Women of the Week – Their advice for young women

We love looking back at the advice our Women of the Week have for those coming up behind them. We hope you find it as valuable as we do!

Cheryl Allen
Learn to listen to your heart.

Jennifer Pritchard
Don’t let a silly thing like “qualifications” get in the way of your goals. Drive and perseverance are great substitutes.

Julie Talbot Hubbard
Believe in yourself. Stop any doubts and never give up on your dreams.

Brandi Hann
Live your life with purpose and passion. It is so easy to get caught up in making more money, going for the next promotion and focusing on tangible representations of success. This all means nothing if you are not living your life with purpose and passion.

Dorice Agee
Dream big, work hard, be grateful and forgiving, be kind to others and give yourself grace. Start each new day with a positive attitude no matter how yesterday ended. Life is good!

Women of the Week – How they balance it all

We’ve received some fantastic advice on achieving balance from our Women of the Week. Take a quick peek…we hope you find their words as helpful as we do!

Mindi Wells
I always have a list going and my calendar on my desk. It took me years to figure out the key to balance was learning how to say no and not feel guilty about it.

Meredith Piccin
Write everything down, use a calendar and do not over schedule life!

Katie Tornow
Self Journal: Set Targets/Priorities for the day, block time for every detail and extend my gratitude.

Carolyn Barger
A lot of lists – I get a lot of joy out of being productive and efficient.

Woman of the Week – Stephanie Leader

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Stephanie Leader

My Current Job/Company:
CEO Leader Promotions, Inc.

My Birthday:

My Work:
My focus is a strategic driven creative approach that solves corporate initiatives through promotional products and apparel creating top of mind awareness and positive results!

My Passion:
My family, helping other women entrepreneurs, and excelling at my career.

My Family:
Brian (husband), Andrew (son, 19 pursing his passion for music in LA), Alexis (daughter, 17, a junior in high school), Molly (our English bulldog and the head of the house!).

My Hero or Heroes:
My heroes are my Grandfather (90 yrs old) who inspired me to do whatever I set my mind too, and my Grandmother (89) who continues to remind me that life is what you make it and how important balance is, as well! I am so lucky that I have them in my life – a true blessing!

My Escape:
The mountains. Spending time in Colorado and breathing the mountain air (something I don’t do often – deeply). It helps bring me back to center and fuels my mind and body. A true escape!

My Pet Peeve:
People with no common sense, others who judge without knowing the facts, and small paper clips.

My Indulgence:
Champagne! Just love the bubbles! Such a happy drink.

My Roots:
Very strong family values and traditions. I grew up not having extras (no vacations, dinners out, or anything material). I never knew I was missing anything because of the support and love from my parents.

My Future:
Busy, busy and busy. But that’s what I like as long as I have time to be with my family. (Especially seeing my son in LA and my daughter’s lax and field hockey games!)

My Favorite Quote:
I have a lot of favorite quotes but this one is simple and balanced…

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

A friend told me this and it reminds me to embrace what I am doing and take it in. Not to always be looking for something more. I am not sure who it was originally coined the quote, but it has stuck with me.

My Accessory:
Great shoes and handbags!! Truly a weakness of mine 🙂

My advice to Young Women:
Nothing in life is easy, but as women we are equipped with the strength to create a path to success. Keep your head high and your mind focused – you can achieve anything!

How I Balance it All:
Balance for me has been challenging, and at times I feel like I have none, but I am always mindful of its importance and therefore striving to achieve it!

Woman of the Week – Casey Brown

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Casey Brown

My Current Job/Company:
President & Pricing Consultant / Boost

My Birthday:

My Work:
If you are excellent at what you do, you should be paid like you are excellent. I help companies dramatically improve profitability by changing the way they think about price and value.

My Passion:
Living a full, exuberant life.

My Family:
My wonderful guy Jeff, my adventurous, smart, creative daughters Kira and Lia (10 and 8), and Jeff’s kind, intelligent, funny sons Kyle and Alex (19 and 17).

My Hero or Heroes:
Abraham Lincoln for his vision, commitment to a cause, humility, eloquence, leadership, resolve, emotional control, and capacity to listen to different points of view.

