Non-Profit Spotlight | Amy Klaben | Strategic Opportunities, LLC

Voice & Vision Annual Celebration Awarding Ms. Maude Hill, Vice President of Community and Government Relations at Homeport photo by Commons Studio © 2015 Columbus, Ohio

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Amy Klaben who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Strategic Opportunities, LLC!

All of my life I have been a passionate advocate for women and families as our voices have not been fully heard and our talents fully realized. This is truly a loss to our community–and our country.

I have been privileged to have had a successful career, raise a family in a wonderful community with great schools, and launch my children into healthy, happy adults. I want to live in a world where everyone has the opportunity to prosper as I have and believe that we all benefit by having mixed income neighborhoods where all children, rich or poor or in between, brown, black or white, grow up together, go to school together, and learn from each other. Adults and businesses benefit as well as when people of all backgrounds can live near job opportunities and can participate in the economic fabric of our community.

I am passionate about my work facilitating the new initiative Move to PROSPER as it combines everything that I care deeply about, women, children, and opportunity to reach one’s potential while creatively creating mixed income housing opportunities in high opportunity neighborhoods. Move to PROSPER will provide short term rental support for apartments in high opportunity communities and life coaching to single women in low wage jobs who are working hard to provide the best they can for their children. These families are currently living in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty and the women do not have a safety net and other resources. But they do have motivation, grit, and determination. From prior research studies, we know that many women and families will prosper when given the opportunity. That’s what we will do!

Non-Profit Spotlight | Jess Sparks | Girls on the Run

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Jess Sparks who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at the Girls on the Run!

As Executive Director of Girls on the Run of Central Ohio, the passion for my current work inspiring girls in grades 3-8 to be joyful, healthy and confident continues to evolve from the experiences I have had as a clinical counselor practicing in Central Ohio. Counseling children and their families continues to give me tremendous insight into the negative generational impact of low self esteem, which is confounded when an individual lacks life skills. When a girl is missing key life skills to help her navigate life’s challenges and then throw in a heaping helping of low self esteem, the toll on her social, emotional and physical health can lead to a multitude of negative outcomes. We can’t expect our girls to know how to speak up for themselves or others if we don’t practice doing so with them. We can’t expect girls to show empathy toward others if we don’t model caring for others and ourselves. We can’t expect girls to love their bodies, minds and all the incredible feats they are capable of conquering, if we don’t help them strengthen those muscles (mentally and physically). We can’t do it for them, but we sure can do this with them.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Erika Gable | Women’s Small Business Accelerator, Inc.

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Erika Gable who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at the Women’s Small Business Accelerator, Inc!

Through my work at the Women’s Small Business Accelerator, a local nonprofit, I seek to close the revenue gap between women-owned and male-owned small businesses, and to create a thriving community of women entrepreneurs.

Starting a business is an exciting adventure and can positively contribute to local economies and support growing families. It is also a challenging and isolating time for new entrepreneurs. Through our programming, we help start-up entrepreneurs gain the tools to monetize their business, early-stage entrepreneurs connect with and support each other, and mid-stage entrepreneurs meet their growth goals through hand-paired mentor matches.

Much like the gender pay gap, there is a revenue gap between women and men business owners: There is $3 trillion left on the table – and we want to help women in Central Ohio get their share. Women business owners can then hire and pay their staff living wages, support their own families, and become a positive role-model in the community.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Brandy Jemcuzra & Sarah Pirtle | Seeds of Caring

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friends Brandy Jemcuzra and Sarah Pirtle who are dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work they do at Seeds of Caring!

Our children are our future, and if we want that future to include a kinder, more compassionate community, then we must begin with children. Every day I am energized by the life-changing work of Seeds of Caring. The five year old who was inspired by one of our volunteer events and spearheaded an effort to make 100 worry dolls for kids entering foster care because, in her words, “the kids can tell the dolls all their problems and then they don’t have to worry about them anymore.” As kids engage in Seeds of Caring’s service, social action, and community-building events, they develop a heart for giving back and a seed of caring is planted within them. From making sack lunches for the hungry to sharing music and games with seniors, our kids have so much to give! At every event, I see the aha moments in young minds, I see hearts open, and I see tiny hands determined to build a better community for all of us. I recently asked my four year old daughter if she knew why Mommy spent so much time with Seeds of Caring and she said “because Seeds of Caring teaches kids to be helpers, and the world needs more helpers.” Yes it does, and I am truly honored to be part of this important work.

As a mother of three young children, I know this to be true: What we tell our children, what we re-tell and reinforce for them during these early developmental years, will stay with them for a lifetime. That’s why I believe so wholeheartedly in the work Seeds of Caring is doing to imprint upon the hearts, hands, and minds of Columbus-area children ages 2-12 that kindness matters–and that they are fully equipped at this age to share it with the people and communities around them. I have seen firsthand the “lightbulb” go off for so many kids, including my oldest: that they are powerful. That they have the power to create change for good. And that has the potential to transform the places we live, work, and grow for generations to come. It is a true honor to be part of the two-woman team launching this effort for kids and families in our city.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Lisa Hinkelman | Ruling Our Experiences

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Lisa Hinkelman who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Ruling Our Experiences!

