Woman of the Week – Sheila Aekins

Here at Executive Elements, we like to feature fantastic women we think you should know. Some of these women are clients, some are friends, some are women we’ve only just met. But they all have this in common: they are dynamic, interesting women who have agreed to share with us their insights and secrets to success.

My Name:
Sheila Aekins

My Current Job/Company:
Director, Human Resources / JobsOhio

My Work:
I am a Human Resources professional focused on connecting organizations with human capital in order to create a positive, productive and successful work environment.

My Passion:
Faith, Family, Friends and actively engaging in activities that encourage and motivate others.

My Family:
I am the proud mother to Yasmine, my 14 year old daughter who is spirited and beautiful inside and out. Yasmine would never let me live down not mentioning my “grandchild” Coconut (our two year old Cavachon who thinks she is a person and not a dog 😊).

My Hero or Heroes:
My mother, Juanita Lumpkin. She has taught me how to be resilient, stay grounded in Faith, reach for the stars, respect others, learn from my mistakes as well as others and how to be the best mother possible while remaining true to myself.

My Escape:
Doing fun things with Yasmine (Just Dance, movies, travel, etc.), Girls Night Out (GNO), watching good sitcoms or comedians (laughing and relaxing).

My Pet Peeve:
People who misrepresent or fail to provide all the facts/information necessary to make the best decision because they are more focused on their own objects vs achieving the best decision, idea or solution overall.

My Indulgence:
Starbucks (Is it bad when the baristas responds “Hi Sheila” at three Starbucks after they hear my order at the drive thru?).

My Roots:
Strong work ethic (work hard to earn whatever you want vs waiting for it to be given to you), Gratitude/Appreciation (value and appreciate those who feed into your life, they didn’t have to share the lessons, training or experience that enable me to avoid some of life’s pitfalls), Family and Faith (It was those who came before me and their love/prayers/blessings that create the strong foundation I continue to build on to be the best mother, professional, friend…)

My Future:
Positive, bright, and exciting.

My Favorite Quote:
I have two:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

My Accessory:
Sunglasses and jewelry.

My advice to Young Women:
You can learn from everyone, regardless of their age, background or experience. Those younger than you have learned the newest way, those older have learned how to avoid pitfalls, those with different backgrounds may have a creative perspective. Stay open to seeing the world and all the colors and variety it offers.

How I Balance it All:
Setting priorities (keeping top of mind what is really important), focusing on my goals, remembering that communication with those close to me is important and there is nothing wrong with asking for help when needed.

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