It takes courage to overcome obstacles.

My Escape: My morning meditation time. 20 minutes wrapped in a blanket on my couch with a cup of hot water and lemon. Snuggling in bed watching movies with my husband and/or children.

My Pet Peeve: Hearing people complain.

My Indulgence: Wine, dark chocolate with almonds and movie theater popcorn with butter.

My Roots: Born in Houston, Texas before it was a BIG city. My dad was a surgeon and mom a teacher. I was the oldest of 4 children born less than 4 years apart. We were taught the value of education and independence from an early age.

My Future: I can’t wait to find out! I am enjoying the journey!!!

My Movie: “Gone with the Wind.” It is a classic and my mom’s favorite book. I could relate to Scarlett O’Hara’s determination when she said, “I will never be hungry again.”

My Love: My husband and children. They nourish me beyond belief. I also cherish my girlfriends, my mom and my sister.

My Quote on Life: “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” -John Wooden

My Accessory: Silver earrings

My Advice to Young Women: Everything starts with a decision. Focus on who you are and what you want. Accept that it takes time to master your profession (research shows 10 years). Ask for what you need. Use challenges and setbacks as opportunities to grow and learn. Take responsibility for outcomes in your life. Surround yourself with support — coaches, mentors, colleagues and friends!

How I Balance it All: For me, balance is an “experience” that is dynamic — never static. Focus, structure and support are my keys to making it happen.

I learned by watching a unicyclist that to balance you must keep moving forward. If you stay still, you will fall. If you look down, you will fall. I keep focused on my priorities and the experience I want to have with my family, my clients, my business and my relationships. If I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I know I am out of balance and need to refocus on enjoying my work and my family. The choice is mine.

I have learned to say no to things (yes I feel a little guilty for not baking or volunteering more). I had to let go of control as my husband and kids take on more responsibility. (What an interesting haircut!)

If I stay balanced on the inside (nutrition, sleep, activity, structure) I am better able to balance my daily life with dignity and ease. It is always a dynamic process!

Woman of the Week – Christy Walsh

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Christy Walsh

My Current Job/Company: Wardrobe Stylist at Wardrobe Therapy, LLC

My Birthday: 4.5.86

My Work: I work with clients within their wardrobe showing them how to work and wear what they currently own, based on their shape and silhouette. I help clients develop a shopping list to fill any holes in their wardrobe, then maximize their wardrobe by pairing the old with the new, creating a whole new wardrobe!

My Passion: Helping women create a greater sense of self-confidence by helping them love what they see when they look in the mirror!

My Family: My amazingly supportive husband, Ted.

My Heroes: My parents. They are a true example of what marriage and happiness should be.

My Escape: Date night with my husband. Anywhere with my husband:)

My Pet Peeve: Improper grammar!

My Indulgence: Snickers Bars!!

My Roots: A beautiful, happy, close family…my biggest cheerleaders.

My Future: A growing family, happiness, love.

My Movie: Rocky IV….long story:)

My Love: Walking into a room and watching my husband light up. Bringing happiness to others. My amazing career–dream job!

My Quote on Life: Do what makes you happy; inspire others.

My Accessory: A smile on my face.

My Advice to Young Women: Find what makes you happy, and work HARD at it.

How I Balance it All: Its not easy. I surround myself with my loving family and friends who keep me positive and know how to calm me when I’ve taken on too much to handle alone. My husband is supportive and is my best friend, I can go to him with anything and he keeps me grounded.

Woman of the Week – Quincy Yu

Each week, we feature a fantastic new woman we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting gals who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

Quincy Yu

My Current Job/Company: President/SeaYu Enterprises, the makers of Clean+Green®

My Birthday: I am a Libra

My Work: Delivering natural cleaning products that work, and educating women about keeping a healthy, sustainable home.

My Passion: I have two major passions right now: ensuring that our children are sufficiently educated because this is the foundation for their futures, and educating women on how to create healthier homes.

My Family: My family consists of a husband and six children (five human and one dog) plus an extended family of siblings and their families of 42 people.

My Heroes: My dad, who left China and his profession to start a new life and better life for his family…and who never complained when working 364 out of 365 days a year.

My Escape: Reading

My Pet Peeve: Rude behavior, i.e. people not getting up on the bus to let elderly people or pregnant women sit down, people talking over others, people talking loudly on their cell phones in public, etc.

My Indulgence: An occasional expensive and decadent glass of my favorite red wine.

My Roots: I am a first generation Chinese American.

My Future: My children.

My Movie: Don’t have one.

My Love: My husband, Dennis.

My Quote on Life: Live life with no regrets.

My Accessory: Shoes.

My Advice to Young Women: Don’t be afraid to fail!

How I Balance it All: Understanding my priorities, and prioritizing demands accordingly.