My passion for my work comes from knowing that what I am doing is actually making a substantial difference in the lives of girls throughout the country. I feel so rewarded when I see first hand the transformation that happens when girls start to believe that they are strong and worth defending, when they realize that their voice and opinion matter, and when they begin to consciously and confidently stand up for themselves and for other girls.

The recent research that we conducted with The Girls’ Index with nearly 11,000 girls across the country was another intense motivator for me in this work. Some of the statistics are quite sobering. When nearly 1 in 2 girls don’t say what they are thinking or disagree with others because they want to be liked, I believe we have a crisis! We are missing out on the opinions, ideas, thoughts, creativity and contributions of so many girls. Knowing what we now know, we have a responsibility to act and to work diligently to create a better world for girls.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Tracey Williams | Delta Gamma

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Tracey Williams who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Delta Gamma!

When I joined Delta Gamma as a member, I never would have imagined the connections I have made with sisters all over North America. These sisters have become my friends, my mentors and lifelong connections. When I visit collegiate and alumnae members, inspiring change and development, I am reminded of the passion I feel toward this organization. I often reflect on how fortunate I am to love what I do for a living. It is more than a job. And I think that’s what passion is – it’s a feeling of intense enthusiasm toward or compelling desire for someone or something. For me, that something is Delta Gamma.

Non-Profit Spotlight | Michelle Moskowitz Brown | Local Matters

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Michelle Moskowitz Brown who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at Local Matters!

We all make assumptions about how other people eat and why, and I am passionate about dispelling myths and upending judgment on this topic. I am passionate about my work at Local Matters, working toward a reality where everyone has the resources they need to eat well and feed their families.

Perhaps my passion comes from having grown up food insecure and losing my brother to a diet-related disease. These experiences do fuel me, but my passion is broader. I care about affecting change. I believe that it is not the job of experts, but rather of the curious, committed, and compassionate people who apply their values to their lives to do so. Don’t get me wrong, we need to move mountains and we need leadership to get there, but it’s not the only thing that matters.

At this point, diet-related chronic diseases hardly discriminate based on socioeconomic status. The top ten purchases in the grocery carts of SNAP (food stamps) vs. non-SNAP households are the same. I am passionate about making sure everyone has access to the food of their choice and that it’s easier for everyone to get food on the table. I do not romanticize this process, I do not have a problem with convenient food, and I do understand why people use the drive-thru. But I also know that people with limited income do cook more meals at home than others, and that most people need support in building their cooking skills and cutting through food marketing nonsense.

I have always loved the phrase, “If not now, then when.” More recently, I realized this was a Hillel quote, in full, “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? If I am not for others, then what am I? And if not now, then when?” Here’s to living our passions every day!

Non-Profit Spotlight | Mary Augsburger | The Ohio State Bar Association

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Mary Augsburger who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at The Ohio State Bar Association!

As the daughter of public servants, public policy has always been in my DNA and I went to law school in hopes that I could find a constructive way to get involved and make a difference. Ultimately, I’ve found my perfect home at the Ohio State Bar Association. Here I get to work directly with policy makers at the state and federal level and alongside men and women (our member attorneys) who are dedicated to protecting the rule of law and advancing justice. How can a gal with my background be anything but inspired?

Non-Profit Spotlight – Ginger Young | The Childhood League

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses, and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our friend Ginger Young who is dedicated to making a difference through the amazing work she does at The Childhood League!

For as long as I can remember, I have identified with and felt a strong desire to work with those who are marginalized in our community. Whether it was working in mental health for over 15 years or volunteering for the Deaf Olympics, the drive to make an impact has been motivating in my life. This passion is what brought me to The Childhood League Center. Seventy-three years ago a group of forward thinking, innovative women started The Childhood League Center with the core belief that very young children, with the most challenging starts, deserve the best our community can offer. I love the work that I do, I love the difference I am able to make, and I love being surrounded by passionate, talented, and dedicated people. I say this often and I will say it again…I have the best job in the world!

Non-Profit Spotlight – Nichole Dunn | Flying Horse Farms

We are excited to take the month of February to highlight women making an impact in our community through the work they do in non-profit organizations. We asked these women to share one thing…why they are passionate about their work. We are inspired by their responses and we know you will be, too! Today are thrilled to highlight our good friend Nichole Dunn and the amazing work she is doing at Flying Horse Farms!

Working at Flying Horse Farms is just as much, if not more so, personal as it is professional. What compels me and what I’m passionate about is creating experiences for kids and families they would otherwise never have. Camp isn’t just a few days together with others that can relate; and we’re talking about a medical camp providing care for kids with serious illnesses and their families, which in its own right is incredible! But Flying Horse Farms is about magic moments of resiliency, relief, laughter, connection, being fearless, making memories, being silly when silly has often been forgotten in the midst of just surviving. I am committed to the belief and value that we all need safety and a sense of belonging to be thriving human beings. This happens at Flying Horse Farms – and stays with them when the campers go home.