Advice Given To Young Women We All Should Follow!

Starting the week with some advice given to young women by three of our Women of the Week.

Be comfortable in your own skin. Stop trying to be like someone else. Do not be afraid to embrace your own unique attributes and recognize that most of the people who look like they have it all together really do not. If you are not your own unique self, who might the world be missing out on? ~Melissa Pierre-Louis

Find confidence and build upon it every day. Surround yourself with outstanding mentors. Accept feedback and trust in the advice of those you admire. Acknowledge and learn from your mistakes, and then put them behind you and move on. ~Angie Joffe

Understand the importance of self-promotion and take control of your own destiny. Take time to reflect on your goals and let others know what direction you want to head. It’s amazing how other people will help you achieve your goals if they know what you’re striving for. And above all else, help other women along the way. Paying it forward is the best way women can give back and help generate more success for our future generations. ~Tanya Crawford

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