My Escape:
Jeff and I have 21 acres of woods in Maryland near one of our favorite whitewater kayaking spots. It’s my haven.

My Pet Peeve:
People who are perpetually late.

My Indulgence:
Trips, trips, and more trips.

My Roots:
Blue collar, rural Appalachian Ohio. My father was a truck driver and my mother stayed home with my brothers and me.

My Future:
Building a tiny cabin on our land in Maryland, continuing to travel for fun and volunteerism, spending time with our kids in exciting places!

My Favorite Quote:
“Some people are so poor, all they have is money.”
~ Patrick Meagher

My advice to Young Women:
People pleasing is a thief of joy and contentment. Instead, pursue a path that rewards you. (Ironically, this serves the rest of the world best, anyway.) Focus on self-care.

How I Balance it All:
It’s taken a long time to learn to say “no” sometimes and to ask for help, but these are my two keys to balancing my priorities.

Woman of the Week – Stacey Borowicz

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Work:
I am a healthcare attorney: helping healthcare providers with business transactions and regulatory compliance.

My Passion:
Faith, family and friends.

My Family:
Louis (husband of 13 years), Madison (11) and Mia (10) + 2 cats.

My Hero or Heroes:
Jesus Christ

My Escape:
Travel! Visiting new places near or far resets my brain.

My Pet Peeve:
Missing socks — pairs go into the laundry but only singles comes out?

My Indulgence:
Wine and chocolate.

My Roots:
Close-knit family from northeastern Ohio. Happy memories of neighborhood kickball games and large family holiday gatherings.

My Future:
Filled with adventure, old friends and new places.

My Favorite Quote:
I have several, but my mantra is:
This little light of mine; I’m gonna let it shine.
~Harry Dixon Loes.

My Accessory:
Lipstick and jewelry completes any outfit.

My advice to Young Women:
Life is a journey; take time to enjoy the journey and cherish your daily gifts.

How I Balance it All:
A spouse who is in the mix, hired help and remembering that sometimes good is good enough.

Women of the Week – Monday Morning Inspiration!

We all have a favorite quote. A few wise words that get our thoughts and perspective in line. Here are a few of our favorites, as provided by our Women of the Week…

Dorice Agee
Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
~Author Unknown

Dana Gierut
With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity.
~Mark Twain

Jennifer Tscholl, M.D.
Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education.
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Rachel Sabo
Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
~Henry Ford

Stella Keane
We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.
~Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything

Woman of the Week – Meredith Piccin

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Meredith Piccin

My Current Job/Company:
Owner/Designer Honey Rose & K Jewelry

My Work:
I’m the owner and designer of Honey Rose & K jewelry. Eco-chic jewelry and accessories for the modern bohemian. My pieces are handmade in my Upper Arlington studio using vintage finds mixed with modern elements and design.

My Passion:
My family, an Eco-chic lifestyle, design.

My Family:
Joe (Supportive Husband), Charlie (Imaginative Son- 12), Felice (Creative Daughter – 6)

My Hero or Heroes:
My parents. My Mom is such a calming soul and the BEST listener. My Dad is a jack of all trades and full of passion.

My Escape:
Time with my girlfriends to unwind and family vacations.

My Pet Peeve:
When someone says, “It’s not personal, it’s business.”

My Indulgence:
Wine and Swedish fish.

My Roots:
Small town living in a repurposed barn surrounded by farms, nature, creativity and love.

My Future:
Exciting and adventurous with surprises along the way.

My Favorite Quote:
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the Don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me…Anything can happen child. Anything can be.”
~Shell Silverstein

My Accessory:
My Grandmothers ring and my Honey Rose & K Jewelry!

My advice to Young Women:
If you dream it, you can achieve it. Just get out there and try.

How I Balance it All:
Write everything down, use a calendar and do not over schedule life!

Women of the Week – A summertime escape!

Summertime is the perfect time to step out of your everyday and escape it all! Our Women of the Week have a few ideas to get you started…

Mindi Wells
Cruising with the top down on the Jeep Wrangler with Kenny Chesney blasting from the soundbar – it doesn’t get any better than that!

Tracy Harbold
A beach vacation with my amazing husband and family.

