Woman of the Week – Angie Buccilli

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name: Angie Buccilli

My Current Job/Company: Director of Talent Acquisition at Bold Penguin

My Work: I help connect people to the company & career that caters to their top motivating factors in life and work.

My Passion: Enjoying life & finding the positive, making people feel good, not accepting everything at face value and wanting to understand “why”.

My Family: Dad, Dominic (older brother), Pat (twin brother), Ali (sister-in-law), and my five year old Great Dane/Lab – Shaq.

My Hero or Heroes: My parents & my Grandma (my Mom’s mom). Greatest role models I’ll ever have in my life. My Mom & Grandma are passed, but their voices of reason and spirit are my guiding light every day. I’m lucky to have my Dad by my side still. His strength is inspiring!

My Escape: Living in my moments without technology. Preferably outdoors with an ice cold craft brew & genuine, fun company!

My Pet Peeve: People (especially children) without manners.

My Indulgence: Craft beer & buttered popcorn at the movie theater

My Roots: Italian food & tradition. Family & friends. Treat others as you’d want to be treated. Music. Dancing. Constant laughter.

My Future: Controlled by my attitude.

My Favorite Quote: “Live what you love” ~ Jo Deurbrouck

My Accessory: My smile. I often get told I smile a lot. 🙂

My Advice to Young Women: Quiet the noise around you (especially on social media) and find balance within yourself. You are your most powerful tool in your tool box.

How I Balance it All: I always feel behind or as if I’m playing catch up, but you learn that most everyone around you feels the same way. Surround yourself with people who are smarter and kinder than you. Those people help me balance it all.

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