Perspective on….Time Management

As managers, one of the most common things we hear from our rising stars is, “I don’t have enough hours in the day!” Or, “I wish I had more time.” or, “Can you help me with my time management skills?”

Here’s one simple tip you can give any employee and especially those with the motivation and skills to rise to the top of your organization:

Start and end meetings on time.

When practiced consistently, this one thing makes all the difference. Tell your leaders to be tough on this topic and don’t let other people take advantage of their time.

In fact, we should all try this. Imagine what our work days would look like!

On Mentors

Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight”

Perspective on Business Development

Do you want to help your top performers grow in an area outside their function? The number one area where you can help them grow is in business development/relationship management.

Push them to spend time on being an influencer, presenting a case and networking outside of the office. Whether you are a CPA, attorney, engineer or business leader – these are skills that really matter!

On the Topic of Sales

Confidence and enthusiasm are the greatest sales producers in any kind of economy.
-O. B. Smith

The Difference Maker…. Confidence

One huge difference I have seen in my years of coaching, recruiting and training is the women who get ahead versus the women who don’t are the ones who possess confidence. Some have it, and some don’t. And, sadly, the ones who possess confidence and still show kindness are even fewer.

You know where I am going here. It’s hard to be aggressive and not be categorized as abrasive. It’s hard to be a go-getter and not alienate others. It’s hard to be the A+ player and the Team Player. But, the lady who conquers it all can take on the world!

The common denominator of most of my private coaching clients is that at some point they are challenged with this very topic: confidence! Or shall I say, the lack of confidence. I work with females who are at the top of their game. I work with the best and brightest and yet they still question themselves – are they smart enough, experienced enough, sophisticated enough?

So, how do we help our most talented female leaders overcome these obstacles? If we take a second and recognize a few things that we can share with these women, it could be an easier ride for them along this crazy career journey.

1. Moments: Well, first of all whether you are in high school or a senior executive of a Fortune 500 organization, you need to realize these moments of fear are just that “moments.” Get over it and move on, girl! Find a song, a theme, a friend a source of inspiration to get you there fast!
2. Fuel: The person who can get into your head and rattle you the most is YOU! Are you going to be the fuel to the flame when are feeling a bit intimated? Or are you going to smack that self doubt in the face?!
3. Fake It: The second you get the opportunity to make the big pitch, to lead the conference or to step up for the promotion, fake it ’til you make it. It’s a common shared strategy for overcoming self doubt and I encourage you to give it all you’ve got to work through the fear and do your very best. It’s the only way you’ll get ahead.
4. Circle: In any company, organization, community or even family there are judgments, negative comments and not-so-nice feedback. If you listen to it long enough, you will believe it. You are who you surround yourself with. If you are constantly raising the bar and surrounding yourself with confident, positive people (men or women) you will start to be more confident yourself.

I challenge you to raise your hand, stretch your limits, take on the project you don’t think you are qualified for. Be confident, show confidence, walk with confidence and talk with confidence.

Oh and by the way, even if you aren’t feeling confident everyday… act like you are. And, once you mastered the confidence category, don’t forget ….. kindness! It will take you further than you can imagine.

Quote on Confidence

Pay no attention to what the critics say.  A statue has never been erected in honor of a critic.

~Jean Sibelius

Perspective on Confidence

In my years of coaching, recruiting and training women, the biggest difference I’ve seen between women who get ahead and those who don’t is that the ones who get ahead possess confidence.

Among that elite group women, those who show confidence and kindness rise to the top.

Help Your Leaders Shine Outside the Office

Today’s post is something you can share with your emerging and existing leaders to encourage them to take their community involvement a step further and engage in a non-profit board of directors. Come to think of it, as a leader yourself, you should consider this route as well. What are you waiting for?

For both experienced leaders and up and comers, it’s important to get involved in your local community. Non profit board involvement has numerous benefits. In fact, being part of a non-profit organization can be one of the most rewarding leadership experiences you can ever gain.

But many people shy away from this type of service. Here are the top three excuses I hear from leaders.

1. Who would want me? I’m not qualified.

Quit discounting your abilities, no matter how old or young you are! What a board of directors needs is your genuine interest and your time. They need you to be present and make a positive difference. And they need the many skills and talents you may not even realize you possess.

2. How would I ever fit it into my schedule? I’m too busy.
Yep, so is everybody else I know. Here’s one way to fit it in: think about where you already are in life and consider organizations that fall within your areas of interest. If you have kids, consider non-profits that involve children. There’s no better way to maximize your time and interests.

3. Where would I even start? What would I do?
Research. Find out the non-profits and organizations that interest you. Volunteer with them to make sure you like their mission and how they operate. Spend time getting to know their leaders. And, when you are ready, let their Executive Director know you are interested.

Above all else, make sure you find an organization whose mission aligns with your passion. You need to learn, live and love the message of the non-profit you are supporting. It needs to fit into your life perfectly. We are all way too busy these days to spend time furthering a mission or message that we don’t understand or have to force ourselves to get excited about! Whatever you are supporting needs to come from the heart.

If you love books, how about getting involved in your local library? On the flip side, if you’re not a pet lover, the humane society is probably not the right fit for you. Consider your Local Chamber of Commerce. Want to get more involved with your church in a meaningful way? Find a committee or board position.

We need more women leaders at the top of organizations, starting their own businesses and serving on both non-profit and for-profit boards. The only way we can increase our numbers in those arenas is to stop making excuses and just do it.

Take the plunge, serve as an example and others will follow!

On Service

Service is the rent we pay for living.
-Marian Wright Edelman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund

Perspective on….Community Engagement

Hey, leaders: many of your highest performers want to be involved in the community.

Guess what? You need to encourage it AND reward it!  Some of the best organizations have this threaded into performance reviews.  How wonderful!