Jen Tscholl, M.D.
Any getaway with my husband (preferably without kids!) is a great way for me to refocus, even if it is just a day date. I also cherish time away with my girlfriends, particularly my close-knit college crew.

Brandi Hann
Yoga and meditation. It is so important to slow your brain down and rest your thoughts.

Marcie Seidel
To the country with lush greenery, flowers and flowing creeks.

Woman of the Week – Erin Wanke

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Erin Wanke

My Current Job/Company:
Health Coach/Erin Wanke Wellness

My Work:
I run a health coaching and wellness services company. I work with clients 1:1 to improve their health and wellness by crowding out bad habits with better ones. My job is to help cut through all the confusing health information out there, find what works best for each client and keep it fun and manageable!

My Passion:
Helping others learn that we don’t have to beat ourselves up about doing everything perfectly in relation to our health…but to be aware that our choices matter. Small changes can have big, lasting effects!

My Family:
My crazy crew includes my amazing husband John, and three little people that keep us on our toes and make life a little more interesting each day: Noah (7), Maya (5), and Eve (3). And the world’s longest living Beta fish, Max.

My Hero or Heroes:
I admire and am inspired by so many people! But top of mind is my parents. Both of them have always shown through their actions how to be a better person. Another that comes immediately to mind is one of my oldest, closest friends who has faced a big, scary diagnosis with grace, courage, humor, and optimism. She inspires me every day.

My Escape:
Anytime I get to go on vacation with my family is special time for me. Getting away from everyday life and just enjoying that carefree time together.

My Pet Peeve:
Negative people. Gossip. Clutter (even though I fight a losing battle against that one!).

My Indulgence:
The queso dip at Nada.

My Roots:
I’m a born and bred Ohio girl (Cincinnati), although I have also lived in Chicago and Seattle. There’s something special about the big city feel but small town charm of a place like Columbus, with midwestern values of hard work, humility, and a sense of supportive community.

My Future:
I’m excited to see what the future holds! I have lots of plans and ideas for the business, and family life is always an adventure as the kids grow and transform. I love that life is ever evolving and we have the power to change things, whether it’s by starting a new venture or just changing your mindset about a difficult situation.

My Favorite Quotes:
The first step towards getting somewhere is deciding you are no longer going to stay where you are.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

My Accessory:
I have pretty simple style. My favorite accessory is a ring my husband gave me when our youngest was born, with a stone to represent each of the five of us.

My Advice to Young Women:
The people you spend time with have an effect on you! Surround yourself with positive people who offer support and inspire you not to give up. Do the same for those around you.

How I Balance it All:
There are definitely days I’m not sure that I do! Prioritizing the things that are most important is key, and so much easier to say than to do. I wake up before the kids each morning and part of what I do is review what needs to get done that day, in order of importance. I can almost 100% guarantee that things will come up to get me off track, but knowing the key things that have to get done keeps me focused. Instead of beating yourself up for what you didn’t get done, think about all that you did!

Woman of the Week – Lynette Justice

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Lynette Justice

My Current Job/Company:
Institutional Sales/Huntington Investment Company

My Birthday:

My Work:
I help non-profits and mid-sized corporations develop and execute personalized investment strategies.

My Passion:
I’m a nurturer at heart. I enjoy taking care of people. Medicine was my first love and although I didn’t become a doctor, I’ve always had an interest in medical science.

My Family:
Kevin (Husband) and Brittny (Adult Daughter)

My Hero or Heroes:
My father. Regardless of what is going on around him he is always calm and grounded. He is at peace with himself.

My Escape:
A relaxing evening at home with my husband…great food and a glass of wine.

My Pet Peeve:
People that don’t say what they mean!

My Indulgence:
Dark chocolate.

My Roots:
Simple. I had a great childhood, two loving parents, a sister and a brother. I have very fond memories of growing up in Columbus, Ohio.

My Future:
Very challenging and full of opportunity!

My Favorite Quote:
“Happiness is a decision. You are as happy as you decide to be!”

My Accessory:
I’m a minimalist. A clean face, colorful lipstick and a welcoming disposition.

My advice to Young Women:
Try to stay positive and look for the good in all people and each experience.

How I Balance it All:
I’m a list hog. I have to write everything down. I take pleasure in being able to cross an item off my list because it has been completed.